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2 activists arrested for speaking out on Burmese issue


The Burmese junta badly needs foreign currency. Those working here are remitting valuable currency back home for their relatives. However its the Junta that benefits from it. Thats the reason why the Junta encourages its people to go to Junta friendly Singapore.

If these Burmese dissidents were smart, they will not remit anything back home or refuse to go overseas.

The pinoy maids are the ones that are sustaining Philippines in a similar vein.


Re: I support the Protesters speaking out for our Burmese friends

You need to improve your comprehension and general knowledge skills. By the way, just read the comments on this thread and the other thread of the same topic.

Lets face it, no activists turned up when PRC people or the Indian contract workers turned up at MOM to protest. Burmese cause is more fashionable to to western NGO and Govt. There will also be more invitations paid or partially paid at times to to visit these nice western cities to talk about your activism for the burmese cause.

Now you know why local votes are hard to garner and its best to disqualify oneself from the polls.

Don't let me stop you laughing.

if he understands, i won't call him uncle clown...LOL

Porfirio Rubirosa

Re: I support the Protesters speaking out for our Burmese friends

You have a point on the Singaporean angle no doubt.

However perhaps you may wish to look at this from another angle. All other mainstream oppo parties are already dealing with the local bread and butter issues. So SDP and the activists appear to be taking a different route. Now whether this is effective, well only time can tell. But the apparent pressure on the PAP govt is there to be seen. Pressure from any and all directions perhaps should be welcome, no?

This is a dynamic process and all roads hopefully lead to Rome.

We all know the PAP are basically tyrannical and elitist. There is no need to convince us of that. Know how to pick your battle.

As the saying goes - charity begins at home.

This is another example why SDP and those associated with it still can't garner support from Singaporeans. Obviously the Burmese cause rings bells in washington and in the NGO world but jobless singaporeans do not.


Re: I support the Protesters speaking out for our Burmese friends

In the 1st place who told you that this has ANYTHING to do with SDP?

Apparently, I thought so either until several sections in the SDP website were occupied by the news of these 2 activists.

Some may also remember that the SDP was fervent in pushing for the Burmese issue last year and now these 2 activists who attend every SDP activity despite as non-members are now also pushing a Burmese-related cause.

When a party website promotes a particular cause, it would naturally be taken as a party's stand. I believe the SDP should be steadfast in standing with the Burmese and explaining the reasons to let Singaporeans understand.


Where are the many Burmese in Sinkapoor? Why aren't they protesting to save their own countrymen?? If they can't be bothered to do so, why should any sinkee risk his time and skin to fight for these cowards??

sgporeans won't but sdppies will. isn't it worth the while now the foreign media AFP published their "chivalrous" action. csj should be damn proud about his followers - clowns they might be exploited by him.:oIo:


s csj should be damn proud about his followers - clowns they might be exploited by him.

old faggot fake monk PAP dog Bob Sim Kheng Hwee, temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, liar, deceiver, all rolled into one!

why are you so fucking jealous of csj?


They deserve it. They should focus on their work instead.

If activists spring up everywhere and everyday, when will it all end?

Better to make a few arrests and issue warnings now, then to have to call in the troops and fire at them when they increase in number due to their daring and create chaos in your country?


Re: I support the Protesters speaking out for our Burmese friends

What about you, clown ?

What the hell have you achieved other than pasting stupid videos of old Cheena songs and prostitutes roaming geylang ??

At least Uncle Yap has the courage to step forward. STFU and go and suck your PAP master's balls !


But you are the only one that is going to every opposition event, whether invited or not, take centre stage, claim to be fighting the lee clan , day and night etc. No other ctizen makes claims like you.
So what have you achieved so far?


Re: I support the Protesters speaking out for our Burmese friends

I thought you will be smart enough to use another nick.

You have been exposed as a FRAUD, a CHARLATAN and a PAP MOLE in the old SBF.

Don't you think we do not know you are a SPH journalist.

Get the hell out of here and stop flaming real opposition supporters.

KNN, go and FUCK your own mother !

I don't think you got the pulse of the country or even understand the needs of Singaporeans. Firstly we can't even protest for our own cause. Secondly both the burmese chaps are supervisors. They are no ordinary contract workers. Singaporeans have steadily lost these types of jobs because there is no minimum wage and as long as there is 3rd world country ready to do it, the wages will remain low. Naturally there will be negative sentiments floating around.

At a time of recession, jobs for Singaporeans are paramount.

We all know the PAP are basically tyrannical and elitist. There is no need to convince us of that. Know how to pick your battle.

As the saying goes - charity begins at home.

This is another example why SDP and those associated with it still can't garner support from Singaporeans. Obviously the Burmese cause rings bells in washington and in the NGO world but jobless singaporeans do not.


2 activists arrested for speaking out on Burmese issue

Written by Ng E-Jay
12 Jan 2009, 1.30pm

Two activists, Seelan Palay and Chong Kai Xiong, were arrested at around 1pm for staging a protest outside the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Building over the non-renewals of Burmese work permits.

The activists, who were decked in red T-shirts, were holding placards.

The activists were arrested on grounds of trespassing.

More updates will be posted when available.


More Burmese facing expulsion from Singapore

Seelan Palay
Yet another two Burmese nationals working in Singapore have fallen victim to the Government for their support of the pro-democracy movement in their home country.
In the latest development, Singapore’s Manpower Ministry is refusing to renew the work permits of Mr Moe Kyaw Thu, 35 and Mr Win Kyaw, 38, who had both worked here for 11 years each. Moe is a construction supervisor and Win, a technical supervisor.
This drastic turn of events resulted from the two men’s involvement in highlighting human rights abuses by the Burmese military junta following its crackdown of the pro-democracy movement in Rangoon led by monks in September last year.
Moe in particular appealed to MOM reiterating that he has no police record of any kind and he has fully respected the laws of Singapore while working here.
Both men have participated in the activities of the Overseas Burmese Patriots (OBP), an advocacy group formed in Singapore after the military crackdown. The group was involved in organizing and conducting a series of public campaigns in Singapore against the Burmese regime.
One of the activities was when over 40 Burmese, assembled in groups of four, held a peaceful protest along Orchard Road on 20 Nov 07 during the ASEAN Summit in nearby Shangri-la Hotel.
Following the event, the group was accused by the Singapore Government of deliberately breaking local laws. Its members were given a police warning for their participation in the protest. But none of the Burmese activists were ever charged with any unlawful act while pursuing their political objectives.
The hands of the PAP Government first became apparent in September this year when three members of the OBP were expelled when their work permits or residence in Singapore came up for renewal.
Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng defended the Government’s action then, stating that the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority “considers this small group to be undesirable persons and rightly decided they should leave.”
In the ongoing saga, despite their employers wanting to retain them, Moe and Win have been ordered to leave Singapore by the end of January 2009.
“If they send me back, my family will suffer greatly. I’d have to spend the rest of my life in prison.” said Moe.
The latest expulsions go against the sympathy and support that Burmese pro-democracy activists receive throughout the world. The inhumane act of the Singapore Government is an indirect endorsement of the murderous Burmese junta.
[email protected]

<In the ongoing saga, despite their employers wanting to retain them, Moe and Win have been ordered to leave Singapore by the end of January 2009.>
their employers of course want to retain them cos they are cheap labour!


the chee's side has this very wicked hidden motive to stir up peasants' resentment against gov. sometime it seems that they love to have a massive peasants protest that could lead to a national riot.

for the paps' side, even if the sky turns really gloomy and situation appears doomy, they would never stop to paint a nice bright picture to peasants with their special effect cock talking and songs singing.

whatever it is, peasants should learn to be discerning. maintain personal happiness and optimisticism. there is no permanent bad times neither is there permanent good times.


Re: I support the Protesters speaking out for our Burmese friends

What RUBBISH?! :confused:

The question is where were YOU when they were protesting for Singaporeans so many times. Where were YOU when they protested and got arrested more than once including Tak Boleh Tahan at Parliament?

They are right and they are good, because not only they had protested for OUR Singaporeans including you JW5, they also maintained friendships with OUR ASIAN FRIENDS.

Fighters in Asia need to network and join forces.

I always insist this.

famiLEE LEEgime are COWARDS to have arrested them. :oIo: to LEEgime.

Peace uncle yap... you we respect much.

Think his beef is with the e-jay type of people. Go for protest then cry and remove t-shirt at first sign of trouble.


does everyone realise something amissed here? it's very unusual that after starting a thread, ngejay beomes oblivion to comment more. why huh?

do not worry. his army of clones shall be deployed after this posting:p ditto is also happening to another repetitive thread started by lamei. reasons are very obvious. wonder has anyone look deeper into their real motive behind their similar thread.:rolleyes:


does everyone realise something amissed here? it's very unusual that after starting a thread, ngejay beomes oblivion to comment more. why huh?

old fart faggot fake monk PAP dog Bob Sim Kheng Hwee, temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, liar, deceiver, all rolled into one!

bo lumpar dared not pick up phone call

got to ask your old mama to do it for you

then ran and hide under your old mama's skirt and lau sai!

you got someone knock at your bedroom window you ran and hide

under your old mama's skirt also!

bo lumpar you ask your old mama to dial mata chu

choa ah kwa bo lumpar ... LOL


How about yourself, STINKO? How come you never go protest with them?

OH! Wait you change t-shirt when mata come and sabo them AGAIN!

LOL!! You SHAMELESS, Stinko Ng E Jay change-tshirt then plead guilty saboKING!

2 activists arrested for speaking out on Burmese issue

Written by Ng E-Jay
12 Jan 2009, 1.30pm

Two activists, Seelan Palay and Chong Kai Xiong, were arrested at around 1pm for staging a protest outside the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Building over the non-renewals of Burmese work permits.

The activists, who were decked in red T-shirts, were holding placards.

The activists were arrested on grounds of trespassing.

More updates will be posted when available.


More Burmese facing expulsion from Singapore

Seelan Palay
Yet another two Burmese nationals working in Singapore have fallen victim to the Government for their support of the pro-democracy movement in their home country.
In the latest development, Singapore’s Manpower Ministry is refusing to renew the work permits of Mr Moe Kyaw Thu, 35 and Mr Win Kyaw, 38, who had both worked here for 11 years each. Moe is a construction supervisor and Win, a technical supervisor.
This drastic turn of events resulted from the two men’s involvement in highlighting human rights abuses by the Burmese military junta following its crackdown of the pro-democracy movement in Rangoon led by monks in September last year.
Moe in particular appealed to MOM reiterating that he has no police record of any kind and he has fully respected the laws of Singapore while working here.
Both men have participated in the activities of the Overseas Burmese Patriots (OBP), an advocacy group formed in Singapore after the military crackdown. The group was involved in organizing and conducting a series of public campaigns in Singapore against the Burmese regime.
One of the activities was when over 40 Burmese, assembled in groups of four, held a peaceful protest along Orchard Road on 20 Nov 07 during the ASEAN Summit in nearby Shangri-la Hotel.
Following the event, the group was accused by the Singapore Government of deliberately breaking local laws. Its members were given a police warning for their participation in the protest. But none of the Burmese activists were ever charged with any unlawful act while pursuing their political objectives.
The hands of the PAP Government first became apparent in September this year when three members of the OBP were expelled when their work permits or residence in Singapore came up for renewal.
Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng defended the Government’s action then, stating that the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority “considers this small group to be undesirable persons and rightly decided they should leave.”
In the ongoing saga, despite their employers wanting to retain them, Moe and Win have been ordered to leave Singapore by the end of January 2009.
“If they send me back, my family will suffer greatly. I’d have to spend the rest of my life in prison.” said Moe.
The latest expulsions go against the sympathy and support that Burmese pro-democracy activists receive throughout the world. The inhumane act of the Singapore Government is an indirect endorsement of the murderous Burmese junta.
[email protected]