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First World Opposition leader says SMRT move was ‘avoidable'



Vichy WP eunuchs, a Third World ‘Opposition’ Outfit, have been incredibly, inexplicably and ridiculously quiet. They should be ashamed when compared to First World Opposition Parties in First World Parliaments who are quick to demand Transparency and Accountability from the ruling party.


First World Opposition leaders on SMRT strike:

- ''The government has been procrastinating for weeks about this and now it's urgent that it be solved immediately.''

- ''It is the responsibility of government to ensure that essential services operate and that brand Singapore is not damaged.''

- ''We had enormous costs being imposed on the Singapore economy by this industrial action.''

- ''We've had industrial action by the Chinese workers, we've now got industrial action by the company.”

- ''The important thing is that the buses get back onto the roads and no more repetitive strikes. The government needs to use the powers available to it to make that happen as soon as they can.''

- ''This lock-out is also a sell-out of the spirit of Singapore.''

- ''It is a multi-millionaires lock-out of responsible decent drivers whose work gives Singapore the world's best bus service. This lock-out was all about exporting SMRT to the people at lower cost, lower services values and lower safety.''

- ''The government should stand up to SMRT selfish top brass.''

''The PAP government of course bears a lot of responsibility for what's happened. They have made it easier for the Chinese workers to take strike action.''

Meanwhile, Vichy WP eunuchs, the Co-Passengers, continue to sleep and idle at the back of the car….WHAT A BUNCH OF DISGRACE !!!




When asked for a Vichy WP response on SMRT strike, Vichy WP chief eunuch gives his customary, evasive SOP non-committal reply:

"I have neither the means nor right to investigate SMRT private matters and private life. I am a Member of Parliament, not a private investigator!"




Vichy WP eunuchs, where are you ? Please wake up !...........We want our $16k/mth money refunded!

First World Opposition Leader: "SMRT, PM Lee and PAP were warned, but they didn't act."

If Vichy WP eunuchs don’t have the calibre and character to be First World Opposition MPs or 魏征s, then they should stop disgracing and embarrassing themselves by shamelessly comparing with them.

“没这么大的头, 就别戴这么大的帽…………………..冇咁大既屎忽, 就唔好用咁大既屎塔!”
“If Vichy WP has so short a Dick, then don’t wear so big a Condom……even more so when the WP eunuchs don’t have any ball !...........Viagra No Enough!”




When queried about rumour that SMRT drivers might be sacked, deported or even jailed, the chief eunuch again has no balls to answer any question:

“You said yourself that these are rumours, why are you still asking me ?”




Finally, the Empire strikes back against the Strike……

- “By taking matters into their own hands the drivers have clearly crossed the line…………These workers have disrupted public transport services and Singapore's industrial harmony. The government views these disruptions very seriously…………….Taking the law into your own hands is wrong. This illegal strike is not acceptable and would be dealt with in accordance to the law.”

No Man Can Withstand PAP
-“……..There…. is PAP. The might, the majesty, the terror of PAP. There is the power that bestrides the known world like a colossus. No man can withstand PAP. No party can withstand her. How much less... a Cheena boy! There is only one way to deal with PAP…. You must serve her. You must abase yourself before her. You must grovel at her feet. You must... love her…………”

The Declaration of War against the Cheena Revolt:
- "By order of the Cabinet, be it known that we have this day elected Brigadier-General Tan, Acting Manpower Minister of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the armies of MOM."
“Hail ChuanJin!”
“I promise you a new PAP, a new Singapore and a new Empire. I promise the destruction of the Cheena army and the restoration of order throughout all our territories.”
“I promise the living body of the Cheena leader for whatever punishment you may deem fit. That, or his head. This I vow by the spirits of all my forefathers. This I have sworn in the Party HQ that guards their bones.”
“Hail ChuanJin!”

The Final Confrontation:
“We’ll test this myth of Cheena brotherhood.”
