• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Serious Adulterous Sinkie slut gets 1 year jail for killing husband


If boss Sam does wonder why there’s not much forummers, he can just look at his siao cheebye ginfreely which he allows to roam freely in the forum to kill any thread with her nonsense. That bitch will barge into any thread with higher readership or mentions women to draw attention to her pathetic self which is better off dead and no one will miss her.
I totally agree! :thumbsup:

During most of last year (2017), @ginfreely was banned and I remember she was active only from mid-February to mid-April and from late September to mid-October, a total of at most three months during the whole of last year, before she was unbanned early this year and finally came back in March.

I also remember that sammyboy.com's Alexa rank within Singapore last year was roughly 1,000 (sometimes even slightly above 1,000) throughout the whole of last year, but it has since fallen quite drastically to under 2,000:


  • Screenshot_2018-10-20 Sammyboy com Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa.png
    Screenshot_2018-10-20 Sammyboy com Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa.png
    115 KB · Views: 2,022
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Musashi and others, I hope this thread can stay on its topic and not digress elsewhere.
If boss Sam and his moderator(s) thinks it’s better to have the siao cheebye roam all over the forum with her rubbish, they can be sure the forum will not attract new members or readers. Even the existing ones feel the negative vibes with that bitch around and come less.


Are you implying that you admire/esteem/respect the Sinkie police a lot? :o-o:
Please remember that back in February last year (2017), you said:

meaning that they have no intention of even trying to search for your sammyboy.com enemies in real life, let alone confronting and arresting them/us, especially since we're truly innocent victims of your delusion/paranoia/psychosis at best or malicious hypocrisy at worst, starting from the following notorious thread started by you in September 2015, over three years ago:

which was what started this ongoing online war between you and your numerous truly innocent sammyboy.com enemies, some of whom (and not just those you named in the above thread) have even left the forum because of your INCESSANT FALSE accusations that they were "clones" of a very tiny group of members who slandered you in the JB sub-forum in 2013, roughly five years ago! :rolleyes:
So said you the clone of flatearther with Johor grandfather/father and been attacking me viciously. Your words have zero credibility and keep twisting and repeating your lies of me calling out bullies as me start the war is so disgusting liar bully criminal trying to act pure and innocent here.


If boss Sam does wonder why there’s not much forummers, he can just look at his siao cheebye ginfreely which he allows to roam freely in the forum to kill any thread with her nonsense. That bitch will barge into any thread with higher readership or mentions women to draw attention to her pathetic self which is better off dead and no one will miss her.

The only time she went rather quiet was in a thread here that mentioned this case:
And you scroobal clone think you are entitled to attack me here with your German shit but I am not entitled to talk here is just so typical of ccb Malaysians with big self entitlement to do crimes. And obviously there are many threads that I don’t reply because I am one person replying to many vicious character assasination posts here, so don’t try to imply it means something when I don’t reply be it my own threads or other people threads.


Musashi and others, I hope this thread can stay on its topic and not digress elsewhere.
If boss Sam and his moderator(s) thinks it’s better to have the siao cheebye roam all over the forum with her rubbish, they can be sure the forum will not attract new members or readers. Even the existing ones feel the negative vibes with that bitch around and come less.
This is so scroobal hypocrite when you cowards attacking the named woman in the thread is also negative vibes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Taken from other forum, template if you want to write to your MP on this matter:

Template of Letter to MP,(modify as you wish)

Dear sir/mdm,

I note with grave concern that justice is not seen to be done in the case of DPP vs Vivien Teoh Yi Wen. In the said case, the accused was allowed to plead guilty to a reduced charge of causing grievous hurt on grave and sudden provocation. There wasn't any trial. She was sentenced for a 1 year imprisonment which was in effect time served. The accused stabbed her husband 11 times and according to the newspaper reports, the stabbings are voluntary. Although under her testimony, she alleged that her husband provoked her, she was not under assault by her husband at that time. As a layman , I fail to see how that was not culpable homicide not amounting to murder at the minimum when she voluntarily stabbed her husband viciously and excessively 11 times.( https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law...-in-singapore/ ) Given her unusually light sentence, the DPPs did not see fit to appeal as well. I understand that the parents of the victim felt aggrieved and upset by the verdict and the actions of the DPPs as evidenced by their cries of unfair as reported by the Straits Times (https://www.straitstimes.com/singapo...on-provocation ). I would be upset too if I were in their positions. It was alleged that the parents tried to prevail upon the DPPs to appeal but was unsuccessful in their attempts to do so. The 14 days deadline to appeal the sentence has passed as a result.

I think the DPP/AG absolute discretionary powers to prefer charge or reduce charge or drop charges MUST be reviewed and be subjected to challenge if the aggrieved parties want. The decision not to prosecute means the victims are legally helpless and cannot privately sue for criminal justice for serious offences which has punishment of more than 3 years imprisonment , even if they want which is grossly unfair to the aggrieved. I find the process of plea bargaining troubling as well, especially with regards to fact bargaining which the Prosecution can omit certain aggravating facts or facts relevant to sentencing from the Statement of Facts presented to Court.( https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law...-need-to-know/) This means is that AG or DPP has the power and right to effectively prevent the judge from seeing material aggravating facts and none will be wiser in a plea bargain. I think any plea bargaining must be made transparent and the information must be made available to the judge. The judge is the best person to decide after taking into consideration of all factors. Fact bargaining seems wrong to me and may be subject to abuse. I am not alleging that the DPP or AG is corrupt or sinister in intent. I am just raising the possibility that this fault in our system is subject to abuse and dangerous in the wrong hands and should be remedied as soon as possible. I would suggest that an independent tribunal comprising of up to 3 judges to be formed if there are objections to the actions of DPP/AG by the victims or their families. To prevent abuse of process, the victims or their families must consult a lawyer and have a valid reason. A deposit of $3000 to $5000 can be imposed. If the reasons of appeal are found to be frivolous, the deposit can be forfeited. The grounds of decision by the tribunal should be on public record as like any judgements so that people know that the decisions are fair and just.

Currently, Vivien Teoh Yi Wen is also working in NCSS which is a government body. Although I find it troubling that a person who voluntarily and directly caused the death of her husband by excessively stabbing him 11 times and allegedly used mental disorder as to mitigate her crime, I will not dispute the rights of NCSS ( even if i strongly feels that Vivien represents values contrary to NCSS) or other government agencies to hire ex-convicts. However, I do want to know if the chance afforded to Vivien is also given to others. What are the guidelines that public institutions used in hiring ex-convicts? I think that this set of guidelines must be made public to ensure fairness and prevent discretionary discrimination.

In summary, I would like you ,my esteemed MP, to raise 3 points in parliament. They are ;
1) currently, how the victims or their families can seek redress if they have cause to believe that the DPPs acted wrongly and whether there is a possibility of retrial if the DPPs indeed acted wrongly as well as debate on the double jeopardy rule.

2) To amend the law to curtail the discretionary prosecutorial powers of DPP/AG and allow the victims or their families to challenge DPP/AG's decision through an independent tribunal without prohibitive costs. If there is a plea bargain, all the information about the plea bargain must be made available to judge and judge needs not be bound by what was bargained.

3)To query the government on the guidelines on the hiring of ex-convicts. The guidelines should be made public and transparent ensure fairness and prevent discretionary discrimination.

Thank you.


theREALthongs (HWZ) said:
Stab stab stab. Sibei song.

Stabbed 11 times to make sure Gordon was dead, then no need inconvenience of calling for ambulance as well...

Me suspects that probably someone from higher up was maybe trying to reduce the spotlight/ criticism on Ministry of Social and Family where Singapore's PM designate, Mr Chan Chun Seng was minister since september 2013 https://www.pmo.gov.sg/cabinet/mr-chan-chun-sing until May 2015 (then taken over by Mr Tan Chuan Jin).

Perhaps sweeping Vivien Teoh's case under the carpet was to help protect Mr Chan Chun Seng reputation as a good social and family oriented person. Thus, larger political reasons could be at play behind why Vivien Teoh was treated with such leniency and compassion and why so many omissions in evidence and thus contradictions in court were made.

New Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin aims to foster caring society


Tham Yuen-c Assistant Political Editor

NEW Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin said yesterday he plans to foster a caring society, by building on the work of his predecessor Chan Chun Sing.

People in social service have hailed the changes made by Mr Chan as ground-breaking, for building up the sector's capacity and letting social workers help even more needy families.

In his Facebook post yesterday, Mr Tan said: "Nurturing a strong and caring society is important as we look out for those who need the additional helping hand....

"If we can become a nation that cares for others and those around us, we can be that great nation," he said.

His appointment comes as part of Cabinet changes announced yesterday.

Mr Tan entered politics in 2011 and has helmed the Manpower Ministry as well as been senior minister of state for national development.

He will relinquish his position as Manpower Minister to Mr Lim Swee Say on May 4.

Mr Tan takes over a social service sector that has gone through major shifts in the past four years, initiated by Mr Chan.

Singapore Children's Society executive director Alfred Tan highlighted the setting up of Social Service Offices (SSOs) as a key improvement.


The task of the SSOs is to administer financial aid to needy families. In doing so, they free social workers to focus on ways to fix problems such as mental health or family issues.

Chief executive of Marine Parade Family Service Centre Samuel Ng said the initiatives have built up the sector's capabilities and made it more professional.

"Many of us feel the overall direction is very positive, and we hope the new minister will take us to the next lap," he added.

Political watchers and social service players said Mr Tan is well placed for the job, having cut his teeth in the Manpower Ministry helping workers in an increasingly difficult environment.

Law don Eugene Tan, a former Nominated MP said that naming Mr Tan, one of the fourth-generation political leaders, to head the ministry shows the Government's recognition that social issues are inter-connected and increasingly important to Singaporeans.

Ms Denise Phua, chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Development, said: "Although Mr Tan does not have deep prior experience in the social service sector, he has in the past shown interest and a lot of support to the sector's beneficiaries and volunteer worker organisations."

For Mr Tan from the Singapore Children's Society, it is the new minister's "passion to help people" that is key.

"We've had the opportunity to work with him on youth issues, and I can see Mr Tan is someone who's very passionate about helping young people and low-income families. This is a very important criterion for someone who is MSF minister," he said.

[email protected]



Call a spade a spade:

roflolmao(HWZ) said:
based on her story. Do note there was no cross examination. Are we supposed to believe everything she said? What if she say Gordon rape her child and can ejaculate 20 times a day and has fantasies of lesbian sex between a baby girl and an adult woman?

From your reasoning, anyone can kill his/her spouse and claim that she/he say perverted things and give death threats to people around him/her and other things they believe in national socialism.

She say earth is flat, the courts also supposed to believe? She should have been cross examined and charged with Murder, I really don't know why the courts don't reveal why they charge her with something so minor.
When the IO, prosecutor, state forensic psychiatrist, judge all fall into trance / are like intoxicated addicts of Vivien Teoh's vampstress allure, eating out of her palm, it just shows what a kangaroo court Singapore has:...

Kangaroo court

A kangaroo court is a court that ignores recognized standards of law or justice, and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides.[1] The term may also apply to a court held by a legitimate judicial authority who intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations. The defendants in such courts are often denied access to legal representation and in some cases, proper defence.

Prejudicial bias of the decision-maker or from political decree are among the most publicized causes of kangaroo courts.[citation needed] Such proceedings are often held to give the appearance of a fair and just trial, even though the verdict was already decided before the trial actually began.

A kangaroo court could also develop when the structure and operation of the forum result in an inferior brand of adjudication. A common example of this is when institutional disputants ("repeat players") have excessive and unfair structural advantages over individual disputants ("one-shot players").



roflolmao (HWZ) said:
Might want to be careful of alleging the state of the Singapore Court

I want to reiterate that I am just curious about the entire process of the judgement and other legal mechanisms involved in this case, and understand the courts in Singapore are fair and just in all aspects.
U think that the judge in court is God???!!!

There are reports about Singapore police IO bungling up rape scene investigations because "overworked", yet the AGC has time and resources to help PAP with their political campaign work. The political bias in your comment is strong and I can provide evidence to back up my facts, but for now:
Texas5ice said:
From a layman view, nothing could possibly exonerate her from culpable homicide not amounting to murder at the minimum leh. It is really a head scratcher. To be even charged with causing grievous hurt on grave and sudden provocation, it means that Vivien could not have reasonably known that her 11 stabs can kill and did kill Gordon ( Impossible) or she did not exceed her rights to private defence ( which is also impossible since 11 stabs are so excessive). The initial charge was MURDER also. 180 degree turn lo. Does not make sense to me.

Right from day one, she managed to totally seduce and hypnotize them with her allure, and had them all in an intoxicated trance, eating out of their palm so much that they probably conducted their investigations with the purpose of promoting her testimony as truth. Even in court, brainwashed by the DPP, the judge amply danced to her song:
In the following analogy, Vivien is the hand, the police IO, state appointed forensic psychiatrist, DPP and judge are the rat eating out of her palm:


eat out of hand
eat out of (one's) hand
To be completely accepting of whatever one says or requires. You can tell the candidate has his followers eating out of his hand—they'll believe anything he says, no matter how plainly false.

The following photos all show that Vivien Teoh's claims that Gordon was physically and sexually violent during marriage were wholely untrue and false. If any, Gordon was still trying to pamper and impress her and to bring his family together. Much of the violence encountered during their quarrel on 30 August was over simple access to her illicit handphone messages which Vivien intended to hide due to either malice or guilt. These were aggravated by the fact that she had provoked Gordon for quite a long time (e.g. kick him out of master bedroom), treat him and his parents like dirt and planned to continued to severely bully him in terms of her secret plans for divorce and her secret adulterous affair behind Gordon's back.

Photo evidence probably omitted and thus NOT presented/ considered in court:
2 days Vivien killed him:

2 weeks before Vivien killed him:

Less than one month before:


A bit over 1 month before Vivien killed him:

Less than 6months before:

Even in their honeymoon holiday photo, Vivien is the more confident, go getter one:
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NeonX(HWZ) said:
come to think about it, how come vt11 connection so strong ah?

everywhere also unobstructed. Multiple super long threads about this case yet wanbao not here yet. Is it because....???

wanbao please notice moi

My guess is that because Singapore prime minister designate Chan Chun Seng was the minister for ministry of social and family between Sept 2013 till May 2015, the PAP machinery was subconsciously at work to suppress any bad repute as reflect in their senior staff conduct, especially one involving scandalous maritial issues involving adulterous wives and murder of innocent husbands even though the homicide happened in late August 2015, this would still have reflected very poorly on the morals and ethos of the MSF, especially because Vivien Teoh was working in HR, a department extremely linked to organisational purpose, morals and ethos.

It thus remains my honest guess that either Vivien Teoh is a vixen par excellence who managed to seduce and have everyone in the judicial system dancing to her song, or else there was an explicit (but most likely implicit) work culture inside the AGC to avoid any situation that might diminish/tarnish the PM designate of Singapore reputation at all costs.

Maybe the former (that she mind controlled the criminal justice system) is more likely unless the PAP has really gone overboard and not just attempted a cover-up of the Vivien Teoh trial, but even went further to give her a promotion and new job (under new identity) in NCSS.

If the latter (AGC cover up to support PAP) is true, then it is all going too far and is a harbinger of bad things to come for Singapore.

cherry6 said:
Stabbed 11 times to make sure Gordon was dead, then no need inconvenience of calling for ambulance as well...

Me suspects that probably someone from higher up was maybe trying to reduce the spotlight/ criticism on Ministry of Social and Family where Singapore's PM designate, Mr Chan Chun Seng was minister since september 2013 https://www.pmo.gov.sg/cabinet/mr-chan-chun-sing until May 2015 (then taken over by Mr Tan Chuan Jin).

Perhaps sweeping Vivien Teoh's case under the carpet was to help protect Mr Chan Chun Seng reputation as a good social and family oriented person. Thus, larger political reasons could be at play behind why Vivien Teoh was treated with such leniency and compassion and why so many omissions in evidence and thus contradictions in court were made.

New Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin aims to foster caring society


Tham Yuen-c Assistant Political Editor

NEW Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin said yesterday he plans to foster a caring society, by building on the work of his predecessor Chan Chun Sing.

People in social service have hailed the changes made by Mr Chan as ground-breaking, for building up the sector's capacity and letting social workers help even more needy families.

In his Facebook post yesterday, Mr Tan said: "Nurturing a strong and caring society is important as we look out for those who need the additional helping hand....

"If we can become a nation that cares for others and those around us, we can be that great nation," he said.

His appointment comes as part of Cabinet changes announced yesterday.

Mr Tan entered politics in 2011 and has helmed the Manpower Ministry as well as been senior minister of state for national development.

He will relinquish his position as Manpower Minister to Mr Lim Swee Say on May 4.

Mr Tan takes over a social service sector that has gone through major shifts in the past four years, initiated by Mr Chan.

Singapore Children's Society executive director Alfred Tan highlighted the setting up of Social Service Offices (SSOs) as a key improvement.


The task of the SSOs is to administer financial aid to needy families. In doing so, they free social workers to focus on ways to fix problems such as mental health or family issues.

Chief executive of Marine Parade Family Service Centre Samuel Ng said the initiatives have built up the sector's capabilities and made it more professional.

"Many of us feel the overall direction is very positive, and we hope the new minister will take us to the next lap," he added.

Political watchers and social service players said Mr Tan is well placed for the job, having cut his teeth in the Manpower Ministry helping workers in an increasingly difficult environment.

Law don Eugene Tan, a former Nominated MP said that naming Mr Tan, one of the fourth-generation political leaders, to head the ministry shows the Government's recognition that social issues are inter-connected and increasingly important to Singaporeans.

Ms Denise Phua, chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Development, said: "Although Mr Tan does not have deep prior experience in the social service sector, he has in the past shown interest and a lot of support to the sector's beneficiaries and volunteer worker organisations."

For Mr Tan from the Singapore Children's Society, it is the new minister's "passion to help people" that is key.

"We've had the opportunity to work with him on youth issues, and I can see Mr Tan is someone who's very passionate about helping young people and low-income families. This is a very important criterion for someone who is MSF minister," he said.

[email protected]


E.g.: how the AGC has been rooting and clearing the path for PAP political campaigns all along:


For those new to this forum and doesn’t know who’s that siao cheebye ginfreely who roams around whole of this forum to attract attention/clients for herself, here is her:
What can be worse bad vibes than calling a woman a whore just to win? Son of whore with low class double standard indeed.