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Blood pressure at 120/80.......


Alfrescian (Inf)
I do run once a week, mainly doing laps in the pool because of my back :o:o:o

Then you may have to up the intensity and duration, whether swimming or running.

1. Intensity. Work out 70% max heart rate (HRmax = 220–Age) for optimal cardiorespiratory benefit.
2. Duration. 50 min 3 times a week.


Alfrescian (Inf)
they don't know or they don't bother is because omeprazole is a prescription drug in SG, not off-the-shelf nor over-the-counter.

it's about time for sg health authorities to let it be sold over the counter. too many sinkies are suffering silently without relief in sight, and their docs are not diagnosing and prescribing remedies correctly. already 3 cases in my family that i know of.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Married with kids.

I am surprised that you are able to find time to do the workout. Most of my married friends with kids in tow are either overweight or high bp or both. I guess it's not easy to keep working on it if work are demanding of ones time and effort, leaving little for the family, much less ones personal fitness and health.


Alfrescian (Inf)
omeprazole or pantaprazole. off the shelf without need for doctor's prescription. take one pill a day until lining on your esophagus heals. once the lining heals, you can stop taking the medication. weakening of esophageal valve at age 45 and above causes acid reflux and gerd as your valve loosens like a overused vagina with age and acidic stomach gases escape upwards through your esophagus. the acidic gases attack the soft vulnerable lining on your esophagus and inflame it causing discomfort and pain. the one-pill-a-day medication neutralizes the acidity and provides relief to your esophageal lining for it to heal by itself over time. your valve will still remain loose with age, thus you need to cut down on acidic, oily and spicy food, beverage and juices. also cut down on alcohol.

Taking omeprazole long-term is not the solution. I believe the real cause of GERD is due to insufficient stomach acid. As you age, your stomach becomes less capable of producing enough of the acid that's necessary to digest your food. (Hey, it's not easy for your stomach to produce acid!) When the pH of your stomach is not low enough, the valve at the top of the stomach won't shut tight, resulting in back flow of stomach contents. H. pylori infects your stomach because the pH of your stomach is not low enough to kill it.

The solution is to find ways to increase the acidity of your stomach. You can take betaine hydrochloride pills which can be bought from iherb.com. I have once taken up to four pills before each meal. But this is still not the solution. Right now, I find that the following helps me:

1. Drink a glass of squeezed lime/lemon juice diluted with warm water first thing in the morning.
2. Do not drink cold water/juices/drink.
3. Drink as little fluid as possible when consuming solid food. Wait for 2 hours after meals before consuming fluids.
4. Avoid stomach irritants such as coffee/tea, milo, milk, oranges, bananas and tomatoes, especially ketchup.

My mother is a sufferer of GERD for well over 10 years, and she now takes 2 omeprazole pills per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Yet, these pills never cure her of anything. It only makes her ever more dependent on them and Big Pharma. Once she eats the wrong foods, everything acts up again for at least a week.

Remember, these pills are called proton pump inhibitors, which means it inhibits your stomach from producing acid. Who in the right mind would think that old people are more capable of producing stomach acid than young people? The medical profession got it all wrong!


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Just chat for fun.

Liver not really because of drinking, although i do drink.
Liver is because of my diet n not exercising. Fatty liver.
Then if you have fatty liver, u have to be mild on cholesterol medications because they are not good for livers.
It is a vicious cycle.

For eye, got 2 bad things
- if u work outdoor and get exposed to too much UV, it is very bad for your eyes
- if your blood pressure n sugar is high, the pipes in your eyes will leak and you got to undergo painful jabs or procedures.

Proper diet and exercise can get rid of fatty liver. Cut your weight by 5 to 10kg. Start counting calories and some weights training too.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You've got good genes. Cut down to 1 cup a day and your BP will drop a little. Mine's 108/64.

Jialat. No wonder my BP high. I was recording 150/ 90 i think. I was drinking 5 cups a day, every meal eat out and lack of sleep.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Yes, I guess, weight also plays a part to bring down BP. With height at 171cm and weight at 72kg. Understand it is slightly on the high side of being over weight.
Just had a light lunch of porridge with fresh veg (stir fried), eggs, home cook. Very nice feeling when taking the porridge. Going to continue with it and keep way from spicy food too.

Must try to bring down the weight to more acceptable level, say 65kg, within 3 months, with exercise, maybe swimmimng and jogging, though after doing it, the knees would feel painful.

While have done brisk walking, finds that it does not break down into sweat and the kick of breathing deeply, unlike jogging.
Have tried taking those Glucosamaine for joint health, but don't seem to help.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

1.71 and 72kg is considered heavy? I am 1.73 and 90kg. Did a dexa scan and my body fat at 18%. So should be healthy.

Anyway, best way to lose weight is to carry weights, not traditional cardio.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Remember, these pills are called proton pump inhibitors, which means it inhibits your stomach from producing acid. Who in the right mind would think that old people are more capable of producing stomach acid than young people? The medical profession got it all wrong!

sometimes there's little to no choice but to rely on synthetic medication, especially for older folks who have been suffering in silence and ignorance. of course with better knowledge these days in alternative healthcare, natural way is still the best means to maintain good long-lasting health. for the digestive tract including esophagus, stomach, duodenum, instestines, rectum, keeping a good ph balance is paramount. it's either too acidic or too alkaline, and both extremes present problems. this is a reason why i keep reserves of alkaline water of ph 9 or greater in my household, mainly to offset the slight acidity of distilled water. i also have bragg's apple cider vinegar and regular production of citrus fruit to provide ph balance or acidity to drinking water if it gets off-balance. and the ph balance has to be monitored and maintained for years. unfortunately, not all sinkies in sg have this luxury and careful lifestyle. they dismiss symptoms and negative signs when they're young, and only start to panic when they're old or conditions become too chronic. (it's like their financial planning. :p) for these sinkies, synthetic medication should help temporarily to overcome chronic conditions, but they need to wean off medication as soon as possible to let their immune system and body do the work. for h. pylori, no degree of a great immune system can fight and kill the bacteria. you still need a cocktail of powerful anti-biotics coupled with either omeprazole or pantaprazole or a derivative. everything natural and self-healing is fine and dandy in theory, but when it comes to some nasty bacteria and destructive viruses, it's best to take no chances with relying solely on your immune system but to bomb the shit out of them with extreme prejudice.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Think I need to increase the duration and frequency :o:o:o

your bp is fine, in fact right in the middle of normal. mine is 108/72.

simple bp chart....

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Think I need to increase the duration and frequency :o:o:o

Maybe intensity too, especially swimming. Many Singaporeans swim too slowly, doing a slow motion breaststroke – much akin to strolling along Orchard Road – and wonder why they don't lose weight even when they swim regularly. Key is to get your heart rate up in the aerobic zone (60–80% HRmax) and you should be OK.