iPhone X真会停产? 苹果或许是在断臂自救
2018-01-28 18:36 iPhone /苹果
本周国外媒体曝出了一个令人吃惊的消息,那就是苹果高达1000美元的定价给全新旗舰iPhone X的销售造成了巨大障碍,其销量开始呈现低迷状态,台湾供应商甚至已经准备在二月份停工停产这款机型。
摩根大通分析师纳西-常(Narci Chang)在一份报告中表示,由于出现更多迹象显示iPhone X订单走弱,预计iPhone X产量将比上季下滑50%,超过iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus的降幅。纳西-常称,iPhone X的销售顶峰“比预期来得更早”,预计iPhone X上游组件生产将在5月停止。
同时,知名苹果分析师郭明池也在一份报告中表示,根据最新的产业链消息,由于iPhone X市场销量不好,导致产品订单大减。他还表示,苹果可能在18年秋季发布最新的iPhone之后选择直接下架iPhone X,这和之前需要过两三年才淘汰一款iPhone的节奏有着明显区别,也会让第一代iPhone X成为有史以来寿命最短的苹果旗舰手机。
众所周知,作为公司推出iPhone系列的十周年作品,苹果原本试图通过iPhone X的高售价将iPhone旗舰从高端段位再推一个新高。同时借此大幅拉高iPhone的平均售价,提升iPhone的整体利润表现。
但天不遂人愿,即便2017年是苹果的超级周期之年,并且iPhone X作为十周年版本而备受全球市场关注,,iPhone X的销量也并没有将初期火爆情况一直延续下去,而是呈现出了后劲不足的情况。与此同时,由于iPhone 8系列更为实惠的价格以及在过去一段时间的持续降价,导致其性价比激增,这就导致观望消费者群体有很大一部分倒向了iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus阵营。
市场调研公司Canalys的预测数据显示,苹果2017年第四季度在全球市场共计卖出了2900万部iPhone X,而中国消费者贡献了其中的700万,也就是说接近四分之一的iPhone X都是在国内卖出的。
而在苹果的本土市场美国,iPhone X仅占去年四季度美国iPhone总销量的20%,远不及iPhone 7同期表现,而iPhone 8的占比为24%,iPhone 8 Plus为17%。
消费者情报研究伙伴(Consumer Intelligence Research Partners)同时还公布了iPhone 7系列2016年第四季度在美国市场上的表现。数据显示,2016年四季度iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus在美国市场所售iPhone中的比例达到了72%,其中任何一款所占的比例都超过了30%。
这也就意味iPhone X去年四季度在美国市场iPhone总销量中的比例,同2016年同期的iPhone 7相比有着不小的差距。
可以看出,消费者对于iPhone的价格依然相当敏感。iPhone X未来销量走势究竟如何目前暂时不能定论,但可以肯定的是iPhone X的售价从高端市场步入超高端市场,可能是苹果对消费者购买力与需求的一种误判。
早前库克曾经谈到iPhone X的价格,称其“不过是一天一杯咖啡钱”。但消费者并不抱有这种思维,因为对于爱喝咖啡的用户来说,咖啡是生活的刚需,而iPhone X则不是。从换机需求与时间窗口来看,人们的换机周期正在变长。根据研究机构Counterpoint的数据显示,中国手机用户的换机周期平均为22个月,全球市场的换机周期是21个月,这必然从另一个方面压制了新机的销量。
而且有数据显示,在中国、日本、印度等亚太市场,iPhone X的实际零售价格接近1300美元。对于中印这两个全球最大的智能手机市场而言,1300美元的售价显然超过了许多用户对于购买一款新手机的价格接受能力。
尽管iPhone X相比之前在外观上原地踏步的iPhone 6/7已经有了大幅升级,但iPhone X在中国市场上的表现和影响力却大不如前了,罪魁祸首或许就是苹果最引以为傲的“齐刘海”设计。
消息指出,iPhone X在中国市场的疲软并不仅仅是因为它的超高售价,同时也是因为它的外观不够讨巧。很多消费者宁可选择屏幕差不多大,但是机身却明显大一圈的iPhone 8 Plus,也不愿意选择齐刘海的iPhone X,就是因为觉得“齐刘海”设计太丑。
每年9月的秋季新品发布会是苹果的一项招牌盛事,据关键词“苹果发布会”相关百度搜索指数显示,近年来最高峰出现在2015年,而2017年的最高峰甚至比2016年还低。再搜索每年发布的苹果手机型号相关指数,最高峰则出现在2014年,这一年发布的是iPhone 6,峰值达到85万之多。
但到了2017年,iPhone 8和iPhone X的搜索指数已经有所下降。尤其是iPhone X,其相关指数仅为26万多。
从目前的消息看,苹果预计会在明年同时推出三款基于iPhone X的新机:它们分别是5.8英寸OLED版、6.5英寸OLED版(iPhone X Plus)和一款被称为是廉价版的6.1英寸LCD版iPhone X。
根据台湾分析师郭明池的消息称,廉价版的6.1英寸iPhone X会在现版本的基础上保留iPhone X的特点和主要功能,但会放弃一些不必要的配件和功能以控制成本、大幅度降低售价。据传,未来廉价版iPhone X的降价幅度甚至可能降低至现在iPhone X的一半左右。
最新的爆料显示,廉价版iPhone X配备的是6.1英寸LCD屏,继续保留苹果招牌的“齐刘海”异形全面屏设计,售价则在700-800美元之间。也就是说,这款机型在国内最便宜的价格可能是4500元,和非全面屏系列iPhone售价相差不多。
除此之外,廉价版iPhone X搭载的后置摄像头是单摄,并且背部是金属材质(铝合金边框设计),没有无线充电和3D Touch功能、仍采用堆叠式主板设计和L型电池,内存升级至3GB,而新一代旗舰版iPhone X、X Plus则都将升级为4GB内存。
郭明池还指出,这款廉价版6.1英寸iPhone X的开发工作进度会晚于新的下一代旗舰版iPhone X和iPhone X Plus。至于后两者,我们几乎可以肯定iPhone X Plus的售价会继续突破万元的天际,但其所加持的诸多黑科技或许也会令消费者感到值回票价。返回搜狐,查看更多
Is Apple planning to kill the original iPhone X?
X axed?
Alan Martin
22 Jan 2018
When Tim Cook revealed the iPhone X at the September Apple event, he described it as “the future of the smartphone”. In the purely literal sense, that was true, in that it was released two months later – but in the more figurative, its legacy looks considerably less peachy. A source with a long history of successfully predicting Apple’s movements has predicted that the iPhone X will be killed off in the summer – the first Apple-flavoured handset to die after a generation since the iPhone 5C.
See related
Best iPhone X cases, covers and accessories
iPhone X review: Is Apple's expensive, fragile beauty going to be a one-time thing?
Revealed: How Apple managed to squeeze all that tech inside the iPhone X
While most flagship Apple handsets live on to become the cheaper model the following year, it looks like the iPhone X will not get this gentle retirement. The source, via AppleInsider, is KGI Securities’ analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who blames disappointing sales of the £999 smartphone. The sales are said to be particularly sluggish in China, where bigger-screened smartphones are more popular. So it’s back to the drawing board for a more appealing design.
To be clear, the iPhone X’s legacy is still likely to endure, even if the phone itself doesn’t. Kuo believes that Apple is due to announce three new smartphones in September, including a 5.8in second-generation iPhone X, a 6.5in iPhone X Plus and a 6.1in follow-up to the iPhone SE complete with Face ID. That would be quite a turnaround, given the original SE was designed to be more compact for smaller pockets.
Kuo forecasts that Apple is due a modest 5% growth in the first half of the year, but is optimistic this will rise to 10% when the 2018 models are released – chiefly because he believes the rumoured devices will appeal more to Chinese tastes. If this is indeed the case, the original iPhone X will be gone, but definitely not forgotten – at least by the Apple accounts department.
Apple is already planning to kill the iPhone X
By Yoni Heisler, BGR
January 23, 2018 | 12:18pm | Updated
Modal Trigger
Getty Images
Originally Published By:
Galaxy S9’s biggest hardware change shown in new leaked photos
Scientists discover rocks used in Empire State Building are actually ancient fossils
Mysterious Xbox Watch uncovered years after Microsoft abandoned the project
Last week it emerged that Apple has plans to discontinue the current iPhone X model once the company introduces its 2018 iPhone lineup later this fall.
The news comes courtesy of reputed analyst Ming Chi-Kuo, who relays that Apple’s next-gen iPhone lineup will feature two brand new devices with edgeless displays, one a 6.5-inch iPhone with an OLED display and the other a 6.1-inch iPhone with an LCD display. The current 5.8-inch iPhone X, meanwhile, will be discontinued.
Following up on his initial investor note, Kuo released a new report today (via MacRumors) that sheds a bit more light on Apple’s strategy here.
As Kuo details, Apple figures that if the current iPhone X is available at a discount, it would eat into sales of Apple’s brand new devices.
Kuo’s note reads in part:
iPhone X would hurt product brand value & lineup of 2H18 new models if it continues to sell at a lower price after 2H18 new models launch: Lowering iPhone X’s price after the 2H18 new models launch would be a negative to product brand value given 3D sensing and OLED display are features of the new high-price model. Additionally, to sell iPhone X at a lower price may have a negative impact on shipments of the new 6.1″ LCD iPhone in 2H18. Thus, we estimate iPhone X will reach end-of-life (EOL) around the middle of 2018.
At this point, it remains unclear what Apple’s 2018 iPhone lineup is going to look like.
Presumably, a next-gen version of the current 5.8-inch iPhone X will be released alongside the aforementioned 6.5-inch model, which will likely be positioned as an iPhone X Plus. It also remains unclear what will become of existing iPhone models that still incorporate Touch ID.
Given Apple’s penchant for having different iPhone models at a variety of price points, we have to imagine that the iPhone 7 will stick around as an affordable option for users looking to save some cash or who still aren’t ready to embrace Face ID. Incidentally, there are rumblings that Apple in just a few months will release a revamped version of the iPhone SE.
As a final point of interest, if reports about the current iPhone X being end-of-lifed next year pan out, it would mark the first time in iPhone history that a previous year’s model was not made available at a cheaper price point once next-gen models are released.
Apple could SCRAP iPhone X this year over poor sales of £999 smartphone, as one expert says pricey handset could be dead by the end of summer
A top analyst says the tech giant is considering killing off its flagship smartphone, but The Sun reveals that not everyone agrees with this damning prediction
By Sean Keach, Digital Technology and Science Editor
22nd January 2018, 4:08 pm
Updated: 23rd January 2018, 4:58 pm
APPLE could cancel its new iPhone X smartphone as soon as summer, according to one top analyst.
The company is supposedly struggling to justify iPhone X production because of poor sales – and may scrap the phone later this year.
Getty Images - Getty
Apple announced the iPhone X on September 12, 2017 at the new Steve Jobs Theatre
AP:Associated Press
The iPhone X is Apple's most expensive handset ever, costing anywhere from £999 to £1,149
Renowned analyst and Apple expert Ming-Chi Kuo has warned that Apple's latest iPhone will be in its "end of life" stage in the summer of 2018.
In a note to investors – as seen by AppleInsider – Kuo explains that the iPhone X hasn't met Apple's sales predictions, and will be binned shortly.
It would be the first time that Apple has killed off an iPhone from the previous year since the iPhone 5C.
Apple typically keeps older models in stock, to give customers a wider range of choice. For instance, you can still buy the iPhone 6S from the Apple Store, despite it having launched way back in 2015.
Analysts now say Apple could scrap the iPhone X before the end of the year, due to poor sales
The iPhone X boasts advanced features like facial-recognition unlocking and wireless charging
But Kuo says that the iPhone X won't be kept on as a "lower-cost option" for 2019.
Instead, he says that the phone's features will "migrate" to other models, including the rumour iPhone X Plus.
These features could include the iPhone X's Face ID facial recognition system, or the large OLED display.
The top analyst expects three new iPhone models to launch in 2018, all of which could benefit from iPhone X tech.
AFP or licensors
It's believed that poor demand for the iPhone X in China may be causing issues for Apple
Here are the Apple iPhone X's coolest features - including animojis
Kuo believes that a big reason why the iPhone X may be struggling is due to demand in China.
Apparently, Chinese customers are disappointed by the amount of usable space on the phone's display.
It's all thanks to the infamous "notch" – a small chunk of plastic that sticks out from the top of the screen, designed to house the camera and other sensors.
This gives the iPhone X an oddly shaped screen, and has sparked widespread complaints about the phone.
The iPhone X's super-sharp OLED screen is one of the reasons why it costs so much for Apple to make
But while the iPhone X – which costs between £999 and £1,149 – might be a bit of a Marmite smartphone, it's not definitely going to die off.
Analyst Daniel Ives tells The Sun that predictions of the iPhone X being culled this year are probably false.
"We believe the worries around iPhone X demand have been greatly exaggerated," the GBH Insights expert explains.
iPhone X真会停产? 苹果或许是在断臂自救
2018-01-28 18:36 iPhone /苹果
本周国外媒体曝出了一个令人吃惊的消息,那就是苹果高达1000美元的定价给全新旗舰iPhone X的销售造成了巨大障碍,其销量开始呈现低迷状态,台湾供应商甚至已经准备在二月份停工停产这款机型。
摩根大通分析师纳西-常(Narci Chang)在一份报告中表示,由于出现更多迹象显示iPhone X订单走弱,预计iPhone X产量将比上季下滑50%,超过iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus的降幅。纳西-常称,iPhone X的销售顶峰“比预期来得更早”,预计iPhone X上游组件生产将在5月停止。
同时,知名苹果分析师郭明池也在一份报告中表示,根据最新的产业链消息,由于iPhone X市场销量不好,导致产品订单大减。他还表示,苹果可能在18年秋季发布最新的iPhone之后选择直接下架iPhone X,这和之前需要过两三年才淘汰一款iPhone的节奏有着明显区别,也会让第一代iPhone X成为有史以来寿命最短的苹果旗舰手机。
众所周知,作为公司推出iPhone系列的十周年作品,苹果原本试图通过iPhone X的高售价将iPhone旗舰从高端段位再推一个新高。同时借此大幅拉高iPhone的平均售价,提升iPhone的整体利润表现。
但天不遂人愿,即便2017年是苹果的超级周期之年,并且iPhone X作为十周年版本而备受全球市场关注,,iPhone X的销量也并没有将初期火爆情况一直延续下去,而是呈现出了后劲不足的情况。与此同时,由于iPhone 8系列更为实惠的价格以及在过去一段时间的持续降价,导致其性价比激增,这就导致观望消费者群体有很大一部分倒向了iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus阵营。
市场调研公司Canalys的预测数据显示,苹果2017年第四季度在全球市场共计卖出了2900万部iPhone X,而中国消费者贡献了其中的700万,也就是说接近四分之一的iPhone X都是在国内卖出的。
而在苹果的本土市场美国,iPhone X仅占去年四季度美国iPhone总销量的20%,远不及iPhone 7同期表现,而iPhone 8的占比为24%,iPhone 8 Plus为17%。
消费者情报研究伙伴(Consumer Intelligence Research Partners)同时还公布了iPhone 7系列2016年第四季度在美国市场上的表现。数据显示,2016年四季度iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus在美国市场所售iPhone中的比例达到了72%,其中任何一款所占的比例都超过了30%。
这也就意味iPhone X去年四季度在美国市场iPhone总销量中的比例,同2016年同期的iPhone 7相比有着不小的差距。
可以看出,消费者对于iPhone的价格依然相当敏感。iPhone X未来销量走势究竟如何目前暂时不能定论,但可以肯定的是iPhone X的售价从高端市场步入超高端市场,可能是苹果对消费者购买力与需求的一种误判。
早前库克曾经谈到iPhone X的价格,称其“不过是一天一杯咖啡钱”。但消费者并不抱有这种思维,因为对于爱喝咖啡的用户来说,咖啡是生活的刚需,而iPhone X则不是。从换机需求与时间窗口来看,人们的换机周期正在变长。根据研究机构Counterpoint的数据显示,中国手机用户的换机周期平均为22个月,全球市场的换机周期是21个月,这必然从另一个方面压制了新机的销量。
而且有数据显示,在中国、日本、印度等亚太市场,iPhone X的实际零售价格接近1300美元。对于中印这两个全球最大的智能手机市场而言,1300美元的售价显然超过了许多用户对于购买一款新手机的价格接受能力。
尽管iPhone X相比之前在外观上原地踏步的iPhone 6/7已经有了大幅升级,但iPhone X在中国市场上的表现和影响力却大不如前了,罪魁祸首或许就是苹果最引以为傲的“齐刘海”设计。
消息指出,iPhone X在中国市场的疲软并不仅仅是因为它的超高售价,同时也是因为它的外观不够讨巧。很多消费者宁可选择屏幕差不多大,但是机身却明显大一圈的iPhone 8 Plus,也不愿意选择齐刘海的iPhone X,就是因为觉得“齐刘海”设计太丑。
每年9月的秋季新品发布会是苹果的一项招牌盛事,据关键词“苹果发布会”相关百度搜索指数显示,近年来最高峰出现在2015年,而2017年的最高峰甚至比2016年还低。再搜索每年发布的苹果手机型号相关指数,最高峰则出现在2014年,这一年发布的是iPhone 6,峰值达到85万之多。
但到了2017年,iPhone 8和iPhone X的搜索指数已经有所下降。尤其是iPhone X,其相关指数仅为26万多。
从目前的消息看,苹果预计会在明年同时推出三款基于iPhone X的新机:它们分别是5.8英寸OLED版、6.5英寸OLED版(iPhone X Plus)和一款被称为是廉价版的6.1英寸LCD版iPhone X。
根据台湾分析师郭明池的消息称,廉价版的6.1英寸iPhone X会在现版本的基础上保留iPhone X的特点和主要功能,但会放弃一些不必要的配件和功能以控制成本、大幅度降低售价。据传,未来廉价版iPhone X的降价幅度甚至可能降低至现在iPhone X的一半左右。
最新的爆料显示,廉价版iPhone X配备的是6.1英寸LCD屏,继续保留苹果招牌的“齐刘海”异形全面屏设计,售价则在700-800美元之间。也就是说,这款机型在国内最便宜的价格可能是4500元,和非全面屏系列iPhone售价相差不多。
除此之外,廉价版iPhone X搭载的后置摄像头是单摄,并且背部是金属材质(铝合金边框设计),没有无线充电和3D Touch功能、仍采用堆叠式主板设计和L型电池,内存升级至3GB,而新一代旗舰版iPhone X、X Plus则都将升级为4GB内存。
郭明池还指出,这款廉价版6.1英寸iPhone X的开发工作进度会晚于新的下一代旗舰版iPhone X和iPhone X Plus。至于后两者,我们几乎可以肯定iPhone X Plus的售价会继续突破万元的天际,但其所加持的诸多黑科技或许也会令消费者感到值回票价。返回搜狐,查看更多
Is Apple planning to kill the original iPhone X?
X axed?
Alan Martin
22 Jan 2018
When Tim Cook revealed the iPhone X at the September Apple event, he described it as “the future of the smartphone”. In the purely literal sense, that was true, in that it was released two months later – but in the more figurative, its legacy looks considerably less peachy. A source with a long history of successfully predicting Apple’s movements has predicted that the iPhone X will be killed off in the summer – the first Apple-flavoured handset to die after a generation since the iPhone 5C.
See related
Best iPhone X cases, covers and accessories
iPhone X review: Is Apple's expensive, fragile beauty going to be a one-time thing?
Revealed: How Apple managed to squeeze all that tech inside the iPhone X
While most flagship Apple handsets live on to become the cheaper model the following year, it looks like the iPhone X will not get this gentle retirement. The source, via AppleInsider, is KGI Securities’ analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who blames disappointing sales of the £999 smartphone. The sales are said to be particularly sluggish in China, where bigger-screened smartphones are more popular. So it’s back to the drawing board for a more appealing design.
To be clear, the iPhone X’s legacy is still likely to endure, even if the phone itself doesn’t. Kuo believes that Apple is due to announce three new smartphones in September, including a 5.8in second-generation iPhone X, a 6.5in iPhone X Plus and a 6.1in follow-up to the iPhone SE complete with Face ID. That would be quite a turnaround, given the original SE was designed to be more compact for smaller pockets.
Kuo forecasts that Apple is due a modest 5% growth in the first half of the year, but is optimistic this will rise to 10% when the 2018 models are released – chiefly because he believes the rumoured devices will appeal more to Chinese tastes. If this is indeed the case, the original iPhone X will be gone, but definitely not forgotten – at least by the Apple accounts department.
Apple is already planning to kill the iPhone X
By Yoni Heisler, BGR
January 23, 2018 | 12:18pm | Updated
Modal Trigger
Getty Images
Originally Published By:
Galaxy S9’s biggest hardware change shown in new leaked photos
Scientists discover rocks used in Empire State Building are actually ancient fossils
Mysterious Xbox Watch uncovered years after Microsoft abandoned the project
Last week it emerged that Apple has plans to discontinue the current iPhone X model once the company introduces its 2018 iPhone lineup later this fall.
The news comes courtesy of reputed analyst Ming Chi-Kuo, who relays that Apple’s next-gen iPhone lineup will feature two brand new devices with edgeless displays, one a 6.5-inch iPhone with an OLED display and the other a 6.1-inch iPhone with an LCD display. The current 5.8-inch iPhone X, meanwhile, will be discontinued.
Following up on his initial investor note, Kuo released a new report today (via MacRumors) that sheds a bit more light on Apple’s strategy here.
As Kuo details, Apple figures that if the current iPhone X is available at a discount, it would eat into sales of Apple’s brand new devices.
Kuo’s note reads in part:
iPhone X would hurt product brand value & lineup of 2H18 new models if it continues to sell at a lower price after 2H18 new models launch: Lowering iPhone X’s price after the 2H18 new models launch would be a negative to product brand value given 3D sensing and OLED display are features of the new high-price model. Additionally, to sell iPhone X at a lower price may have a negative impact on shipments of the new 6.1″ LCD iPhone in 2H18. Thus, we estimate iPhone X will reach end-of-life (EOL) around the middle of 2018.
At this point, it remains unclear what Apple’s 2018 iPhone lineup is going to look like.
Presumably, a next-gen version of the current 5.8-inch iPhone X will be released alongside the aforementioned 6.5-inch model, which will likely be positioned as an iPhone X Plus. It also remains unclear what will become of existing iPhone models that still incorporate Touch ID.
Given Apple’s penchant for having different iPhone models at a variety of price points, we have to imagine that the iPhone 7 will stick around as an affordable option for users looking to save some cash or who still aren’t ready to embrace Face ID. Incidentally, there are rumblings that Apple in just a few months will release a revamped version of the iPhone SE.
As a final point of interest, if reports about the current iPhone X being end-of-lifed next year pan out, it would mark the first time in iPhone history that a previous year’s model was not made available at a cheaper price point once next-gen models are released.
Apple could SCRAP iPhone X this year over poor sales of £999 smartphone, as one expert says pricey handset could be dead by the end of summer
A top analyst says the tech giant is considering killing off its flagship smartphone, but The Sun reveals that not everyone agrees with this damning prediction
By Sean Keach, Digital Technology and Science Editor
22nd January 2018, 4:08 pm
Updated: 23rd January 2018, 4:58 pm
APPLE could cancel its new iPhone X smartphone as soon as summer, according to one top analyst.
The company is supposedly struggling to justify iPhone X production because of poor sales – and may scrap the phone later this year.
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Apple announced the iPhone X on September 12, 2017 at the new Steve Jobs Theatre
AP:Associated Press
The iPhone X is Apple's most expensive handset ever, costing anywhere from £999 to £1,149
Renowned analyst and Apple expert Ming-Chi Kuo has warned that Apple's latest iPhone will be in its "end of life" stage in the summer of 2018.
In a note to investors – as seen by AppleInsider – Kuo explains that the iPhone X hasn't met Apple's sales predictions, and will be binned shortly.
It would be the first time that Apple has killed off an iPhone from the previous year since the iPhone 5C.
Apple typically keeps older models in stock, to give customers a wider range of choice. For instance, you can still buy the iPhone 6S from the Apple Store, despite it having launched way back in 2015.
Analysts now say Apple could scrap the iPhone X before the end of the year, due to poor sales
The iPhone X boasts advanced features like facial-recognition unlocking and wireless charging
But Kuo says that the iPhone X won't be kept on as a "lower-cost option" for 2019.
Instead, he says that the phone's features will "migrate" to other models, including the rumour iPhone X Plus.
These features could include the iPhone X's Face ID facial recognition system, or the large OLED display.
The top analyst expects three new iPhone models to launch in 2018, all of which could benefit from iPhone X tech.
AFP or licensors
It's believed that poor demand for the iPhone X in China may be causing issues for Apple
Here are the Apple iPhone X's coolest features - including animojis
Kuo believes that a big reason why the iPhone X may be struggling is due to demand in China.
Apparently, Chinese customers are disappointed by the amount of usable space on the phone's display.
It's all thanks to the infamous "notch" – a small chunk of plastic that sticks out from the top of the screen, designed to house the camera and other sensors.
This gives the iPhone X an oddly shaped screen, and has sparked widespread complaints about the phone.
The iPhone X's super-sharp OLED screen is one of the reasons why it costs so much for Apple to make
But while the iPhone X – which costs between £999 and £1,149 – might be a bit of a Marmite smartphone, it's not definitely going to die off.
Analyst Daniel Ives tells The Sun that predictions of the iPhone X being culled this year are probably false.
"We believe the worries around iPhone X demand have been greatly exaggerated," the GBH Insights expert explains.