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Former Malaysian premier Najib Razak’s jail term halved from 12 to 6 years, say official sources



Former Malaysian premier Najib Razak’s jail term halved from 12 to 6 years, say official sources​

Najib Razak was convicted in 2020 of corruption charges related to the 1MDB scandal and began serving his prison term in August 2022.
Former Malaysian premier Najib Razak’s jail term halved from 12 to 6 years, say official sources
Najib Razak is Malaysia's first PM to be imprisoned. (REUTERS/Lai Seng Sin/File Photo)

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak’s jail sentence for corruption has been reduced from 12 to six years by the Pardons Board following its meeting on Monday (Jan 29), sources including senior government officials told CNA.

The decision by the board, which is headed by Malaysia’s king, includes a reduction of his RM210 million (US$44.4 million) fine to an unspecified amount, according to three separate sources who spoke on condition of strict confidentiality.

The partial royal pardon for his role in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) case comes after serving less than two years of his prison term.

The reduction means Najib is expected to complete his sentence in August 2028. But with parole for good behaviour, he could be out in August 2026 after serving two-thirds of the new jail term.

There has been feverish speculation about the pardon after Dr Zaliha Mustafa, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Federal Territories) confirmed yesterday that the board members including herself had met on Monday. She said an official announcement by the Pardons Board will be made.

The meeting was one of Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin’s last official tasks before he stepped down as Malaysia’s king on Jan 31 and handed the role to Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar under the country’s unique rotation system for its nine royal state households.

CNA is contacting the Malaysian authorities for comment. Najib's lead counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah said he has yet to be informed of any decision by the Pardons Board.


Nowhere in their legislation allows this.
Malaysia turning into a shithole tyrannical state with this new Setan.


Old Fart
Sentence reduced from 12 to six years, fine reduced from RM210 million to an unspecified amount. Just when I'm starting to think mudland is getting its act together. Still a fucking corrupt country.


Sentence reduced from 12 to six years, fine reduced from RM210 million to an unspecified amount. Just when I'm starting to think mudland is getting its act together. Still a fucking corrupt country.
by 2026 he will be out and in time for GE


Najib is just too powerful to deal with. He will come out with full vengeance and destroy all those responsible for putting him behind bars.