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End of the PAP Ride?


Dear Yellow

Another fundamental flaw of the SDP and its associates. It attracts dissidents and activists types all from the liberal end of the political spectrum. In any other western democracy they would have been the green movement, tree huggers, move on, etc but they would not have been flag bearers and leaders.

Liberals closet liberals exists, dissent exists even within the establishment which the PAP courts so assidiously through its tea parties.

However dissenters would take one look at the SDP and turn the other direction. That said and done I am glad that in this election from the WP and the RP, you will see people who should be part of the PAP machinery but who chose to be outside it.

"However dissenters would take one look at the SDP and turn the other direction."

This may not be the case,Singapore is for too early for green movement,etc

Lets face it,we are struggling to establish the legitimacy of opposition parties,how many people truly believe in the myth of MM LKY- that opposition means destruction,about 50-60% of voters.

The brutal truth is that we are first world in economics,but 4th world in politics,lining closely just above Burmese junta!


This is precisely what the PAP brigade wants the voter to believe - SDP has a credibility problem; SDP has serious problem. In other words, SDP has to conform (kowtow) like the rest of the opposition for it to be taken seriously by the voters. All this while maintaining a media blackout on SDP.

Despite having bankrolled CSJ; LKY even today has sleepless nights thinking about the likes of CSJ "No duds in parliament" he proclaims. Why is that so?

As for what SDP stands for, what it is doing differently; you can read about it on their website. At least it gets update every other day instead of once every 3 months. I don't need to spoon-feed those that genuinely wants to know what the SDP is up too; what its doing. Suffice to say, at least SDP leverages to the best of the ability the new media.

They were the first to organize pre-election rallies and they have also been active on the ground they intend to contest.

It is for the voters to decide if they would rather have conformist opposition represent them in parliament. But I doubt the SDP would bend over and compromise on its principles. Actually I'm thankful it will not conform as its the last truly opposition party remaining in Singapore despite its performances in elections. The rest have already sold out on their founding principles.

Like I said in a previous post, come for better or worse; there will be 9 opposition MP + NCMP when parliament is convened after the elections. Ah Beng need not worry about there been none or fewer oppositions in parliament. It is very likely SDP (as a result of its poor showing yet again) will not be among them. That is too bad. But if Ah Beng believes for one second, change is coming from these conformists who will kowtow to the PAP in parliament ; he fully deserves what's coming his way.

I am passing by for a read but sorry can't help it- need to put in a couple of liners:

- SDP-pies, please please please get more votes in this coming election...not less....then you come and talk....
- if you get elected even to a single seat...good....then you come and talk about your altruistic plans for sg....

otherwise....for the good of the country and its people....get lost.

enuff said.


Hahaha...let us separate the rhetorics and look at facts:

1. CSJ was leader of SDP and yet he was not eligible for GE 2006. Is he a joker or clown?

2. SDP won avg 23% of popular votes in GE2006. This dragged down the opp percentage overall. Is he not ashamed and felt responsible?

3. CSJ has been openly rediculed as a DUD. If he takes no legal action, then his credibility is all down the drain and he will be a liability to SDP and opp cause as whole.

4. GE2011 coming soon and CSJ is still not eligible. Is he planning to be a joker or clown again?

How to take SDP seriously??
Somebody hinted that he is a PAP mole, I really don't know.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Lockeliberal has said it. Get the votes as this may be the only chance the opposition may get. We do not know what will happen after the next GE, but you can bet there will be less of us and more new citizems and PA will be much wiser. I think most people in this forum is saying Go Opposition Go, we are rooting for you guys. Therefore there is nothing much any opposition can do to persuade most of us, since this is moot. Furthermore, telling me to read the SDP website to know more is not important as I doubt SDP will contest in all constituencies, so why bother as maybe in my area, there is only WP and PAP contesting.

The main concern right now are those wildcards out there who may or may not vote for the opposition. The work is more or less cut out for oppositions to make the move to win these people over with so many boo boos commited by the incumbants. Make capital out of it as there are lots of disenchanted citizens out there, young and old.

One thing I believe, our women are harder to convince as they tend to want security over other considerations.


One thing I believe, our women are harder to convince as they tend to want security over other considerations.

Yes, female voters are very concerned about security, stability, continuity & safety and think only PAP could provide all the above. Unlike male voters, they are resistant to change. We can say womenfolk controls the vote in local politics...


Yes, female voters are very concerned about security, stability, continuity & safety and think only PAP could provide all the above. Unlike male voters, they are resistant to change. We can say womenfolk controls the vote in local politics...
Within my circle,I do agree that women generally support PAP aka MM LKY,but I also notice a slight shift of position.

Many are not really happy with the invasion of too many better looking ladies fr other countries,in addition,pressure on employment and housing with the arrival of so many FTs is also a critical in shifting their thinking.

Opposition parties have more work to do,but conditions are favourable.

Work hard on them,and they shall be rewarded.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, female voters are very concerned about security, stability, continuity & safety and think only PAP could provide all the above. Unlike male voters, they are resistant to change. We can say womenfolk controls the vote in local politics...

I think so too but

that's subjective opinion. we have no opinion polls there to give us any elections data to analysis. We all except PAP will never know how the male/females / racial / age groups etc actually vote in elections.


1. CSJ was leader of SDP and yet he was not eligible for GE 2006. Is he a joker or clown?

Sure to lose anyway. Might as well pretend that government purposely disqualified him. That is why when policemen plead with him to leave, he purposely force them to arrest him.

2. SDP won avg 23% of popular votes in GE2006. This dragged down the opp percentage overall. Is he not ashamed and felt responsible?

He singlehanded pulled the PAP average percentage above most of the candidates (except Khaw Boon Wan's GRC and Teo Ho Pin). Then his stooges in this forum can claim that PM Lee performed below average.


Dear Scroo

The issues which matter to the SDP and the people most actively associated with them, freedom of speech , human rights , death penalty , Mynamar, ISA, min wage tend to be on the liberal side of politics. The only cause they have not adopted are green causes :_))

That said and done a glaring flaw is the talent or lack of talent that it attracts for these issues.

I can't believe for one moment that the PAP has brainwashed the most capable in society to be in the conservative mould. Those who rejected them are tea parties, heck there must must be a closet liberal amongst them.




Seems the issues SDP has adopted to champion are also ones that can command international limelight, garner int'l opinions - not to say that they have managed to do this for all the issues. They also mostly can fall back on rhetoric without really deep or accurate analyses, unlike taking on bread & butter issues, HDB flat prices for example, which could turn out to be a boobytrap and timebomb if they got the data or facts wrong. These guys are more like philosophers of ancient Greece. Which means that unless more Sinkies are given to intellectual discourse and sophistry, SDP will not cut ice with the populace.


All that you have stated has nothing do with Liberalism, socialism, or any political ideology. Even a Tory will fight for humans rights, freedom of speech.

These are essentially handy and convenient terms for those who are not well versed and fodder for the NGOs.

Green NGOs have little traction in Singapore after Dhanabalan crucified them over the Marina Bird Sanctuary and they not realising that it was reclaimed land left to fallow for the soil to settle and already earmarked for developments. Its like clowns asking Singaporeans who can see sea on all sides that a 1,000 sq km reserve be set aside in a 760 sq km island. As they are not organised there is no funds to dish out.

Dear Scroo

The issues which matter to the SDP and the people most actively associated with them, freedom of speech , human rights , death penalty , Mynamar, ISA, min wage tend to be on the liberal side of politics. The only cause they have not adopted are green causes :_))


Excellent point. It was something PAP correctly identified very early hence the women's charter. It has always been said that for the PAP, women voters are fixed deposit in their account.

Yes, female voters are very concerned about security, stability, continuity & safety and think only PAP could provide all the above. Unlike male voters, they are resistant to change. We can say womenfolk controls the vote in local politics...


Excellent point. It was something PAP correctly identified very early hence the women's charter. It has always been said that for the PAP, women voters are fixed deposit in their account.

What rubbish. The Women's Charter is small potatoes compared to the rights women have in other commonwealth countries. The forumers here who keep harping on it are just uncivilised bullying wimps.


What rubbish. The Women's Charter is small potatoes compared to the rights women have in other commonwealth countries. The forumers here who keep harping on it are just uncivilised bullying wimps.
Dear cass,

So u think Spore ladies are on par with Ang Mohs?

I think u hv no understanding of Spore,our people,especiaslly the old generation,have the mentality of 5th world,that is beow people in communist China BUT aboev people in Myanmar and Sudan,for example!


He singlehanded pulled the PAP average percentage above most of the candidates (except Khaw Boon Wan's GRC and Teo Ho Pin). Then his stooges in this forum can claim that PM Lee performed below average.

Many people are saying SDP has changed and improve this time. I'm still skeptical and expecting them to pull another stunt when the moment comes. I'd not be surprised if it comes from professional stuntsman James G. whom I understand has joined SDP recently.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Seems the issues SDP has adopted to champion are also ones that can command international limelight, garner int'l opinions - not to say that they have managed to do this for all the issues. They also mostly can fall back on rhetoric without really deep or accurate analyses, unlike taking on bread & butter issues, HDB flat prices for example, which could turn out to be a boobytrap and timebomb if they got the data or facts wrong. These guys are more like philosophers of ancient Greece. Which means that unless more Sinkies are given to intellectual discourse and sophistry, SDP will not cut ice with the populace.

Hi kingrant

The only opposition party i find 'acceptable' today is by far the worker's party. Ever since Chiam left SDP, the party has transformed itself from an opposition party into a vehicle for championing nothing but democracy, democracy and democracy.

We have to take into consideration that the first and foremost thoughts of the populace are their bread and butter issues and most importantly housing. The pace of life in Singapore is getting more hectic and as if we do not have enough competition from developing nations in the region, FTs are flooding into our nation faster than a burst dam. Democracy is nothing but a political ideology without active participation and unfortunately for many Singaporeans, that only happens every 5 years and not on a daily basis.

This nation is probably big enough for another party standing toe to toe with the PAP. If we have space for 2 million FTs, do we not have enough political space for one more big party? Right now my money is with WP but it may be with PAP someday if i am convinced that it is in my best interests to do so at that point of time. If anybody were to tell me that supporting PAP is undemocratic, i will simply reply "Fuck you, democracy means i am free to choose between PAP or any other party.

Being anti-PAP is not the only hallmark of a democractic Singapore, being able to choose among the different parties them is. :biggrin: