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Amazon bans book by prominent Koranic scholar Ibn Warraq




NASHVILLE, TN, UNITED STATES, October 31, 2022 — In the wake of the Salman Rushdie attack, during a time when the people of Iran are full revolt against Islamic theocracy, and while the world watches passively as Afghanistan sinks back into primitive theocratic rule, Amazon has chosen to remove one of the most important books of Koranic exegesis explaining the viewpoints of the Rushdie attacker, the Mullahs of Iran, and the Taliban of Afghanistan: “The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology” by the renowned Koranic scholar, Ibn Warraq.

Ibn Warraq has been hailed as a scholar of great integrity, courage and intelligence by our century’s towering figure in Near Eastern Studies, the late Bernard Lewis of Princeton University. Ayaan Hirsi Ali credits him with inspiring her work, and Douglas Murray calls Warraq “one of the great heroes of our time.”

“Perhaps, like most tech companies, Amazon hires young and inexperienced people to run their operation,” said New English Review Press publisher Rebecca Bynum. “Unfortunately, I believe they have come out of the university system without the ability to reason properly. For just as Biblical exegesis cannot be accused of promoting hatred of Christians, neither can honest criticism of the Islamic holy texts be a cause of hatred. No text, religious or otherwise, should ever be above criticism. Indeed, I was under the impression that question had been settled after the Inquisition, but apparently not.”

Amazon’s banning of the Warraq book follows on the heels of their earlier banning of another NER Press title, “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal” by Peter McLoughlin, which chronicles the actions, or rather the inaction, of the police, social services, justice system and government in the face of the widespread phenomenon of very young British girls being groomed and then pimped out and held in virtual sex slavery by gangs of grown men. Lately, the British press has been filled with trial after trial, as these men finally face justice after British officials had turned a blind eye to the phenomenon for over twenty-five years. The officials did this for fear of being called racist, losing their jobs, and/or becoming social outcasts due to the race and religion of the perpetrators, which naturally should have had no bearing on the administration of justice. As Theodore Dalrymple commented: “Those who think that political correctness is only a harmless absurdity perpetrated by intellectuals will soon be laughing on the other side of their face when they read this book.”

As usual, no specific reason has been given for this latest book’s removal. NER Press appealed and that appeal was denied within two hours. “The Islam in Islamic Terrorism” had been on sale since May of 2017 and “Easy Meat” since March of 2016. Both had over 85% five-star ratings and both sold well. Mr. Warraq is the author of 17 books and “The Islam in Islamic Terrorism” was also translated into Korean.

“Our books will continue to be sold elsewhere and I really don’t see the point of Amazon’s removing these older books in our catalogue,” added Ms. Bynum. “It is my hope that with Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, the extreme censorship to which we have been subjected over the past several years will begin to abate. There is no freedom at all without freedom of thought and the freedom to express those thoughts.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
Must have been pressured to do so by Islamic and 'civil rights' groups in the USA, one of them is CAIR. :wink:


I found a copy of the book online. Epub version. Go to Z-lib and download for yourself. :biggrin:



Must have been pressured to do so by Islamic and 'civil rights' groups in the USA, one of them is CAIR. :wink:


I found a copy of the book online. Epub version. Go to Z-lib and download for yourself. :biggrin:


Thank you for sharing.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ibn Warraq addresses several misconceptions regarding the cause of Islamic terrorism. Many scholars refuse to take into account the beliefs of the terrorists, and many seem to think that “Islamic terrorism” has emerged only in the last forty years or so. Many analysts believe that the United States was targeted because of its foreign policy, while others opine that we have to dig out the root causes which are essentially socioeconomic, with poverty as the favorite explanation. Ibn Warraq, on the other hand, argues that we must take the beliefs of the jihadists seriously. The acts of ISIS or the Taliban or any other jihadist group are not random acts of violence by a mob of psychopathic, sexually frustrated, impoverished vandals, but carefully and strategically planned operations that are a part of a long campaign by educated, affluent Muslims who wish to bring about the establishment of an Islamic state based on the Shari‘a, the Islamic Holy Law derived from the Koran, the Sunna and the Hadith. Nor did Islamic terrorism emerge, ex nihilo, in the past forty years or so. From its foundation in the seventh century, violent movements have arisen seeking to revive true Islam, which its members felt had been neglected in Muslim societies, who were not living up to the ideals of the earliest Muslims. Thus, the answer to the cause of Islamic terrorism, according to Ibn Warraq, lies in Islamic theology (especially the concepts of jihad and Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong), and Islamic history, both of which he examines closely. This is borne out by what the Islamists themselves tell us, hence Ibn Warraq’s detailed examination of the writings of key Islamic thinkers of the past, such as Ibn Taymiyya, and modern activists, from Mawdudi to Khomeini.

Profile Image for Steven.
23 reviews

March 22, 2021
This is a wonderful book that deals with the history and percussions of Islam in the present. Though heavy with names , the author makes it easy to understand and know the names of significant Arab peoples and words in Arabic.

I have heard of some readers and pundits not to read this book, because first the author is not an Arab, but an Asian Indian. Also, the book does not put Islam in a favorable light. I heard both these pieces of information mid-read, and I'm glad I didn't listen. I really got a lot out of the book, and a sharper, if not less dull view of Islam.


5 reviews1 follower

September 18, 2022
Ibn Warraq an ex-Muslim himself who has wrote a book, “Why I am Not a Muslim”, is the author of this book. Ibn Warraq addresses several misconceptions regarding the cause of Islamic terrorism. Many scholars refuse to take into account the beliefs of the terrorists, and many seem to think that Islamic terrorism has emerged only in the last forty years or so. This book that deals with the history and percussions of Islam in the present.

The main argument of the author is that, “the acts of ISIS or the Taliban or any other jihadist group are not random acts of violence by a mob of psychopathic, sexually frustrated, impoverished vandals (or ex nihilo), but carefully and strategically planned operations that are a part of a long campaign by educated, affluent Muslims who wish to bring about the establishment of an Islamic state based on the Shari‘a” ( Location 55-58 ), the Islamic Holy Law derived from the Koran, the Sunna and the Hadith. But in reality, “it is not as the journalistic cliché has it, a simple matter of “a few bad apples.” There is something immanent in Islam that engenders radicals willing to kill and be killed in the name of Allah. Appeasing or attempting to negotiate with the “bad apples” will not work.” (Location 8705-8707) but the flaws are at the fundamental level of religious scriptures. This will not be changed till Muslims believe that Koran is not ipsissima verba, the very words of God and has to be followed word by word no matter what.

The other argument of the author is, if Islamic terrorism refers to terrorist acts with religious motivations carried out by fundamentalist militant Islamists and Islamic extremists, this religion cannot be reformed to make it less violent if not 'religion of peace'. For this, author takes a historical approach to prove, giving examples from history to show that every time these reformers who believed unacceptable innovations (bida‘) had been introduced and they had to be removed to establish pristine Islam of the ancestors, they go back to more violent face of Islam. This is evident from the reform of
a) Qādīzādeli Movement for Istanbul during 7th Century
b) Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhāb from Saudi Arabia in 8th Century
c) Sahl ibn Salāma, Barbahārī, and Bid‘a from Baghdad in 9th - 10th Century
d) Hasan al-Banna who created Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 18th century
e) Syed Ahmad Barelwi from India in 19th century

Thus, to conclude just like, "It was implausible to suggest that Marxism had nothing to do with the Soviet systems. (And) it is similarly argued that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam" ( Location 1025-1027 ). This religion cannot be reformed because the Quran which is the mother of all books (Q85:22, umm al-kitab) is very clear (Q43.2) and it is easy to understand (Q54.17) hence should not be questioned (Q6.114) nor there can be any change (Q6.115), closing the doors of reformation.




seems like cia-mossad jewish terrorists running short of funds ?

how come ceca virus produce so many traitors from so few supposed adherents to the true Religion?

there has never been any disgusting perverte nonsensical self-contradictory notion called "Islamic" along with a totally contradictory and disgusting perverted insane term like "term" conjoined together. no such notion exists, and could never have existed in history.

in the west, nowadays they promote male mothers or female mothers or multiple genders or what not, doesn't mean a thing. they are all contradictory and have always been contradictory notions. your father's not going to be female just because they both start with "f" in english lang, and ur mother is not going to be male just because they start with same letter in anglo langugage.

Where Muslims lag behind is obviously NIA i.e. nuclear warheads, ICBM and anti satellite missiles. With NIA, Muslims can merge and form an Islamic state that can pursue independent policies to further the safety security well being of Muslims worldwide and free Muslims from oppression and injustice whereever they may be located.

It's not a matter that is contingent upon the approval of some kafir country or the other. what's necessary is military might, which almost always is derived from population. essentially no country - at least in the long term - remains weaker than a country that is 10% of its popn or less populated.

why are the two billionaires tiongkok and ceca virus among the top 5 strongest military powers, maybe top 4 strongest military powers today? coz of popn of coz.

yu reduce them to the size of aussie popn, tiongs can be a taiwan at best and ceca virus can be a sri lanky at best. how powerful would those tiny countries be?

there in lies the lesson for ALL Muslims worldwide.

not for no reason are yankees the strongest most powerful western country. it's got the most popn out of all western countries. by comfortable margin compared to distant 2nd.

ditto for slanties mongoloids. tiongkok is strongest among wuhan virus carrying countries coz it got the most popn. compared to distant 2nd.

whereas wider middle east region (WMER) has not even got a measly 1 billion people.

despite being home to every single one of the oldest civilizations on Earth, how come its popn is so low?

since iq work ethic inventiveness history (recent history i.e. from last 2000 years) organization skills disciplined are lackinge, what can they do? increase population, WMER need to hit 3 billion ppl mark at bare minimum.

a moderate target is 20 billion people.

if 100 billion ppl is exceeded by wmer region then we can talk about overpopulation and how to solve it.


Ibn Warraq addresses several misconceptions regarding the cause of Islamic terrorism. Many scholars refuse to take into account the beliefs of the terrorists, and many seem to think that “Islamic terrorism” has emerged only in the last forty years or so. Many analysts believe that the United States was targeted because of its foreign policy, while others opine that we have to dig out the root causes which are essentially socioeconomic, with poverty as the favorite explanation. Ibn Warraq, on the other hand, argues that we must take the beliefs of the jihadists seriously. The acts of ISIS or the Taliban or any other jihadist group are not random acts of violence by a mob of psychopathic, sexually frustrated, impoverished vandals, but carefully and strategically planned operations that are a part of a long campaign by educated, affluent Muslims who wish to bring about the establishment of an Islamic state based on the Shari‘a, the Islamic Holy Law derived from the Koran, the Sunna and the Hadith. Nor did Islamic terrorism emerge, ex nihilo, in the past forty years or so. From its foundation in the seventh century, violent movements have arisen seeking to revive true Islam, which its members felt had been neglected in Muslim societies, who were not living up to the ideals of the earliest Muslims. Thus, the answer to the cause of Islamic terrorism, according to Ibn Warraq, lies in Islamic theology (especially the concepts of jihad and Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong), and Islamic history, both of which he examines closely. This is borne out by what the Islamists themselves tell us, hence Ibn Warraq’s detailed examination of the writings of key Islamic thinkers of the past, such as Ibn Taymiyya, and modern activists, from Mawdudi to Khomeini.

Profile Image for Steven.
23 reviews

March 22, 2021
This is a wonderful book that deals with the history and percussions of Islam in the present. Though heavy with names , the author makes it easy to understand and know the names of significant Arab peoples and words in Arabic.

I have heard of some readers and pundits not to read this book, because first the author is not an Arab, but an Asian Indian. Also, the book does not put Islam in a favorable light. I heard both these pieces of information mid-read, and I'm glad I didn't listen. I really got a lot out of the book, and a sharper, if not less dull view of Islam.


5 reviews1 follower

September 18, 2022
Ibn Warraq an ex-Muslim himself who has wrote a book, “Why I am Not a Muslim”, is the author of this book. Ibn Warraq addresses several misconceptions regarding the cause of Islamic terrorism. Many scholars refuse to take into account the beliefs of the terrorists, and many seem to think that Islamic terrorism has emerged only in the last forty years or so. This book that deals with the history and percussions of Islam in the present.

The main argument of the author is that, “the acts of ISIS or the Taliban or any other jihadist group are not random acts of violence by a mob of psychopathic, sexually frustrated, impoverished vandals (or ex nihilo), but carefully and strategically planned operations that are a part of a long campaign by educated, affluent Muslims who wish to bring about the establishment of an Islamic state based on the Shari‘a” ( Location 55-58 ), the Islamic Holy Law derived from the Koran, the Sunna and the Hadith. But in reality, “it is not as the journalistic cliché has it, a simple matter of “a few bad apples.” There is something immanent in Islam that engenders radicals willing to kill and be killed in the name of Allah. Appeasing or attempting to negotiate with the “bad apples” will not work.” (Location 8705-8707) but the flaws are at the fundamental level of religious scriptures. This will not be changed till Muslims believe that Koran is not ipsissima verba, the very words of God and has to be followed word by word no matter what.

The other argument of the author is, if Islamic terrorism refers to terrorist acts with religious motivations carried out by fundamentalist militant Islamists and Islamic extremists, this religion cannot be reformed to make it less violent if not 'religion of peace'. For this, author takes a historical approach to prove, giving examples from history to show that every time these reformers who believed unacceptable innovations (bida‘) had been introduced and they had to be removed to establish pristine Islam of the ancestors, they go back to more violent face of Islam. This is evident from the reform of
a) Qādīzādeli Movement for Istanbul during 7th Century
b) Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhāb from Saudi Arabia in 8th Century
c) Sahl ibn Salāma, Barbahārī, and Bid‘a from Baghdad in 9th - 10th Century
d) Hasan al-Banna who created Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 18th century
e) Syed Ahmad Barelwi from India in 19th century

Thus, to conclude just like, "It was implausible to suggest that Marxism had nothing to do with the Soviet systems. (And) it is similarly argued that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam" ( Location 1025-1027 ). This religion cannot be reformed because the Quran which is the mother of all books (Q85:22, umm al-kitab) is very clear (Q43.2) and it is easy to understand (Q54.17) hence should not be questioned (Q6.114) nor there can be any change (Q6.115), closing the doors of reformation.


From the onset, Islam is violent. Muhammed spread Islam not by his good characters but by the SWORD.

syed putra

From the onset, Islam is violent. Muhammed spread Islam not by his good characters but by the SWORD.
This one historians may have a different opinion as initially, arabs were invited by cities to remove roman cruelty and slavery. Jerusalem fell undsr arab rule with no blood shed. It fell under arab rule by negotiation. And roman were alloweed to leave unscathed.