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Don't eat shark's fins...


Alfrescian (Inf)
I stand corrected. As for "no such thing as a less cruel way to kill animals" I stand by what I said. The play of words like torture before killing, is torturing is ambiguous. A cruel way of killing is what it exactly means, torturing before killing. There is no such thing as torturing after killing is there?

You're both wrong. One is singular. Therefore, either one eats meat or doesn't eat meat. We are plural. Therefore, either we eat meat or don't eat meat.

I tend to agree with Ramseth - a kill is a kill. Torturing before killing is torturing, not killing. I don't advocate torturing of course, whether human or animal.


I stand corrected. As for "no such thing as a less cruel way to kill animals" I stand by what I said. The play of words like torture before killing, is torturing is ambiguous. A cruel way of killing is what it exactly means, torturing before killing. There is no such thing as torturing after killing is there?

This topic about sharkfin should be about cruelty, not about actual intent to kill, but still causing slow and painful death to the shark. This point I'd concede. After the fin is removed, the shark is thrown back into the sea live. However, it has a severe injury amounting to amputation, it loses most of its ability to swim and hunt properly and death is beckoning soon. However think of all the weaker fish that fell prey to a fully fit shark.

I don't eat sharkfin, actually not that I don't want to but have few opportunities to try since it's not commonly available except in grand Chinese feasts. Think about, not commonly available, what does that mean? I can only think it means not that many sharks are fished that way for their fins. Otherwise, the dish would be flooding the market.

I make no moral stand on others eating it, since I'm quite a meat eater myself, whether farmed or hunted. To each his own. If sharks are really depleted because of this, then the sharkfin eaters suffer themselves.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You're both wrong. One is singular. Therefore, either one eats meat or doesn't eat meat. We are plural. Therefore, either we eat meat or don't eat meat ...
shud b laidis ler ...

1 eats meat or doesnt ... either we eat or dun ...

u dun so lor-li-lor-sor 1 ... :o


It will be nice if we were all herbivores, but we're not. Our teeth is a giveaway. For those who can be 100% vegetarian, I really respect them -I can't, I love to barbecue. However, throwing a live crab onto a fire isn't my idea of cooking - kill the damn thing first, and as quickly as possible.

Yes, there are more cruel and less cruel ways to kill an animal. And treatment as humanely as we possibly can afford while they're alive. With our species' population bursting at the seams (how many megacities can we count?) free-range farms are for the rich and privileged. Depending on culture and affluence, each community will have their own standards. We're now reaching "global" standards and that is where standards cross and clash and some are going to be howling at how others manage their farms. I wouldn't eat dog, but somewhere, someplace, it is considered normal.

Hunting as pest control, or for food is justifiable, not sport hunting - that can be done with a camera.

Coming back to the thread's title, another reason not to eat shark - they're carnivores AND scavengers. And they do not have scales.


Either one eats meat or don't eat meat. There's no such thing as a less cruel way to kill an animal whether farmed or hunted. A kill is a kill. Whether for fun or for food.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It will be nice if we were all herbivores, but we're not. Our teeth is a giveaway. For those who can be 100% vegetarian, I really respect them -I can't, I love to barbecue. However, throwing a live crab onto a fire isn't my idea of cooking - kill the damn thing first, and as quickly as possible.

Yes, look at our teeth, we actually have meat tearing fangs and meat grinding molars, not as pronounced and poweful as those of tigers and wolves of course, but they're there. It suggests human beings to be natural omnivores. Tigers and wolves with their sets of teeth and appetites wouldn't be interested in fruits and vegetables, they're pure carnivores.

But with apologies to the crab, I find the freshest and most delicious way to eat it is to have it tied up and steamed alive till cooked. I don't really believe in overpaying for overhyped chilli crab, pepper crab or butter crab. Plain silly if you ask me, since it's cooking the crab whole with shell on.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Coming back to the thread's title, another reason not to eat shark - they're carnivores AND scavengers. And they do not have scales.

You Muslim or Jew? I eat shark meat occasionally. Usually available with Teochew porridge. Yes, bulky but wooden, not much better than chicken breast. Guess that's why it's not popular and doesn't fetch high price.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Between 70 - 100 million sharks are killed every year for shark fins soup. This is no small number and it is callous for anyone to say they find nothing wrong in killing sharks for their fins. All nature's creatures on earth exist for a purpose and mass killing of any specie will create an imbalance as there may be a domino effect. Malaysia recently released thousands of genetically modified mosquitos to combat dengue fever. I am not comfortable with this for it may have downsides which can affect us. Only time can tell, but I fear this is a dangerous precedent.



It will be nice if we were all herbivores, but we're not. Our teeth is a giveaway. For those who can be 100% vegetarian, I really respect them -I can't, I love to barbecue. However, throwing a live crab onto a fire isn't my idea of cooking - kill the damn thing first, and as quickly as possible.

Yes, there are more cruel and less cruel ways to kill an animal. And treatment as humanely as we possibly can afford while they're alive. With our species' population bursting at the seams (how many megacities can we count?) free-range farms are for the rich and privileged. Depending on culture and affluence, each community will have their own standards. We're now reaching "global" standards and that is where standards cross and clash and some are going to be howling at how others manage their farms. I wouldn't eat dog, but somewhere, someplace, it is considered normal.

Hunting as pest control, or for food is justifiable, not sport hunting - that can be done with a camera.

Coming back to the thread's title, another reason not to eat shark - they're carnivores AND scavengers. And they do not have scales.



Alfrescian (Inf)
What are the numbers for cattle, lamb, pig, chicken, other fish etc.? What's so special about sharks? If it's depleted, problem solved, nobody eats sharkfin or meat anymore. Your pictures negate the accusation of cruelty. They look properly fished and processed, just like any other fish.

Between 70 - 100 million sharks are killed every year for shark fins soup. This is no small number and it is callous for anyone to say they find nothing wrong in killing sharks for their fins. All nature's creatures on earth exist for a purpose and mass killing of any specie will create an imbalance as there may be a domino effect. Malaysia recently released thousands of genetically modified mosquitos to combat dengue fever. I am not comfortable with this for it may have downsides which can affect us. Only time can tell, but I fear this is a dangerous precedent.




You Muslim or Jew? I eat shark meat occasionally. Usually available with Teochew porridge. Yes, bulky but wooden, not much better than chicken breast. Guess that's why it's not popular and doesn't fetch high price.

Neither, I don't believe in circumcision.

I have eaten shark meat before, but I don't like it. Have used it as crab bait with some success a long time ago.


..... All nature's creatures on earth exist for a purpose and mass killing of any specie will create an imbalance as there may be a domino effect. Malaysia recently released thousands of genetically modified mosquitos to combat dengue fever. I am not comfortable with this for it may have downsides which can affect us. Only time can tell, but I fear this is a dangerous precedent.

Fully agree. Self-serving ego, and profit motivation are the factors driving this trade.

The Frankenstein Mosquito is kinda scary. Hopefully they cannot reproduce.



Cattle, lamb, pig, chicken, and many species of fishes are allowed to reproduce and growth in their populations are controlled, not so with the sharks.


What are the numbers for cattle, lamb, pig, chicken, other fish etc.? What's so special about sharks? If it's depleted, problem solved, nobody eats sharkfin or meat anymore. Your pictures negate the accusation of cruelty. They look properly fished and processed, just like any other fish.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Cattle, lamb, pig, chicken, and many species of fishes are allowed to reproduce and growth in their populations are controlled, not so with the sharks.


Neither are cod, tuna, salmon etc. in the ocean. The wild species people worry about are usually the awesome predators - sharks, crocodiles, tigers, lions etc. Why? Because that's where the career environmentalists can raise the most funds from. From rich sponsors who're scared into believing they may not be able to watch these awesome creatures anymore if they don't donate and support the cause. Who wants to save ants and bugs, roaches and rodents? Multi-billion dollar MNCs are set up to exterminate them.

You want to watch it as entertainment, I want to eat it as food. Let the market decide the price. Fair enough? It's pure crap that the extinction of shark of any animal will destroy the oceans or the forests.
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I don't eat sharkfin, actually not that I don't want to but have few opportunities to try since it's not commonly available except in grand Chinese feasts. Think about, not commonly available, what does that mean? I can only think it means not that many sharks are fished that way for their fins. Otherwise, the dish would be flooding the market.
hahaha...ah forv, u got money I bring you everyday eat also can....there are plenty of restaurants in sinkapore serving shark fins everyday.....seriously.
In short the dish is readily available.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sharks are apex predators and they are primarily scavengers, eating the weak ones off schools of fishes, the old and dying animals and reef fishes. Without sharks, reef fishes that feeds on corals will kill the reefs by which other animals depend on for survival. The biodiversity of the oceans will be thrown off balance and similarly likewise applies to the land when we kill off species. If there are no butterflies and bees, plants cannot pollinate and humans have their harvests reduced. Humans are unique that having intellect and hence utter superiority over other animals have the duty to maintain the ecological balance for the good of all. If we all believe that apart from humans, all other species are unimportant, then the next thought would be, we are more important than other humans. It does not stop there, for soon we will be killing more of our fellow humans as we have been doing and may exterminate ourselves eventually. We humans, are sentient beings and have the moral obligation to protect the earth as nature has given us the gift.

Neither are cod, tuna, salmon etc. in the ocean. The wild species people worry about are usually the awesome predators - sharks, crocodiles, tigers, lions etc. Why? Because that's where the career environmentalists can raise the most funds from. From rich sponsors who're scared into believing they may not be able to watch these awesome creatures anymore if they don't donate and support the cause. Who wants to save ants and bugs, roaches and rodents? Multi-billion dollar MNCs are set up to exterminate them.

You want to watch it as entertainment, I want to eat it as food. Let the market decide the price. Fair enough? It's pure crap that the extinction of shark of any animal will destroy the oceans or the forests.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Somehow it boggles my mind how anyone can perceive those pictures as something artistic, whilst the discussion is about the wanton killing of sharks. If you cannot see beyond the pretty pictures and that they represent a very small quantity of the millions of sharks killed annually, then you disappoint me. Sharks multiply slowly and take a long time to mature, therefore they are unable to recover as quickly as some other animals.

What are the numbers for cattle, lamb, pig, chicken, other fish etc.? What's so special about sharks? If it's depleted, problem solved, nobody eats sharkfin or meat anymore. Your pictures negate the accusation of cruelty. They look properly fished and processed, just like any other fish.


Cod, tuna, and salmon have been overfished already. How many cod the size of the one carried on the back of the man in Scott's Emulsion Cod liver oil are seen these days? None! Portugese fishing boats have been encroaching into Canadian waters to fish for these cod, because they no longer teem the North Atlantic anymore. Salmon is farmed nowadays.

Not only shark; any specie of animal or plant that becomes extinct, we all lose something. For all we know, certain substances in organs of the Dodo bird may contain a cure for incurable diseases - now gone forever.

Which muiltibillion dollar MNC(s) was set up to eliminate bugs and rodents?

Neither are cod, tuna, salmon etc. in the ocean. The wild species people worry about are usually the awesome predators - sharks, crocodiles, tigers, lions etc. Why? Because that's where the career environmentalists can raise the most funds from. From rich sponsors who're scared into believing they may not be able to watch these awesome creatures anymore if they don't donate and support the cause. Who wants to save ants and bugs, roaches and rodents? Multi-billion dollar MNCs are set up to exterminate them.

You want to watch it as entertainment, I want to eat it as food. Let the market decide the price. Fair enough? It's pure crap that the extinction of shark of any animal will destroy the oceans or the forests.


I think both sides have their stories and points. I agree that some people simply love some animals and campaign to save them. I'm a meat eater but I won't imagine myself eating dog and would be very pissed with those who do. But I also I agree that there's no such thing as any specie going extinct would render disaster on planet earth. From prehistory to history, there're abundant examples of species gone extinct, earth survived and humans survived. In fact, I think earth will survive in its own way even if humans or all other living species become extinct, perhaps even better off.


Hahaha, another Pinkerton anti-shark fins idiot

So easily manipulated by Western Hollywood values

Sharks fin best lah! Yummy..........