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do u have anything to say to this ceca.who wants to leave singapore?



Hello guys,

I am finally considering of leaving Singapore. My rental agreement expires end of September. I have been paying like 2300 per month in rent. My landlord initially agreed to renew at 3k. I contacted the landlord directly and bypassed the landlord's agent. But I think the agent contacted the landlord and somehow convinced him that my house could easily fetch over 3.5k.

This is more like a straw that breaks the camels back. It is not like another $500 is going to be a deal breaker. But I dont see the point, renting a stupid HDB and living a substandard life here with no path to PR or residency. I would rather move to India now and get used to it than continue staying here like this. My current rent is 2300, so I was able to save significantly good amount of money. But now I have already made enough for now and money is no longer a motivator.


Fuck them , already get high paid job still want to get cheap rental, fuck them go back, I also encountered ceca ,say poor life hard rent at 2200 then goes down to 1800, tot being kind to them but fuck after return unit I spent almost 20k for renov ,cb kia end up franchise Wang cafe at waterway point , cb can tell me laughing said he invested 300k in it, worse is I got debt collectors coming to my rented unit , hope to infirm all ,Don be kind by their snakes tongue, these snakes are evil, so many lawyer letters came in ,they smart use the wives name to loan from bank n default, but I direct them to waterway point Wang cafe, hope bros Don patronise them,fuckers from ceca


Bros who hv extra properties Don rent to ceca ,fir my case even toilet door can drop off , basin crack , walls worh kids oil base scribe, kitchen full of oil stained, wi down can dislodge, floor with stains, cannot get rid, etc , knn


Fuck them , already get high paid job still want to get cheap rental, fuck them go back, I also encountered ceca ,say poor life hard rent at 2200 then goes down to 1800, tot being kind to them but fuck after return unit I spent almost 20k for renov ,cb kia end up franchise Wang cafe at waterway point , cb can tell me laughing said he invested 300k in it, worse is I got debt collectors coming to my rented unit , hope to infirm all ,Don be kind by their snakes tongue, these snakes are evil, so many lawyer letters came in ,they smart use the wives name to loan from bank n default, but I direct them to waterway point Wang cafe, hope bros Don patronise them,fuckers from ceca

Bros who hv extra properties Don rent to ceca ,fir my case even toilet door can drop off , basin crack , walls worh kids oil base scribe, kitchen full of oil stained, wi down can dislodge, floor with stains, cannot get rid, etc , knn
sounds really bad

Scrooball (clone)

<<But now I have already made enough for now and money is no longer a motivator.>>

Sure or not? If money is not a motivator, he won't even be wasting time to post such whiny loser threads. He will simply show middle finger to Singapore and fuck off back to whatever shithole he came from , no?