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G8 summit disappointments PROVED Obama's lack of Leadership Ability


No promising solutions and agreement had resulted from G8 summit neither in Economic nor Environmental Crisis, nor the H1N1 Influenza matters, nor Iranian nor North Korean matters.

All the most important issues are in disarray and disagreement.

What did that indicated / proved?

Obama is commanding NO LEADERSHIP POSITION in the G8.

He will NEVER make a World Leader like other US presidents.

The world scenario is not expected to get to anywhere better with Obama's serious LACK of leadership.


G8 summit skips dollar debate, aims lower on climate

08/07/2009 09:46

By Darren Ennis and Alister Doyle

L'AQUILA, Italy (Reuters) - G8 leaders have failed to get emerging powers to agree climate change goals for 2050 and conclusions from their summit will not directly refer to a sensitive debate about the domination of the dollar.


G8: Summit a 'lost opportunity' for climate change

Rome, 10 July (AKI) - Italy's Catholic bishops have criticised the G8 summit, saying the world's most powerful leaders have missed a "unique opportunity" to tackle climate change. In a front page editorial published in its official newspaper, Avvenire, the Italian Catholic Bishops Conference said the leaders had missed an opportunity in regard to climate change policy, and solidarity with the African continent.



Turmoil in China, Iran overshadows G8 summit start

Wed Jul 8, 4:44 am ET

L'AQUILA, Italy (AFP) – Turmoil in China and Iran have overshadowed the start of a G8 summit focused on the global downturn as President Hu Jintao flew back to Beijing and the US called for tougher sanctions on Tehran.


When USA is in such a bad shape it is regardless who the US president is that it will lost it's position as a leader of the world. Let alone weather it is Obama or Clinton or McCain.


No promising solutions and agreement had resulted from G8 summit neither in Economic nor Environmental Crisis, nor the H1N1 Influenza matters, nor Iranian nor North Korean matters.

All the most important issues are in disarray and disagreement.

What did that indicated / proved?

Obama is commanding NO LEADERSHIP POSITION in the G8.

He will NEVER make a World Leader like other US presidents.

The world scenario is not expected to get to anywhere better with Obama's serious LACK of leadership.


G8 summit skips dollar debate, aims lower on climate

08/07/2009 09:46

By Darren Ennis and Alister Doyle

L'AQUILA, Italy (Reuters) - G8 leaders have failed to get emerging powers to agree climate change goals for 2050 and conclusions from their summit will not directly refer to a sensitive debate about the domination of the dollar.


G8: Summit a 'lost opportunity' for climate change

Rome, 10 July (AKI) - Italy's Catholic bishops have criticised the G8 summit, saying the world's most powerful leaders have missed a "unique opportunity" to tackle climate change. In a front page editorial published in its official newspaper, Avvenire, the Italian Catholic Bishops Conference said the leaders had missed an opportunity in regard to climate change policy, and solidarity with the African continent.



Turmoil in China, Iran overshadows G8 summit start

Wed Jul 8, 4:44 am ET

L'AQUILA, Italy (AFP) – Turmoil in China and Iran have overshadowed the start of a G8 summit focused on the global downturn as President Hu Jintao flew back to Beijing and the US called for tougher sanctions on Tehran.

You really are a very stupid person. You brain must be size of peanut.

G8 totally pissed off at USA because of dollar weakness as G8 nations with strong currency have to pay alot more $$ to pay for US debt. US is smirking at G8 and having champagne celebrations over weak dollar you imbecile. US is playing it very smart.

When people like you post its so sad to see how little you know of anything.

U really are a dumb shit.


what G8, DOHA talks, UN.... all wayang shows only.

every country looks after their own interests, thats it. Whatever policies benefits one country support,,,, what compromise position?

even cutting emissions by how many percent by 2020 also cannot agree,,, KNN ,,, all wayang shows only,,,,

what geneva conventions? Gitmo and Invasion of Iran/Iraq/Afgan?

UN Ban went to Burma, so what, nothing changes...

It is still the willd wild west, whoever has the fire power wins,,,,,


You really are a very stupid person. You brain must be size of peanut.

G8 totally pissed off at USA because of dollar weakness as G8 nations with strong currency have to pay alot more $$ to pay for US debt. US is smirking at G8 and having champagne celebrations over weak dollar you imbecile. US is playing it very smart.

When people like you post its so sad to see how little you know of anything.

U really are a dumb shit.

You are a sucker always thinking the USA is SMART.

USA is the SMART ASS that got itself into today's deep shit of no return.

It is left with nothing but NEGATIVE INFLUENCE in the global scene, it is the world biggest Trouble Spot. It offers No Solution but Unlimited Crisis.

Yes very smart just like YOU!


You are a sucker always thinking the USA is SMART.

USA is the SMART ASS that got itself into today's deep shit of no return.

It is left with nothing but NEGATIVE INFLUENCE in the global scene, it is the world biggest Trouble Spot. It offers No Solution but Unlimited Crisis.

Yes very smart just like YOU!

No leh last time one USA great depression lagi worse

My uni professor telling me when recover USA will boom for many year and Obama is cultural world heritage now whole world love Obama very popular

Sorry lah, USA still #1 dont be too dissapoint


You are a sucker always thinking the USA is SMART.

USA is the SMART ASS that got itself into today's deep shit of no return.

It is left with nothing but NEGATIVE INFLUENCE in the global scene, it is the world biggest Trouble Spot. It offers No Solution but Unlimited Crisis.

Yes very smart just like YOU!

Negative influence? The leader of the free world is a black man adored around the world. America's image has risen by leaps and bounds since Jan 2009. Obama's brother in law is a chinese guy named Ng, he has unified people like no other world leader to date. Terrorists cant attack a man with a middle of Hussein, people love America once again. No other leader has unified the world. He enjoys a 60% approval rating in the US, and when he visits Europe, he is accorded rock star status. Crowds throng the street. People idolize him. He is as loved as JFK.

Since he has taken office most of the banks that have taken govt money have paid back. The stress test has shown the worst is over, Bernanke's balance sheet is looking less red, inflation is not an issue, interest rates are historically low, the worst recession started by Bush et al since the great depression is unwinding and will reverse once job creation starts anew, home sales are picking up thanks to the homebuyer's grant, The fed has signaled it might begin raising interest rates again next year, when investor confidence is gone everyone jumps into US dollars for unwelcome US$ strength which bernanke has been trying to sink, most of the losses from the crisis were not even American, as the risk and costs were exported, almost sinking UBS, Barclays, and many other foreign banks, the Credit Default Swaps were written in London, not USA (and DBS suffered a $2 billion dollar loss) Japan and the UK is MORE BROKE THAN THE USA as they have to print dollars to pay themselves, whereas the US can print dollars and the Japan and China keep buying (no other nation in the world can do this) Ariana Huffington is smiling. Thank god for Paul Begalia and James Carvel.

Where is this negative influence?

up your ass?

Anyone can tune into the opposition far right wing camp and cut and post their nonsense. Maybe I will tune into the far right and see how happy they are and cut and post to make you look like the horse's ass that you are.

If you dont know the subject matter, close your stupid mouth, you idiot.
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Negative influence? The leader of the free world is a black man adored around the world. America's image has risen by leaps and bounds since Jan 2009. Obama's brother in law is a chinese guy named Ng, he has unified people like no other world leader to date. Terrorists cant attack a man with a middle of Hussein, people love America once again. No other leader has unified the world. He enjoys a 60% approval rating in the US, and when he visits Europe, he is accorded rock star status. Crowds throng the street. People idolize him. He is as loved as JFK.

Since he has taken office most of the banks that have taken govt money have paid back. The stress test has shown the worst is over, Bernanke's balance sheet is looking less red, inflation is not an issue, interest rates are historically low, the worst recession started by Bush et al since the great depression is unwinding and will reverse once job creation starts anew, home sales are picking up thanks to the homebuyer's grant, The fed has signaled it might begin raising interest rates again next year, when investor confidence is gone everyone jumps into US dollars for unwelcome US$ strength which bernanke has been trying to sink, most of the losses from the crisis were not even American, as the risk and costs were exported, almost sinking UBS, Barclays, and many other foreign banks, the Credit Default Swaps were written in London, not USA (and DBS suffered a $2 billion dollar loss) Japan and the UK is MORE BROKE THAN THE USA as they have to print dollars to pay themselves, whereas the US can print dollars and the Japan and China keep buying (no other nation in the world can do this) Ariana Huffington is smiling. Thank god for Paul Begalia and James Carvel.

Where is this negative influence?

up your ass?

Anyone can tune into the opposition far right wing camp and cut and post their nonsense. Maybe I will tune into the far right and see how happy they are and cut and post to make you look like the horse's ass that you are.

If you dont know the subject matter, close your stupid mouth, you idiot.

Sorry lah! Those things you raised are INSIGNIFICANT entirely as a WORLD LEADER.

Personal family background or ethnic origin are of NO CONCERN.

Leadership Abilities are NOT RELATED TO THAT AT ALL.

A person as a World Leader must have ability to play the role and produce necessary results needed by the world. At the G8 or UN or what other levels. The Political Economical Military Security Environmental Epidemic and other crisis need to be SOLVED and addressed. A World Leader need to convince G8 / UN to pass effective resolutions and policies. This is where Obama had Entirely FAILED.:( Disappointing!

The Crisis are ALL left hanging at G8, and Obama had provided NO LEADERSHIP in getting G8 to agree or solve ANYTHING.

A nation as a world leader must exercise influence and provide strength and resources to address crisis and improve situation at the world level. What other previous US govts under different presidents were able to do, the current USA is ENTIRELY NEGATIVE in most of the necessary roles as World Leading Nation. USA is the Primary Source of Crisis and Center of Problems. :mad:

Entirely disappointing and failed like crap!

You are just blindly sucking up the USA ass. There is not only SHIT there, there is blood! Not Only Osama Bin Laden had fucked it bleeding, Kim Jong Il & Iran & Russians had fucked it very very very very badly.

Lick it Yankee SUCKER!




No leh last time one USA great depression lagi worse

My uni professor telling me when recover USA will boom for many year and Obama is cultural world heritage now whole world love Obama very popular

Sorry lah, USA still #1 dont be too dissapoint

Depression will come but not yet. It will last years after some one had to take over from Obama like Obama had to take over from Bush.

Obama can blame Bush for leaving lots of craps behind. The next US president will blame Obama for making Bush's crap WORST and even more FOUL. Bush killed USA, the corpse swells and smells and rots in Obama's hands, by the time next one takes over White House it will be a skeleton.


Depression will come but not yet. It will last years after some one had to take over from Obama like Obama had to take over from Bush.

Obama can blame Bush for leaving lots of craps behind. The next US president will blame Obama for making Bush's crap WORST and even more FOUL. Bush killed USA, the corpse swells and smells and rots in Obama's hands, by the time next one takes over White House it will be a skeleton.

Humans are likened to viruses. USA is just a good substrate for virus growth that later exports itself to other international regions. GAIA does not need saving. GAIA has been around for a few billion years (I do not know how religious texts count time but) but humans and written human history is sub 5000 years. So humans should worry more about ourselves than GAIA.


Humans are likened to viruses. USA is just a good substrate for virus growth that later exports itself to other international regions. GAIA does not need saving. GAIA has been around for a few billion years (I do not know how religious texts count time but) but humans and written human history is sub 5000 years. So humans should worry more about ourselves than GAIA.


I like what you said!


What do you expect?

Obama's status is not the same as other US presidents, he is not a Santa nor 财神爷. He does not have the Hong Bao to hand out at G8 summit.

Obama is more like a 瘟神 the G8 governments must avoid him like plaque because his govt want to borrow money desperately.

Most of the G8 govt are not in any good shape either, they were hoping to get something from Obama since he promised the world a great deal during his presidential campaign. Can he deliver anything? G8 governments are not going to listen to him unless there is something very attractive coming from Obama.

But there is NONE :(