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Compare Goh Meng Seng's reaction to Palmer with his reaction to YSL

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You are not telling the truth at all.

I did not "jump straight to the front" at all. In fact, I waited for more than a week before commenting, dude. Check your facts.

As I have said, even LTK agreed with my main points and he has used most, if not all of my points in his conclusion on why he sacked YSL.

Goh Meng Seng

When ysl scandal broke GMs jumped straight to front and question his morals, wp screening process, wp transparency, ysl let hougang down blah blah.

When palmer scandal broke GMs see no need to question him or pap but chose to praise pap for their decisiveness and proceeded to close the case.

GMs agenda is clear as day and night. He don't give a damn about serving the nation. He is purely self-serving and seeking revenge against wp.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
I do not support anyone blindly. WP screwed up in YSL saga and PAP has learned from its screw up, period.

Goh Meng Seng

The comment by GMS has shown what a PAP dog he is,,,and he is now openly supporting PAP,,,so guess dont have to worry about him being an Oppo candidate cos he aint one,,he is just Mr Got More Shit,,,and he is sprouting more shit

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You have to read Gilbert Goh's account in Transitional.

According to Gilbert, TRE's Richard asked him for numbers and contact of WP to make enquiries on YSL when they first received the information. TRE only reported on the saga about 1 week later.

Look, both WP and PAP have the same "advanced warnings", so to speak. PAP acted quickly while WP took it easy. YSL was thinking that it may just go away, just resign from CEC will do...etc. He was wrong, damn wrong. He has misjudged the situation and so did the whole WP, especially its CEC, which did not take active crisis management measures.

As I have said, the only "advantage" PAP has is that it happened to WP first and they have learned all the mistakes WP has made.... they took active crisis management measures, cut loss early and try to make the closure as soon as possible. Whether the MSM is behind PAP or not, is really immaterial because there is New Media... TRE has the same information as the MSM. If MSM didn't report, just like in YSL in which they only reported the saga AFTER TRE did, TRE will report.

It is not a coincidence that just a day before this Palmer saga, all three sites, TOC, TRE and TRS are all down.

You will just have to give credits when it is due. PAP has learned almost all the mistakes WP has made... not really the "standards" WP has set.

Goh Meng Seng

Once again the PAP designated shit stirrer GMS decided to give credit to PAP for their fast decisive and open actions in Palmer's scandal.

GMS conveniently neglected the following -

Someone sent TNP a tip-off about Palmer. Then what happens next is bloody obvious. TNP tell the MIW. MIW assess the situtation and know that there is no way to cover it up in today's world wide web. If TNP is not running the news, the tipper could have just gone international or leak the news anonymously to the net.

Hence MIW decided to take the 'moral highground' by coming clean. GMS who is obviously trying to get some scraps from the MIW then use this to por MIW LP to the sky. He never questioned the integrity, character and morals of Palmer, never questioned PAP's screening process, never asked anything. Just sweep under carpet and turn the focus back to WP and YSL.

Trust GMS:confused: I rather trust a snake.


To me they are the same. The one who held out was sacked and the other who kuai kuai gave up was free to resign. The admin of justice is the same. WP did the right thing; the PAP had no other choice but to accept the resignation.

So GMS stop grooving in the rut.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
the PAP had no other choice but to accept the resignation.


They also owe us an explanation how they were not aware of MP's activities when they appointed him Speaker. They have an elite security apparatus to perform all types of screenings, checks and balances and covert ways to ensure that their chosen Speaker is a man of integrity. They failed, miserably.


One is an ordinary MP. The other is Speaker of Parliament. A higher standard should be expected. Still disappointing.



They also owe us an explanation how they were not aware of MP's activities when they appointed him Speaker. They have an elite security apparatus to perform all types of screenings, checks and balances and covert ways to ensure that their chosen Speaker is a man of integrity. They failed, miserably.

Maybe the PAP management actually knew about all the nonsensical hanky panky but didnt give a rat's ass because they thought no one would have the guts to jeapoardise the PAP or that MP had it all nicely under control.... such is the delusions of the extent of their power and their drunkeness in it that the magnitude of the paotoh and the ensuing scandal didn't quite hit them until they realised that the whistleblower really meant business by sending it to the MSM....

BUT because they are not sure whether the opposition or the cyber press (read as the internet) *also* might have gotten hold of the same information and threat to blow which was sent to them ...they were literally sitting on a timebomb. If they didnt make use of this crisis to make themselves look good as if they had the adulterous couple resign and have their press conference, every passing day which they were sitting on this will work against the 2 week timeline which the WP had taken to deliberate ..

so if you worked backwards... they would have swung into action a day or 2 before LO resigned and the information was probably in a day or 2 before that....

sounds quite logical when you work it all backwards.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Well, you should tell this to LTK... why he flattered me? :wink:
Goh Meng Seng

Maybe you are not aware of LTK's true personality. He was your ex-boss and you should know better. When LTK flattered you, as you claimed, it may not be genuine. He was just being diplomatic or you could have interpreted him wrongly. The LTK I know hardly passes any negative comments on others which does not mean he flattered you.

Take my advice - keep your head on your shoulder and your feet to the ground. That will help you keep your sanity. I know a chap who is quite similar to you. He praises himself all the time. I never heard anyone praise him before.


I don't think much of LTK after watching him talking cock and no comments. Made him looked real silly.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You are thick. :smile:

He won't directly flatter his party's critic. But by virtue of stating the exact points I have raised, is that what you call "flattering"? I don't, but you seems to think so. It is just common sense to me.

Goh Meng Seng

Maybe you are not aware of LTK's true personality. He was your ex-boss and you should know better. When LTK flattered you, as you claimed, it may not be genuine. He was just being diplomatic or you could have interpreted him wrongly. The LTK I know hardly passes any negative comments on others which does not mean he flattered you.

Take my advice - keep your head on your shoulder and your feet to the ground. That will help you keep your sanity. I know a chap who is quite similar to you. He praises himself all the time. I never heard anyone praise him before.


New Member
You are thick. :smile:

He won't directly flatter his party's critic. But by virtue of stating the exact points I have raised, is that what you call "flattering"? I don't, but you seems to think so. It is just common sense to me.

Goh Meng Seng

Hi, I'm Science. Nice to meet you. I've heard you have been talking about me.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You are thick. :smile:

He won't directly flatter his party's critic. But by virtue of stating the exact points I have raised, is that what you call "flattering"? I don't, but you seems to think so. It is just common sense to me.

Goh Meng Seng

LTK flattered you by merely stating what was the logical and the moral course of action?!?!?

Obviously you're thinking too highly of yourself. You don't have the monopoly on logic. For that matter, most of your posts lack logic.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are thick. :smile:

He won't directly flatter his party's critic. But by virtue of stating the exact points I have raised, is that what you call "flattering"? I don't, but you seems to think so. It is just common sense to me.

Goh Meng Seng
Kaptan Goh, you are the best ok? Sinkees really unfortunate that you are not the PM of Singapore. But me and I believe most bros really don't want to see more shit from you.
