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After throw fire bomb at church, mudland muslim threw stones at Sikh Temple


KUALA LUMPUR - VANDALS threw stones at a Sikh temple, adding to religious tensions over a string of attacks on churches in this Muslim-majority country, police said on Wednesday.

Some 20 small stones were thrown into the compound of a gurdwara, or Sikh temple, late on Tuesday in Kuala Lumpur's Sentul neighborhood, district police chief Zakaria Pagan told The Associated Press.

He said only a mirror in the front portion of the temple, which is more than 100 years old, was damaged and there were no injuries.

Stones also were thrown at a telecom building next door. A temple volunteer and office building security guard were alerted when the stones hit the buildings, but didn't see any suspects, he said. Mr Pagan said police believe the incident was 'mischief', and unrelated to attacks on nine churches since last Friday.

Temple chief Gurdial Singh said he was surprised by the attack but not concerned, describing it as an isolated incident by 'someone taking advantage of the situation.'

The church attacks came after Malaysia's High Court on Dec 31 lifted a government ban on non-Muslims using 'Allah' as a translation for 'God'. -- AP


spore moslems best lah...

only throw fire at own place of worship...:biggrin: (malay boy burn siglap mosque)..


KUALA LUMPUR - VANDALS threw stones at a Sikh temple, adding to religious tensions over a string of attacks on churches in this Muslim-majority country, police said on Wednesday.

Some 20 small stones were thrown into the compound of a gurdwara, or Sikh temple, late on Tuesday in Kuala Lumpur's Sentul neighborhood, district police chief Zakaria Pagan told The Associated Press.

He said only a mirror in the front portion of the temple, which is more than 100 years old, was damaged and there were no injuries.

Stones also were thrown at a telecom building next door. A temple volunteer and office building security guard were alerted when the stones hit the buildings, but didn't see any suspects, he said. Mr Pagan said police believe the incident was 'mischief', and unrelated to attacks on nine churches since last Friday.

Temple chief Gurdial Singh said he was surprised by the attack but not concerned, describing it as an isolated incident by 'someone taking advantage of the situation.'

The church attacks came after Malaysia's High Court on Dec 31 lifted a government ban on non-Muslims using 'Allah' as a translation for 'God'. -- APhttp://tinyurI.com/ya6pup5

Malaysia really not simple. Could it be Muslim at Catholic Indian then Indian attack singhs?


"spore moslems best lah...only throw fire at own place of worship... (malay boy burn siglap mosque).."

If this same mishcief-arson happens to a Malaysian mosque now, there could be a chaos and conflict if the culprit is not immediately caught.

An assumption would be tit-for-tat revenge attacks and mob violence may follow.

If uncontrolled the situation looks tense and can easily flare up anytime.

If the firebomb attack against churches continues, tourists and foreigners will avoid Matlaysia and many jobs will be lost.

14-year-old boy pleads guilty to Siglap Mosque fire
By Shaffiq Allkhatib, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 13 January 2010 1036 hrs

SINGAPORE : A 14-year-old boy has pleaded guilty to the fire at Kampung Siglap Mosque in Marine Parade which caused S$3.27 million worth of damage.

Appearing in court on Wednesday morning, the youth pleaded guilty to the charge of mischief by using fire and trespassing into the grounds of an old folks' home, Apex Harmony Lodge in Pasir Ris.

At the hearing the judge called for a pre-sentence probation report on the boy to be submitted on February 9.

A third charge of an EZ-link card believed to have been stolen from another boy was taken into consideration.

The teenager had allegedly set alight two books in the Siglap Mosque on October 6 last year, leading to the fire.


Wang Ye

If this same mishcief-arson happens to a Malaysian mosque now, there could be a chaos and conflict if the culprit is not immediately caught.

An assumption would be tit-for-tat revenge attacks and mob violence may follow.

Don't forget looting and raping. Just another wonderful excuse to nuts.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wahlau ! Hishamuddin & Najib still have heads in sand !

Still saying 'seems to be isolated incident...' when 3 then 4, then 5, now 9 (still counting ?) churches firebombed....

& now, I read here, even sikh temple....

is Najib going to declare state of emergency ? Naaaaaaaa......


It might be an isolated incident but never discount the fact that it might lead to more such attacks. Who knows, next on the hit list could be Buddhist / Taoist temples, synagogues and what-have-yous to make it equal attack on all religions. These idiots are stupid and should be hanged. I thought their Holy Book said to respect other religions? If we say the're stupid, they do not accept and find it offensive, but just look at them


Have you ever heard of "synagogues" in Malaysia?

It might be an isolated incident but never discount the fact that it might lead to more such attacks. Who knows, next on the hit list could be Buddhist / Taoist temples, synagogues and what-have-yous to make it equal attack on all religions. These idiots are stupid and should be hanged. I thought their Holy Book said to respect other religions? If we say the're stupid, they do not accept and find it offensive, but just look at them

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
watch this and you will understand why Muslim did what they did.

<div style="width:425px;height:520px;"><object width="425" height="520"><param name="movie" value="http://embedr.com/swf/slider/the-truth-about-muhammad/425/520/default/false/std"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="http://embedr.com/swf/slider/the-truth-about-muhammad/425/520/default/false/std" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="425" height="520" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><a href="http://embedr.com/playlist/the-truth-about-muhammad" target="_blank" style="background:transparent url(http://embedr.com/img/embedr-custom-video-playlists.gif);float:right;margin:0;padding:0;outline:none;width:115px;height:35px;position:relative;top:-35px;"><span style="display:none;">Build your own custom video playlist at embedr.com</span></a></div>


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
What is "Allah" in Chinese. And if the translated word is "Sheng", then how, forbids all Buddhist and Taoist from chanting "Sheng"?

... will they target the Chinese temple next?

Pek Kim Lui

What is "Allah" in Chinese. And if the translated word is "Sheng", then how, forbids all Buddhist and Taoist from chanting "Sheng"?

... will they target the Chinese temple next?

Allah in chinese is 阿拉 :biggrin:

Aiyoh they will target Chinese temple anyway just to rob them! :mad:


Allah in chinese is 阿拉

Aiyoh they will target Chinese temple anyway just to rob them!QUOTE]

Haha, dont they forget there are chinese muslims in China too. They too use the world allah.

It is not restricted to malay only.

Attack and rob temples? I think that is the motive, using this as an excuse.


KOTA TINGGI: The St Elizabeth Catholic church in Kota Kecil near here was splashed with red paint early Thursday morning.

Kota Tinggi OCPD Supt Osman Mohamed Sebot confirmed that the incident occurred between 3am and 6am.

This is the first time a church in Johor has come under attack.

Several churches including the Assumption Church and the Life Chapel in Petaling Jaya were targeted in a series of arson attacks last week following the High Court ruling allowing Catholic weekly Herald to use the word “Allah” as a translation of “God” in its Malay-language edition.

The Home Ministry has since filed an appeal and a stay of execution was granted against the ruling.

Also on Thursday, the office of the lawyer representing the Catholic Church in the Herald issue was broken into.

A staff member, who showed up for work at the office belonging to Derek Fernandez, found the place in shambles when she arrived at about 8am on Thursday. The files were all scattered.


All these terrorist are using Islam to create opportunity to create havoc. The malaysia govenment is in a fix. they cannot clamp down radical muslims without support from the mass as they are losing support liao.

Their own corruption is killing them liao.