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Another Great Indian Achievement


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
New York's Nina Davuluri crowned 2014 Miss America
Miss New York Nina Davuluri has become the first Miss America of Indian descent, after wooing the judges with a Bollywood fusion dance.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

Miss America Pageant Crowns First Indian-American Winner

Miss New York Nina Davuluri poses for photographers following her crowning as Miss America 2014, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013.

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September 16, 2013

Nina Davaluri of New York won the 2014 Miss America pageant, becoming the first woman of Indian heritage to win the legendary contest.

The 24-year-old Davaluri, from Syracuse, will use the $50,000 scholarship she won to attend medical school.

Davaluri performed a Bollywood fusion dance for her talent demonstration. She and the other 53 contestants -- one from each state, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands -- were also judged by their performance during a personal interview, their answers to an on-stage question, and their appearance in formal evening gowns and swimwear during the nationally-televised pageant.

During her year as Miss America, Davaluri will serve as a spokesperson for STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - as she travels to Washington to work with the U.S. Department of Education.

The new Miss America says she is proud to be the first Indian-American to hold the title, and praised the Miss America organization for embracing diversity.

Davaluri is the second consecutive New York native to win the Miss America crown, succeeding Mallary Hagan, who earned the title in January when the pageant was held in Las Vegas. This year's pageant was held in Atlantic City.

syed putra

Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

what is there for you to brag about for one year?


Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

Bhai, by the grace of the Lord Brahma, she has made our people proud. America please open your floodgates so that we can make your country great again. Jai ho! Namaste!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

paging for JAH :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

That the case, This Miss USA will not be able to win international contest. unless judges are all ang mors...only ang mors attracted to these exotic stuff.


Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.



Thank God...Hare Hare....she is not in India.

Hopefully she can get US citizenship after med school.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

That the case, This Miss USA will not be able to win international contest. unless judges are all ang mors...only ang mors attracted to these exotic stuff.

Obviously the international arena is infested with imperialist jews and rich chink lobbyists but Lord Krishna shall bless her to overcome all these persecutions which is nothing new, just look at how the many Indian talents are being persecuted in Singapore when they came to provide services to racist sinkies and the reward is persecutions after persecutions. But the Indians by their intelligent and hard work shall prevail without doubt.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Oh shit! Now the shit skins will be boasting for one whole year.

Though I think beauty contests are silly, I also think she's very beautiful and she's probably a deserving winner.



3 years down the road she will follow her path.


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