my niece is working as a part-time crew on weekends in burgerking tampinese north cc outlet.....dis is wat she told me dis morning while havin lunch with her family.....
BK employs lots of fucking pinoys and there is one particular fucking male pinoy shift mgr at her outlet who is damn kuailan and cheehong...always try to get fresh with the female crew members.....yesterday there is this open mobilisation, and one the male crew member was he inform dis fucking pinoy shift mgr that he got to report back to camp...KNN the fucking pinoy then chastise him for not giving him notice earlier...the make crew member then told him he did inform the restaurant mgr last month about it....the fucking pinoy shift mgr then borpian let him go...afterwards, dis fucking pinoy shift mgr was heard telling other staffs that employing male sinkie crew can be very troublesome as they need to go for army not to employ niece was veri mad and told the pinoy mgr dat national service is compulsory and all male citizens need to do their duty...but guess wat the pinoy shift mgr say to her ???
"I am now also a singapore citizen, but i no need to do any national no big deal right? "
my niece hear oredi damn tulan but since she is planning on quitting after CNY, so she did not argue further....
KNNBCCB, why we give this kind of fucking pinoy foreigner bastard citizenship without any NS??????.....