When 阿扁 took over the totalitarian regime from KMT, how did he buy the military loyalty over? 747 military generals' promotions under his presidency making the world's HIGHEST ratio of one general per 2000 soldiers. Now it broke out scandals in the military that money had corruptly changed hands as well for these promotions.
There are furthermore commanders who got promoted to general just before they left the military, such that they are called One-Day-Generals, to enjoy the BG Grade Retirement Benefits for the rest of their life! That means their promotions are surely not to have them serve the military as generals.
BG ranks for sale! You have $$$ you can buy the rank! :oIo:
I am aware that corrupted famiLEE LEEgime's BGs also kept socializing and entertaining the ROC BGs, involved in many many ways not just that Star Light Base matters. Lots of details are scadalous and corrupt natures. famiLEE LEEgime spents HUGE FUNDS in ROC, often to cover up damages caused by SAF to ROC military and civilian facilities. Some compensation amounts are terribly high. When you dig into these things they will smell surely wosrt than NKF and RenCi. I am aware that more than US$10million to compensate a bridge damaged by SAF tanks, and other huge sums for mountain fires caused by SAF live ammo firing.
<!--(end) inc-utility_link.jake --> <!--(begin) inc-article_content.jake --> 另闢蹊徑摘星星?授勳晉級 扁異動將領747人次
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/04/23 04:00</q> 顏玉龍/台北報導
追 查軍中買官案,軍、檢聯合專案小組發現,扁任內將官人事異動高達七百四十七人次。同時,九十五年修改「陸海空軍軍官士官任官條例施行細則」,將「著有戰功 或特殊功績」改為「有特殊勳績者」,晉任將軍大權完全落在總統手中。檢方懷疑,不少軍官循授勳「捷徑」,從「梅花」變「星星」,隨後辦理退伍,享有「全 薪」的退休俸。
There are furthermore commanders who got promoted to general just before they left the military, such that they are called One-Day-Generals, to enjoy the BG Grade Retirement Benefits for the rest of their life! That means their promotions are surely not to have them serve the military as generals.
BG ranks for sale! You have $$$ you can buy the rank! :oIo:
I am aware that corrupted famiLEE LEEgime's BGs also kept socializing and entertaining the ROC BGs, involved in many many ways not just that Star Light Base matters. Lots of details are scadalous and corrupt natures. famiLEE LEEgime spents HUGE FUNDS in ROC, often to cover up damages caused by SAF to ROC military and civilian facilities. Some compensation amounts are terribly high. When you dig into these things they will smell surely wosrt than NKF and RenCi. I am aware that more than US$10million to compensate a bridge damaged by SAF tanks, and other huge sums for mountain fires caused by SAF live ammo firing.
<!--(end) inc-utility_link.jake --> <!--(begin) inc-article_content.jake --> 另闢蹊徑摘星星?授勳晉級 扁異動將領747人次
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/04/23 04:00</q> 顏玉龍/台北報導
追 查軍中買官案,軍、檢聯合專案小組發現,扁任內將官人事異動高達七百四十七人次。同時,九十五年修改「陸海空軍軍官士官任官條例施行細則」,將「著有戰功 或特殊功績」改為「有特殊勳績者」,晉任將軍大權完全落在總統手中。檢方懷疑,不少軍官循授勳「捷徑」,從「梅花」變「星星」,隨後辦理退伍,享有「全 薪」的退休俸。