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Employing PRCs: Mark Lee defends himself


Sad thing that uncouth gangsterism is rife in an otherwise juicy forum.

Modify one lanjiao post for so long and all you can come out with is this lanjiao one liner? The effects of being gang raped by your platoon mates still affecting your cum filled brain? Still up to same old tricks of making trouble when forummers don't agree with your one dimensional postings when you use the "besotted" nick? You are just like your mother!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::oIo:


Modify one lanjiao post for so long and all you can come out with is this lanjiao one liner? The effects of being gang raped by your platoon mates still affecting your cum filled brain? Still up to same old tricks of making trouble when forummers don't agree with your one dimensional postings when you use the "besotted" nick? You are just like your mother!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::oIo:

LOL, i'll be watching you. this is sad - not everyone who is smarter and more eloquent than you is some clone of an enemy you made somewhere online. but go on!


LOL, i'll be watching you. this is sad - not everyone who is smarter and more eloquent than you is some clone of an enemy you made somewhere online. but go on!

Notice I would not stoop to the level of using the infraction tool to ban you like others. It's because letting you open your cheebye mouth is even better. You can dress in drag nicks. But I will pull off all your clothing one piece at a time until your little clitoris for a lanjiao is fully exposed. Your intent and agenda smell the same in whatever nicks.

Watching me? Guess who is watching you? Inglis professor Cheebaijwee Lanjiaobee!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::oIo:

Coming soon the "tiu" clones!........LOL...............LOL

yellow people

Alfrescian (Inf)

Makes sense. Looks like some forummers are finding something to get angry about and they are more angry than these lower-educated people themselves. What a joke seriously.

Good afternoon you ugly stupid gay dog. Your ass is ready for me to kick but i am inviting you to kick mine first, that is if you have the balls. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Notice I would not stoop to the level of using the infraction tool to ban you like others. It's because letting you open your cheebye mouth is even better. You can dress in drag nicks. But I will pull off all your clothing one piece at a time until your little clitoris for a lanjiao is fully exposed. Your intent and agenda smell the same in whatever nicks.

Watching me? Guess who is watching you? Inglis professor Cheebaijwee Lanjiaobee!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::oIo:

Coming soon the "tiu" clones!........LOL...............LOL

wow, are you a sad paranoid little man or what?


wow, are you a sad paranoid little man or what?

I know you'll come back. Once you had your brains fucked into mush, you always kwai kwai come back to your daddy for more. Just like your mom! don't smash keyboard again hor, Sim Lim Square closed for the Chinese New Year!....LOL.....Cheebye kiah!:oIo:


I know you'll come back. Once you had your brains fucked into mush, you always kwai kwai come back to your daddy for more. Just like your mom! don't smash keyboard again hor, Sim Lim Square closed for the Chinese New Year!....LOL.....Cheebye kiah!:oIo:

okay okay don't stress bro


Her view is one thing that's for sure, but the thing my cass888 is trying to make is that, this female secretary IS PAID for doing overtime as opposed to free labor, AND it is at the 1.5 times extra as stipulated by the labor ministry. So what exploitation are you talking about? Are you by any chance a communist?

Also, doing overtime is part and parcel of her job. When you work for others who set up the company, they get the lion's share of the profits that come, but when they work for you who set up the company, you get the lion's share of the profits that come. Is this not so? Is this not fair in a sense?

So what is exploitation? Obviously you have never traveled to Third World countries to truly understand what this term that you used really means.

"1.5x extra as stipulated by the labor ministry..." do you realize how robotic that sounds? an so if the ministry of morality say you can only wank 3 times a week, you will think 3 times is the morally right number? by the way, 1.5x of $8 an hour is only $12 an hour. that, is peanuts.

if i were communist, i'll be living in sentosa.

yes it is "so" that biz owners currently get the lion's share in Sg. is this fair? no. i advocate 40% corporate tax on all biz profits so the lion's share goes to the state. Why, are you saying we can't trust the state to manage our money for our interest?

don't make "obviously" statements that you do not know the "obvious" answer to. it makes you look really stupid.

so when it comes to exploitation, we compare to 3rd world countries. but come to cost of living, we benchmark against 1st world. you reveal your true colours.


Maybe, but please do not blame the establishment that you voted and stood behind for everything that goes wrong in your life. This is in plain terms, hypocrisy. 50K may not be 50 million yes, but that money is usually used to meet further expenses along the way. It is not really to be saved for long-term retirement. Your argument is weak.

And if you oppose capitalism so much you should really go live in a socialist country for a while and see how much better or worse or different life there is.

i have not voted nor stood behind this establishment; you're very full of yourself aren't you? middle level civil servant with some access to some inside information?

my argument is that 50k will do little for the average singaporean's retirement, while 50k will go a long way for the FT's retirement. you choose not to see this or perhaps you mis-read.

i oppose unfettered capitalism. you make too many assumptions, this must necessarily be caused by your lack of access to mother's milk.


You hit the nail on the head. An employer pays just enough so the employee doesn't quit. An employee works just hard enough so she doesn't get fired. What's your beef?

Problem is that our monkeys want to receive pay that is disproportionate to their value. And still refuse to jump through the hoop. Unlike the foreign worker who is willing to work twice as hard for half the pay.

Dollars and Sense.

my hokubee beef is with the liberal FT policy manufactured by the PAP to depress wages.

you should try limiting your household budget to a secretary's pay for 3 months. see how enjoyable the experience will prove for you and your family.


yes it is "so" that biz owners currently get the lion's share in Sg. is this fair? no. i advocate 40% corporate tax on all biz profits so the lion's share goes to the state. Why, are you saying we can't trust the state to manage our money for our interest?

Communist robbinG hood. That is exactly why we cannot afford to let popularlist socialists like yourself and the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan to rule the country. 40% tax indeed, to rob the productive and play santa claus to the unproductive.


you should try limiting your household budget to a secretary's pay for 3 months. see how enjoyable the experience will prove for you and your family.

I don't owe her a living. If it was so tough, she should have worked the extra 3 hours overtime.

Leftist ideals may sound nice. But see where all the leftist governments have led their countries?


Not defending Mark Lee, but is that how you will run your biz? Kinda naive.

Everyone is entitled to choose not to work on weekends to spend time with their families (barring certain critical essential services). If the business owner can't get workers to work on weekends, he should get his family members to fill in. If he can't get family members to fill in, he should just close his business on weekends. What? He can't do that because that is the opportunity to earn big bucks? That is his problem, the workers are also losing the opportunity to earn $$$ by choosing not to work on weekends.

At the end of the day, it just boils down to wanting to make $$$ at all costs. That is the root of the problem.


Everyone is entitled to choose not to work on weekends to spend time with their families (barring certain critical essential services). If the business owner can't get workers to work on weekends, he should get his family members to fill in. If he can't get family members to fill in, he should just close his business on weekends. What? He can't do that because that is the opportunity to earn big bucks? That is his problem, the workers are also losing the opportunity to earn $$$ by choosing not to work on weekends.

At the end of the day, it just boils down to wanting to make $$$ at all costs. That is the root of the problem.

Not defending Mark Lee, but is that how you will run your biz? Kinda naive.

Try living in a first-world country. You will find almost all non-essential shops closed on Sundays or operating on restricted hours (yes, even those operated by Asians). Why do these countries have government-sanctioned rules like this? It is because they believe everyone should be entitled to time-off. Otherwise, those who wish to spend the entire weekends with their families will always be undercut by others who do not want the time-off.

It is fine if everyone is single and have no families to take care of. It is about fairness. If they can find people to work on weekends, no issues with that. But if they start looking to bring people in from all over the world just to lower the costs (for whatever reasons) and undercut the local population, then it is time for workers to take a stand.

If you want to call me naive, so be it. It simply depends on which side of the window you are looking through. I guess SG is aspiring to be the sweat-shop of SEA as this looks to be the "vision" of PAP/LKY. The only important question is whether is this also the "vision" of the people, it doesn't matter what I, as an individual, think.


Communist robbinG hood. That is exactly why we cannot afford to let popularlist socialists like yourself and the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan to rule the country. 40% tax indeed, to rob the productive and play santa claus to the unproductive.

your notions of efficiency are not wrong when applied to a corporate setting. after all, companies are profit driven.

but a Country isn't a Corporation.

lowering the corporate tax rate to 17% is the worst thing the PAP has done to the country. we tried to race hong kong to the bottom, and in the end we're the ones suffering.

we are now forced to run a budget deficit and finance it from the reserves. seems like Lee Hsien Loong only knows how to spend Daddy's hard earned reserves rather than generating his own.


I don't owe her a living. If it was so tough, she should have worked the extra 3 hours overtime.

Leftist ideals may sound nice. But see where all the leftist governments have led their countries?

No one owe's anyone a living... where it comes to fellow citizens. but the government that we empowered by voting for them, they owe us all a living.

and that's irrelevant to my challenge to you (and all our policy makers) to try running your household budgets on a typical secretary's pay for 3 months. hell, even running your household budget on the Median household income will be a challenge for all of you and i think 90% will fail this challenge.

and i don't see my ideals as leftist or rightist or centrist, but simply realistic. if we don't increase our tax base and keep tapping on the reserves to run a deficit, how long before Soros and gang team up against the SGD?


More educated, well-informed people know what's going on behind the closed doors of corporate offices, and refuse to swallow what companies try to spoonfeed them. Even if they do, it's only after much consideration and understanding of the company's actual practices. They actually have their own minds. Naive, gullible WANNABEs blindly buy "socially-responsible products" because they don't know better. Guess which category you belong to? :smile:

Let me quote you an example since you are so ignorant.
Go check out Qantas's website, http://www.qantas.com.au/travel/airlines/community-support/global/en
Why do you think they are so involved in the community?

If you really want to have an intellectual spar with me, I'm sorry, go pick someone you can actually win. You don't know who you're up against. And no, I was not referring to Singaporeans in general - only naive 3-year olds like you who have no concept of business management.
Why take it so personally? It is just a debate not an attack to your personality? Is it because you are frustrated with so many people calling you dumb?

You're not even grasping simple economic concepts that 17 year-old A level students can easily master, OMG. Let me teach you something about firms. The MOMENT you take advice from idiots who say you should hire unnecessarily expensive labour to serve some distorted idea of greater good, you no longer make maximum profits. The hundreds of other coffeeshops will thank you for your generosity and hire all the foreign labour that you reject. They will increase their share of the pie and squeeze you out of business. Do you have any idea how cutthroat the coffeeshop business is? If you want to blame someone, blame the government for flooding the job market with way too many cheap labour. Mark Lee is one firm out of hundreds or thousands and he can't do shit about it. You think he's some god?
Yes I do blame the gov't policy & I blame Mark Lee too. For being an hypocrite. He is an artist which many people look upon as model. How can he of all people, be " a voice" for Singaporean's troubles and yet not walking the talk?

Then if labour gets more expensive, more coffeeshops will close down, food gets more expensive and Singaporeans have fewer places to choose from. Guess who the same people will blame? The government. So easy to blame the government without understanding the dynamics behind things.

Use your brain, in the past we don't have so many foreigners and a chicken rice cost $2. Now with so many foreigners our chicken rice cost $4. Have anyone seat back and think where have all the cost savings go to?

Lots of people here have never run a single business in their entire lives and so can sit back and talk big behind keyboards about socially responsible businesses and how easy it should be for Mark Lee to hire expensive Singaporeans. The fact that they can come up with cock notions like this one explains their delusions: they don't even HAVE the ability to run businesses in the first place.


The best excuse you can come up with for not taking initiative is you don't want to malu. No wonder foreigners are out-talking and out-competing more Singaporeans by the day. Doesn't matter if these foreigners are in Singapore or not - if more people think like you, then we as a nation are doomed, and it won't even be the PAP's fault. What, are you still being breastfed by your mum, you sorry spineless excuse for a man?
No as I have said, there is a difference between initiative and being irritable. You want to demonstrate your initiative, you must see what kind of jobs you are applying for.
If you are applying for coffee shop job, as I have said earlier if they want to hire, they will post an ad.
If you are applying for a Lawyer job, you don't need to wait for an advertise to send in your CV, in this situation, showing that you have initiative is appropriate.

You seriously don't compare apples with apples and you simply talk without using your brain. I am simply wasting my brain cells talking to people like you.


If the locals won't work when the FTs will, then it is the local's problem with being unemployed. That's the bottom line and it is good that the government recognises that the employers do not owe the employees a living.

There is no answer here. Employers and employees have their own irreconciliable interests. If Singaporeans feel strongly about establishments hiring too many foreigners, then they should boycott these establishments because employers will not listen unless it hits their pocket.