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Serious Get Ready For China-India War 2020-2021


Alfrescian (Inf)
Emperor Xi needs some external distraction to consolidate his powers at home.

New tensions flare up along disputed India-China border

NEW DELHI/BEIJING -- India and China on Monday accused each others' troops of provocative movements along their de facto Himalayan border more than two months after a violent confrontation that left 20 Indian soldiers dead and unspecified casualties on the Chinese side.

The incident occurred on the night of August 29-30, India's defense ministry said in a statement, accusing People's Liberation Army troops of violating the previous consensus arrived at during military and diplomatic talks.

"Indian troops pre-empted this PLA activity on the Southern Bank of Pangong Tso Lake [in eastern Ladakh], undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on [the] ground," it said. Previous clashes had taken place on the northern bank.

"The Indian Army is committed to maintaining peace and tranquility through dialogue, but is also equally determined to protect its territorial integrity," the statement said, adding a brigade commander-level flag meeting was in progress between the two sides at the Chushul border point to resolve the issue.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the PLA's Western Theater Command, which oversees Chinese troops on the disputed border, accused the Indian army of crossing the so-called Line of Actual Control in a "flagrant provocation."

The spokesperson condemned the action and said Chinese troops "have taken necessary measures."

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters at a news briefing on Monday in Beijing that Chinese border troops "never cross the Line of Actual Control." The LAC serves as a de facto border between the two countries in the absence of a mutually accepted boundary.

Neither side gave details on the confrontation or said whether there were casualties, suggesting the incident may have been a minor scuffle.

But the Indian statement was made public, unlike in the past when clashes were reported based on information obtained from sources.

"The release of the Indian statement to the media seems to signal the confrontation was serious," strategic affairs expert Brahma Chellaney tweeted.

There have been several rounds of dialogue between the two sides to disengage, especially after the June 15 Galwan Valley clash in eastern Ladakh, which was the first fatal incident in over four decades. No major progress has been reported in the talks so far.

"Complete disengagement requires re-deployment of troops by each side towards their regular posts on their respective sides of the LAC," Anurag Srivastava, a spokesperson for India's Ministry of External Affairs, said last week.

"It is natural that this can be done only through mutually agreed reciprocal actions. Thus, it is important to bear in mind that achieving this requires agreed actions by both sides," Srivastava said.

New Delhi and Beijing have contested this stretch of Ladakh in the western Himalayas for decades. After a war in 1962, which India lost, both sides have stationed troops in the alpine region, yet followed a series of measures to ensure that tensions were kept under control -- including agreements prohibiting soldiers to carry weapons.

But since the ascension of Xi Jinping to general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India -- both of whom follow muscular brands of foreign policy -- the PLA and the Indian Army have faced off multiple times in the region.

"The system of protocols that was working for years to keep the peace petered out in the last seven or eight years," said Lt. Gen Rakesh Sharma, the former commander of the Indian Army's Leh-based 14 Corps which overlooks the contested area. "The Chinese position is hardening, and there seems to be no relaxation or signs of them withdrawing from areas they hold. However, this time, we saw them coming. We were prepared."

In early July, Modi paid a surprise visit to Ladakh to take stock of the situation on the ground. The visit was seen as a message of support for the soldiers stationed there and also sent a strong political signal to Beijing that New Delhi was serious about resolving the issue.

"Along [the borders], whoever tried to raise an eye toward the country's sovereignty, our armed forces gave them a befitting reply in the language they understand," Modi said in his address to the nation on the country's Independence Day on Aug. 15, referring to China and Pakistan, both regarded as threats.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's the sideshow. The real show happens in the South China Sea. You think all those USA aircraft carrier strike groups travelled halfway across the globe just to park there for some pre-election saber rattling? :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
China threatens to escalate border tensions with India

The Xi Jinping regime on Monday evening threatened that China-India border tensions will "surely escalate this time," since India had "crossed the LAC and purposely launched provocations."

The statement issued in Chinese state-run Global Times came after India on Monday morning revealed that it had pre-emptively thwarted Chinese intentions to unilaterally change the status quo on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in eastern Ladakh.

India's Ministry of Defence said that People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops had violated the previous consensus arrived at during military and diplomatic engagements during the ongoing standoff in eastern Ladakh and carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo.

"Indian troops pre-empted this PLA activity on the Southern Bank of Pangong Tso Lake, undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on the ground," the Indian government said.

The Indian Army is committed to maintaining peace and tranquillity through dialogue, but is also equally determined to protect its territorial integrity, the statement said. A brigade commander-level flag meeting was held on Monday at Chushul to resolve the issues.

However, China rejected the Indian statement, claiming that instead, Indian troops had "illegally crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC) on Monday, which is a severe violation of the consensus reached before at the multi-level talks between the two countries," the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Western Theatre Command said on Monday night.

The PLA Western Theatre Command urged India to withdraw its troops that crossed the LAC and strictly restrain frontline forces. "Such blatant provocations lead to tensions on the border," the statement said.

Quoting experts, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China (CPC) regime said, "Indian action this time will definitely escalate tensions, as China has been forced to be tough and would take action; otherwise the Indian provocation would be endless."

About 70 per cent of respondents to a recent survey conducted by the Global Times and China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) agree that the Chinese government should be tough in fighting back against India's provocations, and 89.1 per cent support military retaliation, with 50.4 per cent of them "strongly supporting" self-defence and counterattacks, the report said.

Admitting that the "negotiations held by the both sides since June 15 have achieved limited progress, as the Indian stance remains tough," the Chinese experts said that they had "even urged Chinese troops to retreat from some locations within Chinese territory, which China has refused."


Alfrescian (Inf)
India-China border dispute: Importance of Pangong Tso and why its fingers are much sought after


India has been patrolling the area - mostly on foot because of the nature of the terrain - up to Finger 8. But Indian forces have not had active control beyond Finger 4.

China, on the other hand, says the LAC passes through Finger 2. It has been patrolling up to Finger 4- mostly in light vehicles, and at times up to Finger 2.

The confrontation that took place in May happened at Finger 5. And, the current theatre of eye-to-eye confrontation is Finger 2, where the Chinese rushed in the aftermath of the confrontation.

Traditionally, China has been staking claim up to Finger 4, which is where Chinese troops had made advances in 2017 during the Doklam standoff. A video of the soldiers from two sides exchanging punches and kicks had gone viral back then.

It was Finger 4 where China demolished a permanent structure it had built in 2014-15 after the Indian side strongly objected to such construction. The demolition by China underlined mutual understanding that it was on the Indian side of the territorial control.

However, the latest Chinese move is part of its long-term strategy to gain greater control of the area. It was under this design, China had built road up to 5 km on the Indian side of the LAC in 1999, during the Kargil war with Pakistan.

India had to pull out troops from Pangong Tso area for Operation Vijay. China saw an opportunity to make advance its encroachment and built a metalled road along the lake 5 km inside.

Pangong Tso is strategically crucial as it is very close to Chusul Valley, which was one of the battlefronts between India and China during the 1962 war.

China appears to keep India constricted in the region by taking strategic advantage of looking over the Chusul Valley, which it can do if it advances along Pangong Tso. This assessment is likely to reflect in Indian approach when the two sides sit for "disengagement" talks on Saturday.



Alfrescian (Inf)
China building missile bases on disputed border: source

Open source satellite imagery suggests China is strengthening its military stance on the disputed Sino-Indian border area, including an area where troops clashed in May, The Hindustan Times reported.

The satellite imagery, shared by the open source intelligence analyst who uses the name @detresfa on Twitter, show what appear to be two sites at which the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is developing surface-to-air missile facilities in the controversial Doklam and Sikkim sectors.

Both these sites are near what have been described as “suspected early warning radar sites” opposite Sikkim state.

Experts said the location of missile air defence facilities close to radar installations would help the Chinese side to pick out possible targets with greater accuracy, the report said.

In a graphic posted on Twitter, @detresfa said the new missile facilities were apparently part of China’s “ongoing upgrades and expansion of air defence assets along its border with India.”

The new missile facilities are located roughly 50 km away from Doka La (Doka pass), close to the Doklam plateau that was the scene of a 73-day military standoff between India and China in 2017, and Naku La (Naku pass), where troops from the two countries had clashed on May 9, the report said.

China’s J-20 fighter jets near India border?

The deployment of China’s most advanced J-20 stealth fighter near the border with India should not be over-interpreted in context of the Sino-India border friction as the tension is de-escalating, Chinese state media has said.

The long-range jets’ deployment, which is yet to be confirmed by the People’s Liberation Army Airforce (PLAAF), could be for the aircraft’s long-distance flight practice and part of the warplane’s protocols to adapt to different environment, Global Times, the nationalistic tabloid, said in an article.

The article was referring to a news article published in Forbes, which cited satellite imagery to claim that two J-20 fighter aircraft have been deployed by the PLAAF near the India-China border.

The J-20 is China’s fourth-generation medium- and long-range fighter aircraft, and it was commissioned into air force combat service in 2018.

The aircraft were spotted, some 320 km from the border, at the Hotan airport in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

China’s armed forces have so far not made any announcement about deploying fighter aircraft near the border though it is likely fighter jet squadrons are stationed near the long and disputed border with India.

“The J-20 is a long-range heavy fighter jet. So, when deployed in Hotan, it can potentially cover many areas in Central and South Asia,” it said.

The nationalistic tabloid, known for its anti-India rhetoric, however, sought to play down the development.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's the sideshow. The real show happens in the South China Sea. You think all those USA aircraft carrier strike groups travelled halfway across the globe just to park there for some pre-election saber rattling? :wink:

2020-2021 is the appetizer. 2022-2023 is the main course.

Xi Jinping is facing enormous political pressure at home. A significant victorious war with India will boost his image within the CCP and consolidate his powers further for the finale with Trump.


Of course the PRCs will start a war they are that stupid led by Xi the the flu usurper. Reminds me of this guy


war is best form of peace

China should Genocide ABNN Ah Nehs TOTALLY. PLA is strong enough to occupy New Delhi permanently and rename it to 阿三帮。 However ruling that shit-hole-Ah-Neh-land is just a great burden. The usefulness of resources gained is too little to justify the fucking efforts. To make it easy is to genocide the Ah Nehs TOTALLY and use the resources e.g. coastline & land and ports. Convert the Ah Neh tea leaves production and rename them to 阿三茶。

Tony Tan


环球时报:中国的实力数倍于印度 该动手时就要动手

环球时报:中国的实力数倍于印度 该动手时就要动手




关键字 : 中国


Global Times: China's strength is several times greater than India's. when it should, it should do it
Global Times: China's strength is several times greater than India's. when it should, it should do it
The original title was: editorial: we must fight back hard against India's opportunism
China's Western Theater of war said late Monday that Indian troops illegally crossed the border again on August 31 to occupy and control the South Bank of Bangong Lake and near the reqin mountain pass, openly provoking, seriously violating China's territorial sovereignty and seriously undermining peace and stability in the Sino Indian border area. Earlier in the day, Indian villains first filed a complaint, accusing the Chinese side of taking "provocative military action", and said that India "preempted the people's Liberation Army's action.".
The sentence "preemption" reveals that the Indian side took the lead in taking destructive actions, and the Indian army is the initiator of this confrontation between the two armies.
In June, 20 Indian soldiers died in a fatal physical conflict in the Galvan valley. Over the next two months, India's domestic anti China public opinion was rampant. India carried out economic sanctions against China beyond its capacity, and strengthened the interaction between India and the United States, trying to suppress China's concession. New Delhi has been encouraged by the US side's stance, which is almost open to India.
The South Bank of Bangong Lake, where the confrontation took place, was under the actual control of China. The Indian side wanted to make it a new disputed area and cooperate with India in bargaining between the two sides. It is obvious that India continues to take an enterprising attitude of taking advantage of more on the border issue, rather than placing the maintenance of stability in the border area at the top priority.
India is now plagued with domestic problems, especially the new crown epidemic is seriously out of control. On Sunday, the number of newly diagnosed infections reached 78000, a global record, and the affected economy is very weak. New Delhi also has the intention of diverting domestic attention from the tense border between China and India, which is not only a manifestation of external hooliganism, but also a domestic political fraud.
But it must be pointed out that what new Germany is dealing with is a strong China. The PLA has sufficient strength to defend every inch of the country's territory. All the Chinese people fully support the government's position that it will not take the initiative to offend India or allow it to encroach on China's territory. China is full of strategic determination in the southwest border area and has made various preparations. India wants peace, and we welcome it. If we want to play games, we have better tools and abilities. If we want to make a showdown in the form of war, the PLA will surely be able to make the Indian army suffer a more painful defeat than in 1962.
India should not have illusions about the support from Washington, nor should it embolden itself by strengthening the cooperation between the US, Japan, Australia and India. The border issue between China and India is doomed to be solved between China and India. The United States and others can only support India and coax New Delhi with some "intelligence sharing" and other things. How can the United States help Indians to rob China's land? Instead, the Americans are trying to pull such an abacus: let India and China consume each other and turn India into a more important pawn in its anti China strategy. This is using and humiliating India.
The Bangong Lake confrontation reflects that India has not learned a lesson from the conflict in the kalwan River Valley, and its will to entangle with China and take the initiative to take the initiative remains the same. Since the donglang crisis, the Indian army brazenly crossed the border to provoke China, the tension on the Sino Indian border has continued in accordance with the same logic. The border friction between China and India is likely to last for a long time. Various crises of various sizes will emerge one after another. We should be fully prepared for this.
China needs to do a good job in preparing for the military struggle in the border areas between China and India. We insist on resolving the friction by peaceful means. However, when the Indian side rashly attacks our bottom line, we must not be soft hearted. We should start when we should, and ensure that the war can be won. Every conflict that breaks out should be a lesson for India.
New Delhi should not misread our goodwill that China and India are not enemies. China is several times as powerful as India. It is not our opponent at all. We should resolutely put an end to India's illusion that China will fight against the strong by colluding with the United States and other forces. The history of Asia and the world tells us that the forces that are keen on opportunism are deceptive and afraid of the hard, while India has a typical manifestation of opportunism on the Sino Indian border issue.
Key words: China
I want feedback

A Singaporean

China should Genocide ABNN Ah Nehs TOTALLY. PLA is strong enough to occupy New Delhi permanently and rename it to 阿三帮。 However ruling that shit-hole-Ah-Neh-land is just a great burden. The usefulness of resources gained is too little to justify the fucking efforts. To make it easy is to genocide the Ah Nehs TOTALLY and use the resources e.g. coastline & land and ports. Convert the Ah Neh tea leaves production and rename them to 阿三茶。
Just bomb Ah Nehs back to the stone age. Any surivals will be slaves like Niggers.


I doubt the ah nehs will be able to defend against ah tiong land if ah tiong land fully invades. Every tiong soldier is a Wolf Warrior.



China should Genocide ABNN Ah Nehs TOTALLY. PLA is strong enough to occupy New Delhi permanently and rename it to 阿三帮。 However ruling that shit-hole-Ah-Neh-land is just a great burden. The usefulness of resources gained is too little to justify the fucking efforts. To make it easy is to genocide the Ah Nehs TOTALLY and use the resources e.g. coastline & land and ports. Convert the Ah Neh tea leaves production and rename them to 阿三茶。

Empty rhetoric.

Tiongs dont have the balls to fight Ah Nehs

Let alone their master yankees.

Chinks are genetically inferior

As most stinkies are chinks, and most stinkieporeans admit, their inferior genepool is the reason behind their failures in life. And why stinkies can't compete on their own turf against CECAporeans.



aiyoh how can? start war will be the end of the Sing Sing economy so many close shop cannot tahan


Alfrescian (Inf)

網上傳出一組照片顯示中印邊界一處豎有中文墓碑與紀念碑的墓群,據稱為大陸邊界加拉萬河谷駐軍死者墓葬,其中包括今年6月15日加勒萬河谷(Galwan Valley)大規模衝突的陣亡官兵,情報稱該次衝突有35官兵陣亡。


18 years old PLA soldier's grave.


China should Genocide ABNN Ah Nehs TOTALLY. PLA is strong enough to occupy New Delhi permanently and rename it to 阿三帮。 However ruling that shit-hole-Ah-Neh-land is just a great burden. The usefulness of resources gained is too little to justify the fucking efforts. To make it easy is to genocide the Ah Nehs TOTALLY and use the resources e.g. coastline & land and ports. Convert the Ah Neh tea leaves production and rename them to 阿三茶。
Ture! Super agreed! Ah neh land is wasted filled with smelly shits! Huge population still so lousy! Shld wipe all them out!