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The real and dominate current truth happening is MIW is really not great as they boosted. If not outright incompetant in lots of area.

first lady easily lost 30 billion 'investing ' on wall street .more like kanna con. The prince built two casino , look at the social issue created only a few month from it. Sinagpore will transform into gangland city. presently is only a few tatoo boy chopping one another. Pai Kar top terrorist limped out of top security prison, corruption graft exploding all over ,from police men to land officer. Lower cost by mass importing cheap worker. pay themselve million, but no minium wage for the weak.

Kids! Kids! Singaporean kids! This is the real and present problem you need to start to learn to see. Yuor are not blind. Just that your are mostly fantasying you are zhu ge liang deciding and picking , glooming leader of our future.

Kidsr stop rounding running in maze specially set up for you lah.
It is not that MIWs are great as they boosted and we believe them.

If you are in this forum,or even other forums,or even in 156th frorums,you see people,real people ,laughing at the stupidity of PAP all the time,day in day out

But the fact is we have to get rid of them first.and the only way is thro COMPLETELY FREE BUT NOT FAIR GENERAL ERECTIONS.

DIFFICULT,of course it is difficult,nothing is easy in this world,but it is definitely NOT the most difficult political sturggle in the world.

But I note that some opposition do have a tendency to act like saviours,PAP are stupid one,dont overly estimate their abilities,blah,blah,blah

Ya,but you got to get rid of them,and we the votere are the judges.

So,better for opposition not to talk so big but prove their worth first.

Sun-tzu, The Art of War.
know your enemy, know yourself, a hundred battles fought,a hundred balttles won


>>better for opposition not to talk so big but prove their worth first.

Not possible to prove anything first , they are not given the ground to do it . You will only understand this point untill you know how the system work.
Not talk? hahah....

Alot of people are ultimately get stuck here . ie unproven or crap opposition candidate how can i get them in ? We all need to open our mind on these.

Look at a normal baby and think.
Can he be world faster sprinter carl lewis ? the baby cant even crawl? Can he be great man like lincon who free the slaves? the baby cant even talk. Can be hilter ? the baby is angry and cry so lot. hilter is an angry men. Should we suggest to the mother to dump he baby into the dustbin.

The grown up will be quiet, they understand he dont know the answer but is determine to bring up the baby positively no matter what. The kids will need a simple answer right away , if at this time i can instill some fear into his head, the kid may really go ahead tell the mother it is saveir to dump the baby away.

i like call alot of people here kids , mainly because they really dont how things work actually work in politics. To them, those white shirt should be good people, black shrt is bad people.

Once i know they are mostly draft, offcos i sent 4 policewomen to surround and follow chee siok chin around. Offcos get good reporter there and make sure the right pictures is on the front page news.

Hahahaha..... 3 year old will start running around the maze.

But if everyone is mature , you will see those few policewomen at downtown east catching gangster.
Once we know their trick all the five mp will be present at meet the people session weeking without fail. Instead of one turn up , the rest of the four concentrate on working for the property developer and banks they work for as an independant director .

Democrazy system is close a growthing a baby. It not easy and or get it right need a lot of understanding how it works. Must trust onself and system.

Kids ! do you got to know if goh seng meng keeps talking UFO in parliament, you can kick him out next five year. you dont know right? i may not know others but i I gurareent the pap candidate begging to replace him is very much favourable.



Hi Mike,

I appreciate yr strong endosement for SDP & I have no objection to that.

"Not possible to prove anything first , they are not given the ground to do it ."-of course lah,PAP has told the whole world that it was not their job to help the growth of opposition,what do u think?I think the majority have accepted that liao.

" You will only understand this point untill you know how the system work.
Not talk? hahah.... "

OK,lah,may be u know much more than me,but for me,a layman,I only judge by the results,how else can we judge a political party?

If the people here are kids,then the Ah Bengs & Ah Lians whose votes u would hv to aim for would be toddlers,if u cant handle kind,how can u convince toddlers?

Why,because people here are basically above average,they are not yr average singaporeans,perhaps yr taget audience would be HIGH IQ citizens.

If u have a chance to talk with Dr Chee,I am sure he would understand this.

One of the problems with SDP is that there are many "angry youth” Fenqing (愤青)who tend to run amok and present their angry version as the official version.

While if u look at more mature political parties,"angry youth” Fenqing (愤青)are always allowed to make noise and let off steam,even with the sanction of leaders,but are always confined to Youth Wing,to dissociate from their official line.

I amy be a kid in terms of my knowledge,I am a kid in terms of my hunger and eagerness to learn more,but in actual fact,I am already 65 years old.

"Alot of people are ultimately get stuck here . ie unproven or crap opposition candidate how can i get them in ? We all need to open our mind on these."

Believe me,that is more the problem of the toddlers,I can see here people are in a better position to make informed judgement.

"i like call alot of people here kids , mainly because they really dont how things work actually work in politics. To them, those white shirt should be good people, black shrt is bad people. "
According to yr definitaion,almost 99% of Singapore citizens would be KIDS,I really have no idea how SDP is going to con all these kids,on the other hand,SDP would just be wasting their time,w/o results.

I think I should explain the world "CON",I say CON without disrespect,for me,politics is a CON job,one must wayang to win votes,it is like saleman must BS well then can get biz easier.The good sale man would try to keep to what he has promised so that the client would be happy,but if u just talk plainly without adding some nice colors,u might lose out,especially in Spore when u face the biggest CON in the world.

Politics is very dirty and tough,many times u kena play out,put in yr best efforts most times w/o return or appreciation,so one has to decide whether he really wants to get into this.

All the best
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hi dreamer,

Actually, i dont endorse SDP or who. I wrote base on my current understanding on democracy, the trick dictators plays and dirty practice in politics. If you want me to say something about sdp then , they are on the wrong path . Sinagporean are mostly draft, sdp will need another 20 years , before enough torture and degrade on sinagporean for them to can get the number of support via thier way.

Although miw is not responsible for growthing opposition, Detroying democracy is not a thng they shoud do. Currently the real respectable democratic leader all over the world think lowly of MIW. Only drafts respects them after reading their properganda news.

>>how else can we judge a political party
how else can you judge the baby? is so obvious he cant crawl and only cry right? Wanna dump it into the bin ? We dont judge opposition now, we judge the ruling party now!

We can deal with opposition when they didnt perform. Sinaporean did throw of few of the sdp mp like 15 years few years back right. We were impressive. The process was peaceful and democratic done. Now old fox is hinting about army if he diding like some election result.

Like i said before dont try to play zhu ge liang to pick and place good people. The real situation now is that all good people are hiding low too fearful of the sharp dagger swinging around.

The main act is to stop these flying daggers, The good people will all come out both in miw and opposition. It a long growing process, no overnight answer here. We need to grow up fast to make it.

Old man, dont blame sdp for many anry youth in sinaporean now lah. We know that sdp only come out once 5 years. And they are quickly round up and disperse within one hour of their shouting. sdp so super meh ? can create so many angry people.

If you think a bit you will know it is really relationed to wide income gap singapore have and discontent . Old man now you know who to blame for income gap problem is or not ? Dont just look at the surface see angry youth join sdp mean sdp created them lah. Lets growup fast and think out of a 3 year kid brain.

Actually, when i say a, it is really not related to age or degree or general intelligent. It is the level of understanding how things are run at a country and political level, and system . some kids can just get and growth up reading things here. Others with phd take 50 years to see and realise it.


>>SDP is a political party and seeking public donations to pay for the fine of >>its Secretary-General to save him from jail term.
>>There is no auditing of this, no transparency and if I am not wrong, no >>political party is allowed to seek donations in this manner.
>>And the best part is all donations to be made to CSJ's wife.

Kid! the whole dam..n PAP machinery of several hundred thousand people is trying all mean to prevent dr chee not getting there.

Should we few here try to figure out how to get him there instead of adding on to their nonsense? It is clearly a political move to stop dr chee the choosen one. Lets support to let citizen do the choosing.

Anybody can be president if the people voted for him ! Why only a prata men can be nominated?


Seems ok to me.

Section 29 of the act takes care of the auditing aspects.

And the wife can also act as trustee.

Mode of seeking donations seems ok. Main requirement is "paper trail", so electronic form also boleh.

SDP is a political party and seeking public donations to pay for the fine of its Secretary-General to save him from jail term.

There is no auditing of this, no transparency and if I am not wrong, no political party is allowed to seek donations in this manner.

And the best part is all donations to be made to CSJ's wife.

http://statutes.agc.gov.sg/non_vers...L+DONATIONS+ACT &date=latest&method=part&sl=1


>>SDP is a political party and seeking public donations to pay for the fine of >>its Secretary-General to save him from jail term.
>>There is no auditing of this, no transparency and if I am not wrong, no >>political party is allowed to seek donations in this manner.
>>And the best part is all donations to be made to CSJ's wife.

Kid! the whole dam..n PAP machinery of several hundred thousand people is trying all mean to prevent dr chee not getting there.

Should we few here try to figure out how to get him there instead of adding on to their nonsense? It is clearly a political move to stop dr chee the choosen one. Lets support to let citizen do the choosing.

Anybody can be president if the people voted for him ! Why only a prata men can be nominated?

I am amazed that a wrong thing can be seen as a right thing just because of the hope of voting in a dimwit to oust the idiots.

Actually I should not be amazed at all, because there will be people who vote with their heart instead of logic.

Lastly, no one is preventing Mr Chee from getting there. He just need to stop his stupid antics to prevent himself from getting there.


Seems ok to me.

Section 29 of the act takes care of the auditing aspects.

And the wife can also act as trustee.

Mode of seeking donations seems ok. Main requirement is "paper trail", so electronic form also boleh.

to start off with,
Can a imposed fine on a political member of a party be considered as expenditure in the party's account or should it be considered under his own capacity?

Very simple example.

If I am NKF chairman, I parked my car illegally and receive a summon. Can I use NKF funds to pay off my own personal summon?


Other than his hunger strike many years ago, which lost alot of point from me, he does pose some hard and enlightening questions though.

I am amazed that a wrong thing can be seen as a right thing just because of the hope of voting in a dimwit to oust the idiots.

Actually I should not be amazed at all, because there will be people who vote with their heart instead of logic.

Lastly, no one is preventing Mr Chee from getting there. He just need to stop his stupid antics to prevent himself from getting there.


I dont want to discuss to much on this, wait kenna accused of trolling:biggrin:

But my question to you is; do you agree that he had raised some good issues as well as asked hard and enlightning questions?

Do you still remember him shouting at the hawker centre, "WHERE IS THE MONEY?"


Just for the sake of discussion.

1. Societies Act didnt say cannot pay.

2. Read section 35 and section 36 of societies act - for officer acting on behalf....

3. If board approves to pay the fine on behalf, its ok. But not tax deductible if establishment is subject to tax.

to start off with,
Can a imposed fine on a political member of a party be considered as expenditure in the party's account or should it be considered under his own capacity?

Very simple example.

If I am NKF chairman, I parked my car illegally and receive a summon. Can I use NKF funds to pay off my own personal summon?


I dont want to discuss to much on this, wait kenna accused of trolling:biggrin:

But my question to you is; do you agree that he had raised some good issues as well as asked hard and enlightning questions?

This guy has a history of just when he is doing something good, he puts in a crazy performance which makes people look at him in :eek:


Just for the sake of discussion.

1. Societies Act didnt say cannot pay.

2. Read section 35 and section 36 of societies act - for officer acting on behalf....

3. If board approves to pay the fine on behalf, its ok. But not tax deductible if establishment is subject to tax.

If its allowed, then I think its a precedent.

It's like if a PAP member slanders a NSP or SDP member and they sued the PAP member for damages, do you think its right to use party name to seek donations to pay damages or using party funds to pay is entirely ok?

Seeking donation in own capacity is not wrong. But using the party's name and resources without any form of accountability is wrong.


hahaha....i fully agree.
can you ask CSJ when he is going to sue old fart for calling him a DUD.

that would be good news for all of us.

hahaha...i am still waiting for the good news.
When is CSJ going to sue old fart for openly deriding him as a DUD.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The idea of a united opposition would not materialise until all the megalomaniac madmen lose their deposits with one opposition party left standing. My only hope is WP now. I used to have some hope on RP when it first started, but sad to say, it's still going the Indian chief tribal way.

The only way for that to happen is for them to stand in 3 cornered fights which all the opposition members are avoiding. There was an interesting article a while back when the guy argued that this will force a natural selection and weaker and useless party will be forced out thus creating a single creditable and strong opposition party.

I think this is a good idea however it will take very long for this to happen, it'll take at least the next 4-5 elections for this to evolve. It would easily take at least 2 -3 elections to eliminate most of the ojokers and another 1-2 election to establish the reputation of the emerging new opposition. The question here is anyone willing to wait that long

The problem we face now is that the opposition parties are avoiding 3 corner fights at all cost and this is stopping the natural selection process. The alternative is for all the opposition to form a coalition and fight the PAP as a single huge party, I don't need to highlight the problems the oppositions have with each other(some within their own freaking party) to say that it's not possible right now