It's all over the news: The US will bail out Freddie and Fannie that holds more than US$5.4 trillion, that's TRILLION, in home loans
Wall Street Journal Online edition is trying to talk the market up, quoting fund managers and Chinese banks.
Chinese banks hold US$380 billion of agency debt. Of course it is good for them.
Market implications:
US Treasuries >>> COMATOSE
Commodities >>> CHEONG
US stocks >>> knee-jerk is UP but further out, DOWN because of rate implications. If knee-jerk is a rally, fade it after it covers the magnitude of the last wave 3.
If make money, must help the poor and underprivileged
If lose, take it as a lesson.
Wall Street Journal Online edition is trying to talk the market up, quoting fund managers and Chinese banks.
Chinese banks hold US$380 billion of agency debt. Of course it is good for them.
Market implications:
US Treasuries >>> COMATOSE
Commodities >>> CHEONG
US stocks >>> knee-jerk is UP but further out, DOWN because of rate implications. If knee-jerk is a rally, fade it after it covers the magnitude of the last wave 3.
If make money, must help the poor and underprivileged
If lose, take it as a lesson.