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13-year-old boy conquers Mount Everest



BEIJING – A 13-YEAR-OLD American boy has become the youngest climber to reach the top of Mount Everest.

A spokesman for Jordan Romero says the boy’s team called by satellite phone from the summit of the world’s highest peak on Saturday.

The previous record for the youngest climber to scale Everest had been held by Temba Tsheri of Nepal. He reached the peak at age 16.

Romero was climbing Everest with a team including his father and three Sherpa guides. He left for the peak from the base camp on the Chinese side of the mountain.

Romero has been on a quest to climb the highest peaks on all seven continents.

13-year-old boy conquers Mount Everest


Boy calls mom from top of Mount Everest

May 22, 2010
Associated Press
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Boy calls mom from top of Mount Everest

BEIJING - The youngest climber to reach the peak of Mount Everest hugged his tearful companions and told them he loved them. Then 13-year-old Jordan Romero took the satellite phone and called his mom. "He says, 'Mom, I'm calling you from the top of the world,'" a giddy Leigh Anne Drake told The Associated Press from California, where she had been watching her son's progress minute by minute on a GPS tracker online. "There were lots of tears and 'I love you! I love you!'" Drake said. "I just told him to get his butt back home."

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</td></tr> <tr> <td align="middle">13-year-old Jordan Romero reached the peak of Mount Everest on Saturday, becoming the youngest climber to ever reach the summit.</td></tr></tbody></table><!-- End MtnClimberInStory Image-->With Saturday's success on the world's highest mountain, at 29,035 feet (8,850 meters) above sea level, Jordan is just one climb from his quest to reach the highest peaks on all seven continents.
The teenager with a mop of long curly hair - who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa when he was 9 years old - says he was inspired by a painting in his school hallway of the seven continents' highest summits.

"Every step I take is finally toward the biggest goal of my life, to stand on top of the world," Jordan said earlier on his blog. Before him, the youngest climber to scale Everest had been Temba Tsheri of Nepal, who reached the peak at age 16. Also Saturday, officials said a Nepalese Sherpa who lives in Salt Lake City broke his own world record by climbing Everest for the 20th time. Apa, who goes by one name, went up to collect garbage, a growing environmental problem on the mountain.

Several climbers took advantage of Saturday's clear weather to reach the summit, Mountaineering Department official Tilak Pandey said. May is the most popular month for Everest climbs because of more favorable weather. Jordan had never climbed above 8,000 meters (26,240 feet), but his team climbed quickly along the final ridge to arrive at the peak hours ahead of schedule.

"The first thing, they all hugged each other and said, 'I love you, I can't believe we're finally here' and started crying," said Rob Bailey, the team's spokesman, by phone from the United States. "I don't think it ever dawned on them to say, 'Oh my gosh, Jordan, you're the youngest to get up here,'" Bailey said. "It's never been about setting a record, besting anybody else."

Jordan, from the San Bernardino Mountains ski town of Big Bear, California, was climbing Everest with his father, his father's girlfriend and three Sherpa guides. Helicopter paramedic Paul Romero and his girlfriend have trained Jordan for top-level mountaineering. Romero and Karen Lundgren are adventure racers, competing in weeklong endurance races that combine biking, climbing, paddling and climbing through wilderness areas.

Before the group set out for Nepal, Paul Romero said he wanted nothing more than to make his son's dreams come true, even as the quest raised questions over how young is too young to scale Everest, a mountain where harsh conditions have caused scores of climbers' deaths. The group, dubbed "Team Jordan" on the teen's blog, approached the peak along the technically more difficult, less-traveled northern route from the base camp on the Chinese side.

Unlike neighboring Nepal, the other approach to Everest, China has no age limit for climbers. Jordan registered with Chinese officials in April, said Zhang Mingxing, secretary general of China Tibet Mountaineering Association. No interview with Jordan would be possible until he returns to advance base camp, which could take a couple of days, Bailey said. Climbers stay overnight at three or four camps before the summit, depending on their route and pace. Jordan's team spent nearly five weeks on the mountain acclimatizing and preparing for Saturday's predawn final climb.

Jordan carried a number of good luck charms, including a pair of kangaroo testicles given to him by a friend who has cancer. "That's the one that probably meant the most," Bailey said. At the summit, Jordan left behind his lucky rabbit's foot and planted some seeds that a Buddhist monk at a local monastery had given him for luck on his journey, Bailey said. Then he took the satellite phone and called his mom. "He's such a good boy and he calls his mom every day," Drake said, laughing, just minutes later.

Drake said her son took two months of homework with him to keep up in school. Jordan continues the recent trend of young adventurers. Earlier this month, 16-year-old Australian Jessica Watson became the youngest person to sail around the globe solo, nonstop and unassisted. Thousands lined Sydney Harbor to cheer as she cruised past the finish line in her pink yacht.

A Dutch court late last year blocked an even younger sailor, 14-year-old sailor Laura Dekker, from pursuing a similar round-the-world voyage, ordering her to prepare more and wait at least until this year before starting. And in January, 17-year-old Johnny Collinson of Utah became the youngest person to climb the highest peaks on all seven continents. Just one mountain remains in Jordan's own quest to climb those peaks, the Vinson Massif in Antarctica. Jordan's team leaves for Antarctica in December, Bailey said. "A piece of cake," his mother said.
