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5.9 million in 2030 sure win WP many GRCs next GE 2016 ! 100% All Must read !

Tiu Kwang Yew

Dear Friends,

You see, the iron-fist style of holding office still remains, of course, PAP thinks sinkapore belongs to them right !
The silly move to remove initiatives from PE after the loss is like a dejavu.
A cruel and wicked move by PAP, if the PE voters cannot do anything, the divine will take over ! cause and effect is real !
Look like PE, HG and Aljunied GRC will be under the hammer for a long long time oredi !

Lets come back to the WP's 5.9 million. 69 is a sleazy number, the PAP stooges call it " Projection" woh !
So what is the true meaning of projection ? Just talk talk and if no objection from the ground during CNY, then carry out right !

5.9 million in 2030 is moving like a music hit to many sinkaporeans, including the PAP voters. The main theme of this 59 is focusing on the sinkaporean core and not the illusive dream of one to one private nurse right ! There is no guarantee of success in economy and a peaceful fabric of nation.
working from an auspicious number like 59 is the big step towards a bigger number. WE learn to crawl before we walk right !

what is behind the 69 projection is mysteriously astounding to sinkaporeans when back-log infrastructures are put on the backseat ! Why is PAP shirking this responsibility ?

It is also a shock that PAP MPs are just toeing the line----Projection only ! Where is their conscience ?

From the ground we can see, 60 to 70% support the Workers Party 5.9 million ! WP did not just behave like bulls, they suggest ideas that are criticised without true heart talk !

Even the HDB uncles and aunties who are PAP voters are nodding the 5.9 million.

Of course, as WP supporters, we hope PAP pushes ahead with the 69 projection without a referendum. In fact this kind of decision is humanely right to call for one !~

But one thing is for sure, most voters after the BE at PE, and the way PAP handles the 69, Workers Party is set to win at Least 5 GRCs next GE !

In other words, every ward WP contests, they win ! This is destiny, PAP only makes WP stronger by the years becos of it wicked and cruel and inhumane characters.

Unfortunately, many other Oppo parties will not have a chance to win unless they have a radical makeover !

Next GE is the easy chance for other Oppo parties to win but only WP will not miss the boat.

Voters of whole sinkapore will remember the auspicious 5.9 million if 6.9 million is pushed ahead without a referendum !

Many say ---Down with PAP, curse the PAP !

Above story is from the ground, hope you enjoy the read !

God help Sinkapore, God bless WP and you !~

Happy Chinese New year to all, may the force with the WP!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear Friends,

But one thing is for sure, most voters after the BE at PE, and the way PAP handles the 69, Workers Party is set to win at Least 5 GRCs next GE !

In other words, every ward WP contests, they win ! This is destiny, PAP only makes WP stronger by the years becos of it wicked and cruel and inhumane characters.

Unfortunately, many other Oppo parties will not have a chance to win unless they have a radical makeover !

Next GE is the easy chance for other Oppo parties to win but only WP will not miss the boat.
Happy Chinese New year to all, may the force with the WP!

Unless the WP can learn to put country before party, it will go the same way as the PAP in no time. It is this kind of arrogance that will cause the WP to go the same way as the PAP eventually.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Unless the WP can learn to put country before party, it will go the same way as the PAP in no time.

The only time a party needs to choose between party and nation is when it decides to implement a policy at the cost of votes or decide to hold back what's good in the long run and be popular. Doing the second usually costs the party in the end, it just takes longer.

This doesn't apply to an opposition party that cannot implement policies. How you relate this statement to WP beats me.

It is this kind of arrogance that will cause the WP to go the same way as the PAP eventually.

PAP became arrogant because people gave them too much power. Nobody is asking to give WP the same kind of power.


no matter what party, whether you start off as a humble person or with earnest intentions, absolute power corrupts absolutely... eventually.

its been proven in history time and time again


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's at least proven that seats in parliament are important. NSP, SDP, RP, DPP and SDA have made statements on the white paper but they are forgotten because the points are not debated and attacked.

Even with 1 seat, SPP is practically forgotten. During the BE, some parties wanted to be the 2nd opposition party instead of correctly calling themselves the 3rd.


Alfrescian (Inf)
no matter what party, whether you start off as a humble person or with earnest intentions, absolute power corrupts absolutely... eventually.

its been proven in history time and time again

Yes, I agree with you. We should always hold our elected politicians accountable at all times, regardless of whichever party they represent.


It's at least proven that seats in parliament are important. NSP, SDP, RP, DPP and SDA have made statements on the white paper but they are forgotten because the points are not debated and attacked.

You have a lot of shit in your mouth, WP have no fresh ideas, basically just borrow some from Yeoh Lam Keong and some from NSP’s population policy paper.


Old Fart
no matter what party, whether you start off as a humble person or with earnest intentions, absolute power corrupts absolutely... eventually.

its been proven in history time and time again

Absolutely true. That is why no political party will stay in power for too long. With the exception of the mighty PAP, but their reign is coming to an end. Their goldern era is long gone, its a dying party and yet they do not know it.


Tiu Kwang Yew said:

But one thing is for sure, most voters after the BE at PE, and the way PAP handles the 69, Workers Party is set to win at Least 5 GRCs next GE !

When that happens the worst case scenario will be: “Without the elected president and if there is a freak result, within two or three years, the army have to come in and stop it.”

MM Lee during an interview with Straits Times in 2006 in which he threatened to send in the army should the PAP lose power via a “freak election” one day. (Source: Temasekreview.com).
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The grouses are real. Rise in costs of living, expensive housing, crowded public transport, traffic jams and etc have contributed to this "WP spring". I don't buy the "bye election" effect. The next 3 to 5 years will prove difficult for a reversal of their policies to soothe rising tempers. The result is seen in PE and LLL was voted in. The media except for social media did not paint the changing circumstances for all to see. The unhappiness will manifest itself in the ballot box.