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Coronavirus concerns way overblown

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I am now convinced that the WuFlu Cov-19 virus will turn out to be just another strain of the seasonal flu. Here with us to stay, impossible to get rid off, and only causing discomfort and annoyance, but not death, in the large majority (99.5%) of the population.

The reason why the mortality rate is elevated now:

Initially, only the serious cases are tested, so the starting samples are highly biased.

Also, some countries have poor healthcare systems.

And also, as this is a novel strain, this is the very first time humanity has come into contact with it. This is unlike the common varieties / strains of the seasonal flu which we have all been exposed to since young. When we are young, the flu does not harm us, and we develop some degree of resistance. Later in adulthood, should we come down with the common flu or common cold again, our bodies can fight it better. This explains why the mortality rate for the common cold / common influenza is so low. Our bodies had already had experience fighting the common strains since childhood. What does not kill us makes us stronger.

The Cov19 WuFlu is a novel strain, and so expect it to kill more people initially. Over the years, as more and more people get it, we will collectively develop herd immunity. Those reinfected in later years will find it hardly different from the common influenza. And the mortality rate will be roughly the same.

My theories are culled from observations from mainstream reports, and are not rigorously in a scientific way, but I believe them to be true now.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I am now convinced that the WuFlu Cov-19 virus will turn out to be just another strain of the seasonal flu. Here with us to stay, impossible to get rid off, and only causing discomfort and annoyance, but not death, in the large majority (99.5%) of the population.

The reason why the mortality rate is elevated now:

Initially, only the serious cases are tested, so the starting samples are highly biased.

Also, some countries have poor healthcare systems.

And also, as this is a novel strain, this is the very first time humanity has come into contact with it. This is unlike the common varieties / strains of the seasonal flu which we have all been exposed to since young. When we are young, the flu does not harm us, and we develop some degree of resistance. Later in adulthood, should we come down with the common flu or common cold again, our bodies can fight it better. This explains why the mortality rate for the common cold / common influenza is so low. Our bodies had already had experience fighting the common strains since childhood. What does not kill us makes us stronger.

The Cov19 WuFlu is a novel strain, and so expect it to kill more people initially. Over the years, as more and more people get it, we will collectively develop herd immunity. Those reinfected in later years will find it hardly different from the common influenza. And the mortality rate will be roughly the same.

My theories are culled from observations from mainstream reports, and are not rigorously in a scientific way, but I believe them to be true now.

When the Europeans first colonised the Americas what is seldom mentioned in the history books is the fact that many native communities were wiped out by diseases that the White settlers brought with them.

The natives had ZERO immunity to diseases that were already commonplace in Europe because they had not been exposed to these microbes before. The Europeans on the other hand had built up a natural immunity to diseases such as measles and influenza, smallpox etc.

Covid-19 is a new strain which is causing the same issues. There is very little natural immunity out there and despite that it is a very mild infection in more than 80% of those infected. Only those who are in a weakened state already are succumbing.

The best course of action is to just let it spread naturally and immunity will develop making the infection probably no more than a mild cold in the future for almost everyone elderly included.

All the measures being taken now are counter productive and extremely short sighted. It is depriving the young of a chance to build up an immunity that will protect them when they are older and weaker. When a Covid-19 variety returns some time in the future the 45 year old who could have become immune today while just suffering a sore throat could well be a 65 year old with a weakened immune system when a Covid-19 variant returns in the future.

As I said earlier we now live in a crazy world where politicians can no longer make rational decisions based upon expert advice. They are forced to put out statements and policies which are politically acceptable rather than being scientifically sound.


If you believe this sort of crap I guess you should also believe that the drug companies are refusing to mass produce a vaccine for the covid-19 virus unless there is sufficient negative news to sustain a demand. Otherwise it is a money losing venture.

I certainly do not doubt the flu figures because I have lost loved ones to influenza. However the death certificate will not list the cause of death as "Influenza". It will state "pneumonia" or "sepsis" etc depending upon which organ failed as the result of the infection.

Finally you do not have flu every other week. I have only caught twice in my life. The first time it almost killed me and the second time Tamiflu saved me.

I get the cold virus quite often especially in winter but it is mild and life goes on.

If you had the flu every other week you'd be dead by now for sure.

This is not crap. It's official figure. This is a FACT. Not some random estimate that 30,000 die of flu every year.

In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus.

Either flu is flu, or it is not.

From the article:

Most pneumonia deaths are unrelated to influenza. For example, "stomach acid suppressing drugs are associated with a higher risk of community-acquired pneumonia, but such drugs and pneumonia are not compiled as a single statistic," explained Dr. David Rosenthal, director of Harvard University Health Services.
Pneumonia, according to the American Lung Association, has more than 30 different causes, influenza being but one of them.

You don't lump sepsis with flu! You are getting way off! You are losing it!

You have what i call old man's stubbornness. You will never admit you are wrong!

Yeah, i have flu and cold every other week, and i have THIS for remedy! LOL.

Fast Relief for Cold and Flu | Take Panadol Cold and Flu Now‎

Non-drowsy relief for flu, fever, headaches, body aches, blocked nose and sinus. Fast Pain relief, fever reducing, nasal decongestant for cold and flu. Learn more. Gentle on Stomach. Fast Acting. Types: Panadol Extra w Optizorb, Panadol w Optizorb, Panadol


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
This is not crap. It's official figure. This is a FACT. Not some random estimate that 30,000 die of flu every year.

In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus.

Either flu is flu, or it is not.

From the article:

Most pneumonia deaths are unrelated to influenza. For example, "stomach acid suppressing drugs are associated with a higher risk of community-acquired pneumonia, but such drugs and pneumonia are not compiled as a single statistic," explained Dr. David Rosenthal, director of Harvard University Health Services.
Pneumonia, according to the American Lung Association, has more than 30 different causes, influenza being but one of them.

You don't lump sepsis with flu! You are getting way off! You are losing it!

You have what i call old man's stubbornness. You will never admit you are wrong!

Yeah, i have flu and cold every other week, and i have THIS for remedy! LOL.

Fast Relief for Cold and Flu | Take Panadol Cold and Flu Now‎

Non-drowsy relief for flu, fever, headaches, body aches, blocked nose and sinus. Fast Pain relief, fever reducing, nasal decongestant for cold and flu. Learn more. Gentle on Stomach. Fast Acting. Types: Panadol Extra w Optizorb, Panadol w Optizorb, Panadol

So this family that lost loved ones.... not really flu? Just a con job by the doctors in cahoots with the CDC and the drug companies to sell vaccines?


Daniel Foulds lost his wife, 35, to the flu two weeks ago. Then his son got sick.
Daniel Foulds can’t count the number of times he’s turned up to a job site sick.
He’s a self employed carpenter, so if he doesn’t show up he doesn’t get paid – so he sucks it up.
As far as Dan was concerned, the flu shot was a waste of money.
But that’s all changed now. Two weeks ago, Daniel and his three children lost their beloved mother and wife to the flu.
Jacinta, 35, died five days after being diagnosed with Influenza A.

The deaths in this report all fake? Actually died from alien abductions?


The flu has killed more than 220 people and infected more than 100,000 across Australia this year, with authorities warning the peak of the flu season is yet to come.

At least 228 people have died from flu-related complications around the country, with the number of cases rising each week and tracking significantly higher than last year, according to data from Australian states and territories.
In NSW, seven people died in the week ending June 23, bringing the total number of flu-related deaths to 57 - the highest in the country.

Your theories are so far fetched that you might as well join the flat earth society.


The best course of action is to just let it spread naturally and immunity will develop making the infection probably no more than a mild cold in the future for almost everyone elderly included.
The hard to believe part of building immunity theory is why the current virus can inform future virus that many human already have it rast time KNN


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The hard to believe part of building immunity theory is why the current virus can inform future virus that many human already have it rast time KNN

The smallpox vaccine was developed from the cowpox virus. They are not the same virus but they are very similar so catching a milder version provided immunity to the far more potent variant.

All vaccines nowadays work in a similar manner. A truncated version of the virus is introduced that does not make one sick but primes the immune system to recognise a more deadly variant so it goes to battle fully prepared.

I spent years studying this shit. The science is relatively complex but the theory is simple. If you know some characteristics regarding the enemy the next time it comes round you are better prepared even though the enemy might be wearing a different uniform.


So this family that lost loved ones.... not really flu? Just a con job by the doctors in cahoots with the CDC and the drug companies to sell vaccines?



The deaths in this report all fake? Actually died from alien abductions?


The flu has killed more than 220 people and infected more than 100,000 across Australia this year, with authorities warning the peak of the flu season is yet to come.

Your theories are so far fetched that you might as well join the flat earth society.

This is from you at the start of the thread (hyperbole):

In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.

This is from me (simple fact):

In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus.

This is from you now:
Note: article was posted in june 2019, meaning that 228 people have died in australia from flu in the 6 months leading to the article.

Australia is having one of its worst flu seasons on record, with 228 confirmed fatalities - but authorities warn the worst is yet to come.

The flu has killed more than 220 people and infected more than 100,000 across Australia this year, with authorities warning the peak of the flu season is yet to come.

So, thanks for proving MY point. The truth is, you are more likely to join the flat earthers than me! LOL....OL.


Super Moderator
not forgetting to mention the virus will usually keep to its less virulent form if it wants to ensure reproductive success.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
As I said earlier we now live in a crazy world where politicians can no longer make rational decisions based upon expert advice. They are forced to put out statements and policies which are politically acceptable rather than being scientifically sound.

There is no choice but for politicians to act this way. The people will riot with bloodshed if their seniors were simply allowed to become collateral damage.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Note: article was posted in june 2019, meaning that 228 people have died in australia from flu in the 6 months leading to the article.

Australia is having one of its worst flu seasons on record, with 228 confirmed fatalities - but authorities warn the worst is yet to come.

The flu has killed more than 220 people and infected more than 100,000 across Australia this year, with authorities warning the peak of the flu season is yet to come.

So, thanks for proving MY point. The truth is, you are more likely to join the flat earthers than me! LOL....OL.

2017 was a bad year - 1200 deaths in Australia directly attributable to influenza infection.

2018 was a good year after the vaccine hit the sweet spot only a few hundred deaths.

2019 by August there were already 400 deaths OZ wide.

Australia's population is less than one tenths the size of the USAs.

If you really believe that only 250 Americans died of flu in 2001 what else can I say?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
There is no choice but for politicians to act this way. The people will riot with bloodshed if their seniors were simply allowed to become collateral damage.

The seniors are old. Old people die. That's what being old is all about. If the coronavirus does not kill them this year, cancer might well do so next year or the year after and the death will be a lot slower and a lot more painful and a lot more distressing for those left behind.

If they survive cancer, which is doubtful, their clogged arteries will finish them off a year later.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It’s the laws of nature, any parasite that kills its host outright dies off quickly too, only the progeny that is less virulent spreads longer.

The WuFlu Covid-19 virus seems to be the kind that is virulent enough to make people panic, and yet mild enough to make sure enough will survive to pass it on.

This fucking piece of shit seems have been fine tuned to precision!