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Dr Tan Cheng Bock calls on PM Lee to call a by-election at Punggol East


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=2]Dr Tan Cheng Bock calls on PM Lee to call a by-election at Punggol East[/h]
December 13th, 2012 |
Author: Contributions

Dr Tan Cheng Bock

PM Lee must call a by-election at Punggol East
The resignation of Michael Palmer from his post as Speaker of Parliament and MP of Punggol East has left vacant a parliamentary seat.
PM Lee should be more positive when asked whether he will call a by-election instead of to “carefully consider” a by-election. This cast doubts on the peoples’ minds.
This is a single seat constituency and the residents of Punggol East need a representative in Parliament. Proxy representation is no option as the next GE is in 2015.
Dr Tan Cheng Bock
* Dr Tan was a Presidential candidate in the 2011 Presidential Election.
[Source]: https://www.facebook.com/TanChengBock


Alfrescian (Inf)
Main » 2012 » December » 13 » By-election a must for PM's moral authority
By-election a must for PM's moral authority

Added on: Thursday Yesterday
Total comments: 5

Singapore Democrats

The Prime Minister cannot avoid calling for a by-election in Punggol East SMC without inflicting severe damage to his and his party's political and moral standing.

Mr Michael Palmer resigned not just as a Member of Parliament but also as Speaker.

His stepping down has left a gaping hole in the legislature that cannot be ignored or papered over. More importantly, voters of Punggol East have been badly let down and they deserve the opportunity to elect another representative.

For these reasons, PM Lee Hsien Loong must call an election in the constituency and soon.

Governance requires not just political but also moral authority. Without moral authority, the PM will find his power undermined and challenged from within and outside of his party. Singaporeans will lose even more confidence in his leadership and ability to take our country forward. The end-result is that our nation will go further in the wrong direction. A by-election is the only way that Mr Lee can stem the erosion of his moral authority.

Of course, Mr Lee is anxious to avoid elections especially at this time. For all his expressions of contrition and promises to make amends at the end of the last general elections, nothing has changed. It is nearly two years since the 2011 GE and Mr Lee's broken promises are still fresh in the minds of Singaporeans:

Wages are still down, inflation is running up, HDB prices continue to escalate, public transport is still as crowded, healthcare costs remain as expensive as ever and the PAP is going ahead with its dangerous plan of bringing in more and more foreigners even though our country cannot sustain it.

Singaporeans are fed up. They want change. The SDP stands at the vanguard of change. We have advocated a series of alternative policy plans that have given our fellow Singaporeans a clear view of what that change looks like. We want:

  • The Government to give Singaporeans priority in employment and stop forcing a 6.5 million population on our country by indiscriminately bringing in foreigners (see Singaporeans Come First).

The SDP has been working to raise the standard of opposition politics in Singapore and to be the party that Singaporeans are looking for: competent, constructive and compassionate.



Unless there is a good reason not to hold the by-election, the PM will have no choice but to proceed with it, even though deep inside, we believe he would like to avoid it if possible.


Alfrescian (Inf)
PM Lee should be more positive when asked whether he will call a by-election instead of to “carefully consider” a by-election. This cast doubts on the peoples’ minds.

Ah Tan CB is right about this. PM Lee can turn the mango inside out outside in and whatever careful consideration, still he must hold the by-election, no matter how he thinks. Think positive, that's the word for him.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ah Tan CB is right about this. PM Lee can turn the mango inside out outside in and whatever careful consideration, still he must hold the by-election, no matter how he thinks. Think positive, that's the word for him.

your sinkie PM is displaying his sinkieiness for all to see. just observe him, his sinkie behaviour is at all time high now.. this is so funny.


Don't worry boys. By election will surely come. What for you fellas cry about it as if it can be avoided? You sound stupid like Tan ching Ching.


Alfrescian (Inf)
very sad that TCB did not win the PE,,if he did, he can tell the PM that a BE should be called,,and PM will have to listen,,but now he is a private citizen,,nothing much he can do,,


Its a good thing that a liar like TCB wasn't elected.
Tony is the bestest.


try asking a md or ceo of a company to quit and come back as auditor...

only in uniquely singapore where the fuckin' daft idiotic imbeciles (60.1%) can accept this kinda bullshit!!!

助李为孽, 其后人将世世为奴,代代为娼!!!!!!!!!


VOTE papees OUT

do yrself, yr forefathers and yr generations to come, a favor, a service and a long-awaited justice
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try asking a md or ceo of a company to quit and come back as auditor...

only in uniquely singapore where the fuckin' daft idiotic imbeciles (60.1%) can accept this kinda bullshit!!!

助李为孽, 其后人将世世为奴,代代为娼!!!!!!!!!


VOTE papees OUT

do yrself, yr forefathers and yr generations to come, a favor, a service and a long-awaited justice

Wasn't TCB n Ong Teng Cheong MDs and CEOs there too? wat talking lu?


very sad that TCB did not win the PE,,if he did, he can tell the PM that a BE should be called,,and PM will have to listen,,but now he is a private citizen,,nothing much he can do,,

That Tan CB is not now the President is caused by that unpopular Tan KL.


Alfrescian (Inf)
And that fucking Tan Jee Say.

so TCB would stroll to victory because he would had both PAP and Opposition votes. isn't there a possibility that the 60% would chose to concentrate their votes for TT if it was a straight contest between TCB and TT?



Wasn't TCB n Ong Teng Cheong MDs and CEOs there too? wat talking lu?




Ong was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system in 1992. He became Singapore's first elected President a year later, and it was a presidency marked by many charitable projects (the largest of which is the President's Star Charity, an annual event initiated by Ong). Ong stepped down as President at the age of 63.[4] Ong ran for the presidency under the PAP's endorsement. He ran against a reluctant Chua Kim Yeow, a former accountant general, for the post. A total of 1,756,517 votes were polled. Ong received 952,513 votes while Chua had 670,358 votes, despite the former having a higher public exposure and a much more active campaign than Chua.

However, soon after his election to the presidency in 1993, Ong was tangled in a dispute over the access of information regarding Singapore's financial reserves. The government said it would take 56 man-years to produce a dollar-and-cents value of the immovable assets. Ong discussed this with the accountant general and the auditor general and eventually conceded that the government only had to declare all of its properties, a list which took a few months to produce. Even then, the list was not complete; it took the government a total of three years to produce the information that Ong requested.[12]

In an interview with Asiaweek six months after stepping down from presidency,[13] Ong indicated that he had asked for this audit based on the principle that as an elected president, he was bound to protect the national reserves, and the only way of doing so would be to know what reserves (both liquid cash and assets) the government owned.

In the last year of his presidency (1998) Ong found out through the newspapers that the government aimed to submit a bill to Parliament to sell the Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) to The Development Bank of Singapore. The POSB was, at that time, a government statutory board whose reserves were under the president's protection; this move according to Ong, was procedurally inappropriate and did not regard Ong's significance as the guardian of the reserves; he had to call and inform the government of this oversight. In spite of this, the sale proceeded and the Development Bank Of Singapore owns POSBank and its name to this present day.[13]

Ong received an honorary appointment of Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG) from Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in 1998.[14]

Ong decided not to run for a second term as president in 1999 partially due to health reasons.


Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam was born in Singapore on 7 February 1940. He received his early education in St Patrick's School and St Joseph's Institution. Dr Tan graduated from the University of Singapore with a First Class Honours Degree in Physics in 1962, and went on to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he obtained a Master of Science degree. He later obtained a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Adelaide.

Dr Tan started his career as a lecturer with the Physics Department of the University of Singapore in 1964, after obtaining his Master of Science degree. He joined the University again as a lecturer with the Department of Mathematics after obtaining his doctorate in 1967. In 1969, he left the University to begin a career in banking with the Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC), where he rose to become General Manager. He left OCBC in 1979 to enter politics.

Dr Tan was elected as a Member of Parliament in 1979 and was appointed Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Education. In June 1980, he was appointed Minister for Education and concurrently, the Vice-Chancellor of the National University of Singapore. A year later, he was appointed Minister for Trade and Industry. From October 1983 to January 1985, Dr Tan served as the Minister for Finance and concurrently as the Minister for Trade and Industry. From January 1985 to December 1991, he served as the Minister for Education.

In December 1991, Dr Tan stepped down from the Cabinet to return to the private sector as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of OCBC. Dr Tan rejoined the Cabinet in August 1995 and was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence. In August 2003, Dr Tan was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for Security and Defence.

Dr Tan retired from the Cabinet in September 2005 and was appointed Deputy Chairman and Executive Director of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Private Limited (GIC), Chairman of the National Research Foundation and Deputy Chairman of the Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council, and Chairman of Singapore Press Holdings Limited (SPH).

In July 2011, Dr Tan stepped down from his positions at the GIC and SPH to contest in the Presidential Election. He was elected on 27 August 2011, and sworn in as the seventh President of the Republic of Singapore on 1 September 2011.

Dr Tan married Madam Mary Chee Bee Kiang in 1964. They have four children (three sons and one daughter) and five grandchildren.




VOTE papees OUT

do yrself, yr forefathers and yr generations to come, a favor, a service and a long-awaited justice



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Its a good thing that a liar like TCB wasn't elected.
Tony is the bestest.

hi there

1. yo!
2. aiyoh! i guess a pair of balls is not enough for you hoh.
3. you still want to go so low as to licking some whitehaired's balls.
4. tsk tsk tsk!
5. btw, the mr tan in question was from your part of the world once upon a time.
6. you can forget so easily meh:biggrin:
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