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Another anti-China Ah Neh


Soon Ah Nehs will control Sinkies and Sinkieland will also be firmly anti-China.
The present president is Ah Neh (pretending to be Machik); the next president oso Ah Neh.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China in its current form is a cancer to the rest of the world. Besides the ah nehs, the Viets, Pinoys, Japs, gooks and smarter angmohs have all woken up to this fact. :cool:


actually I seriously dislike ccp tiongs but i hate ah neh people even more. both countries should be nuked to flat land



Follow his advice, ASEAN will have to be anti-China as well.

The proliferation of anti-China articles by Ah Nehs all over the world is noticeable. The Ah Neh diaspora is working hard to help India trounce China.

Is he an Indian or Indonesian? His photo looks more Indonesian than Indian if you ask me. I took a look at his blog and most of the stuff he wrote is on Indonesia.


Just reading the headlines of his articles, it would seem his solution to everything involving Indonesia is to ally with US and slug it out with China.

As this is a paid article, do you mind posting the full ST commentary here for us to see? Thanks.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China in its current form is a cancer to the rest of the world. Besides the ah nehs, the Viets, Pinoys, Japs, gooks and smarter angmohs have all woken up to this fact. :cool:

Then destroy China. So much talk but no one wants to fire nukes on China or send troops to fight them.

The Ah Nehs are worse than the Chinese. Just look at their recent deeds ...ban rice exports, during the pandemic, it ban exports of Covid vaccines and divert the supplies to be used internally. Modi did not even bother to order the vaccines. Those vaccines were bought by WHO for the developing world.
You can have the Ah Nehs. The Chinese are the much better than the snakes.
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syed putra

Russia trust india more than China

The weapons sold to China were copied and modified and no remorse.
Russia has stopped selling weapons to China due to unscrupulous thieving.