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PAP wants George Yeo to lose


Who said LHL did not support GY?

GE: PM at rally to support PAP's Aljunied team

What did LTK & gang have done for Aljunied GRC other than taking advantage of the situation where people getting too emotional, may want to vote for the opposition for the sake of having more opposition in the Parliament.

How often did he speak up in Parliament?

Imagine LTK as the FM & represent Singapore as compared as GY. :rolleyes:

I can say LTK is more scheming than the rest.

Out of the blue, one CSM who disappeared from Singapore for 'XY' years sounded so connected to people and can promise the sky.

What is the definition of first world parliament har?

Hey, fuck you lah har? You read so much detailed analysis by other posters, you not shy to post this shit of yours up?

LTK spoke up a lot in parliament, far more than the doggy MPs who only know how to wag their tails. LTK shows a lot more balls than any of your PAP dogs in crossing over to contest Aljunied. This is your problem in PAP. Too many porlumpar but not enough lumpar to por. So how, come over and squeeze your own balls.

And if promising a voice for the people is promising the sky, well sign me right up. First world parliament is NOT a dialogue between father/son accompanied by a court of eunuchs.

And last but most importantly, fuck you for being a PAP internet dog.



So Porfiro,

Do you think LSL pulled it off? Was his apologies enough to take Aljunied?

interesting analysis bro...

to me i think THE big swing factor shall now be the 2nd n last TV political broadcasts tomorrow 6th may...it may well be make or break time for LHL...if he can pull off the performance of his life, perhaps afew tears like daddy in 65' may not go amiss!!, then i think pap shall sneak through even wif aljunied n pp...probably only leaving hougang as the last bastion for oppo...on the other hand if LHL does not pass muster n comes off flat...n the oppos all turn up consistent like in their 1st broadcasts then i think yr forecasts may not be that far off...

btw curious to know what all u chaps think of ho ching's role in this GE...seem to c her all over the place...


While i'm disappointed that NSP & GMS have been rather quiet lately, but seriously, how many of you can deal with losing a brother who is helping your cause & campainging at the same time..??

I am writing just an objective piece of strategies and tactics in politics. Nothing personal. GMS remains a friend of mine and the passing of his brother at this critical moment, is one thing that I deeply sympathise with. If you are into politics, you must be prepared to take criticisms and insults, and yet objectively use it to further your drives in this tough endeavour. My condolences, GMS.


Who said LHL did not support GY?

GE: PM at rally to support PAP's Aljunied team

What did LTK & gang have done for Aljunied GRC other than taking advantage of the situation where people getting too emotional, may want to vote for the opposition for the sake of having more opposition in the Parliament.

How often did he speak up in Parliament?

Imagine LTK as the FM & represent Singapore as compared as GY. :rolleyes:

I can say LTK is more scheming than the rest.

Out of the blue, one CSM who disappeared from Singapore for 'XY' years sounded so connected to people and can promise the sky.

What is the definition of first world parliament har?

i urge you to pay more attention to the parliament before you shoot.



if i don't remembered wrongly because of that, speaker of the house then actually come up with a rule to limit the number of questions he can asked or questions on the government policies. he did mentioned this in the rally, and i really got a shocked. why is there such a rule to limit him?


Although what you said makes sense, your views and assessment of the Nicole Seah phenomenon is simplistic and quite inaccurate about NSP as a whole. In defense of GMS and NSP, they did not put Nicole on the forefront as you impute.

There was TPL, remember her? When she was introduced to the public, there was an outcry and the internet was abuzz with a great number of negative comments. Nicole arrived on the scene and she was embrace by these same people and it went from there to what is happening now. I wish not to go into the details but I am pretty sure everyone knows what I am saying. NSP did not "allow her to overshadow the rest" as you claimed, neither was she "used" by NSP. She captured the attention of the public's imagination and with the MSMs and FB and mostly positive comments, it was only natural the focus was always on her. One cannot deny that she was a different animal compared to the insipid TPL.

All said, I and many here will disagree that she is without substance and shallow. No doubt she may be young and this causes minus points as our mindsets holds the view that age and experience is what is needed from a politician. Notwithstanding that, you never even mention TPL and TPL most probably will be our future MP. I will not delve much into this but I am sure that scares the bejesus out of most of us. It is unfortunate that she is very young, but that is the only factor why she is not so credible in the eyes of many. Take her youth away, and she will definitely be a force to be reckon with. I reiterate, she is not a person lacking "substance", she has plenty of that.

There are 4 important "musts" to be a great politician: substance, experience, character and charisma. By substance, I mean the knowledge and skills you need to be a leader in a political or government enterprise, and with a deep understanding of issues and not just superficial. Look at Nicole's resume, she lacks these components. She has only a few years of working experience, and all she claims about leadership experience is her school experience. She does not even have corporate experience in management. I also have a chance to listen to her speech - they are mostly soundbites, and it lacks substance.

I did not say much about Tin Pei Lin, and saying nothing, is already my message. There is nothing worth to say :-) except that is a nice Kate Spade bag :-)

Politicians' speeches tell you much about a person's grasp of issues. The importance of soundbites cannot be denied but the truly great orator is able to fuse it with a narrative with utter compelling reasoning that will wow the crowd, and for those who know the issues in depth, they can sense the depth in a politician's mind. Such is the class which most local opposition politicians lack especially newbies speaking on a stage for the first time. In this class, I reckon only LTK and CST have this quality. CST in this election is a shadow of his past due to his poor health. In the heyday, CST is a class of his own. In the past, I reckon Francis Seow, JBJ and the fiery Tang Liang Hong got these qualities. Tang Liang Hong got to go, as I listened to him, he was such a power with his words yet conveying his shrewd awareness. He is a big threat. LTK does it in a moderate style but utterly effective. His ability to go on a topic with powerful logic, yet using consistent soundbites, got my admiration. It is easier to be fiery but to do it from a quiet style is far harder. LTK is in a class of his own without a doubt.

Nicole got 2 other important qualities: character and charisma. It is here I would say if she perseveres, she has a future. Both substance and experience can be acquired. The fact is shown that she has a heart to fight for the underprivileged and to stand up as an opposition candidate speak much of this great character. She handles herself very well in interviews - articulate and shows good character. She has done well as a newbie.

There a host of issues and views to be heard. It is not for media to be patient to sieve out your voice to be heard. A shrewd politician must know how to make use of the media, both old and new, and convey the message. Only the interesting and unusual is of interest to the media. NSP failed to understand it. By presenting Nicole, they should be aware this will be played out in the media, and in so doing, will crowd out the message. NSP falied to deliver a consistent message, if they have, I clearly am not aware. It is not for me to figure out your message, and it is for the party itself to make use of tools to strike this impression without me even trying. NSP has not done well at all in this respect. Even the name, National Solidarity Party, speaks the utter lack of understanding of simplicity in naming and has no focus at all. Just this name tells one much about the political acumen or rather, the lack of it. Need I even write further about the lack of understanding of the requirements and skills in politicking?

Never blame the media if you lack the skills and knowledge to grasp the basics of politicking. The politiican must be a good actor in this world stage. Now you will know why Ronald Reagan, an ex-actor, makes such a good president, if not great.
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Cannot accept reading of situation.

LTK did not make a decision to contest in Aljunied GRC until the last minute. He abandoned his loyal Hougang supporters of 20-odd years, for a bigger prize in Aljunied.

He can shed tears, explain or argue till the buffaloes come home, but the truth still remains. If there are better opportunities elsewhere, sure he will forget about Aljunied and rush over there.


Cannot accept reading of situation.

LTK did not make a decision to contest in Aljunied GRC until the last minute. He abandoned his loyal Hougang supporters of 20-odd years, for a bigger prize in Aljunied.

He can shed tears, explain or argue till the buffaloes come home, but the truth still remains. If there are better opportunities elsewhere, sure he will forget about Aljunied and rush over there.

People here don't want to listen to your bull. Just the slurping sound when you do your job on my dick!


Good to have you back as well Bro. Just wanted to give you the perspective on TCH. TCH is part of OCBC inner circle and was PM designate for years. His wife was placed with NTUC and holds a crucial position despite the name suggesting otherwise. OCBC link with PAP cadre members is legendary. As far they are concerned he should have been PM. My understanding is that LHL is not ready to step down and by the time he decides to, TCH will be too old. He is now the powerbroker.

GCT is slowly but surely losing his power base and with the departure of Cheng Bock and company, his legacy will come to pass. In this country, there are 4 things you need to control. NTUC, SPH, PA and the cadres. All the current heads are from the Lees. Alan Chan was appointed during GCT's term but he was old man's most trusted PPS. Both the past and present Lims of NTUC are with old man. PA was with WKS before LHL took direct control. GCT mistake was focusing on the Cadres. He has lost that as well.

Bro Scro, it is always a pleasure to engage you n a political discourse. You sure have interesting titbits to chew upon. The elites here know the power structure well. May I add also the cadres are pretty good at reading tea leaves too. It is the same practice in the civil service. It is an art to be mastered if one wants to climb up. This is why I find it a problem that will affect the future of Singapore. It is this aspect that creates the downfall of dynasties and regimes. PAP faces this challenge now.

I did read about GY now talking about reforming within. It has to take the opposition's voice to get this man to start thinking in this manner when he has all the years in government not to know. LHL has to apologise but if he really wants to take the reformist enterprise, it is a tough wire act for him. Admitting mistakes is either not politically shrewd or a very smart act cos it is the process that will tell how it work out. It carries tremendous risks. Look at Gorbachev and how a regime accelerates its fall due to his gamble. LHL is taking this gamble now if he is serious. But I am all for him to undertake the process of change to make Singapore better.

All the best, bro!
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give GMS a break bro...n i say this as a chap who was previously not too impressed by both his IQ n EQ as a politico...to be fair to him think he has done the best he cld do...all things considered...not really in control of nsp; got a malay bureau going; managed to get tony, hazel, nicole n gang to join nsp;got an endoresemnt of sorts fm tan kin lian(for what it is worth); his elder bro suddenly passing away etc...also must say that his speeches n manner in which he has conducted himself wif msm thus far has been pretty commendable as well...

to GMS u hv my support bro...win r lose u hv done yrself proud...tks for yr effort n i wish u n nsp all the v best for the 7th:smile:)

No failure is too strong to bear for any aspirant. If failure, it is just a small step to success.

Agree with your absolutely! :-)


Alfrescian (Inf)
My sense is that GY is no one's puppet and that is not something that old man likes. He is also in the wrong camp.

Wonder if you have any info on GY leaving MOH?

This is what I heard - GY favoured a relative who wanted to set-up a pharmacy in one of the hospitals. He was investigated by an appropriate agency. Benefit of doubt was given. He was then moved out of MOH.


It is his parting shot and clearly the target is the PAP. LHL admitting Orchard floods is a mistake despite his father blaming the climate, both hes and GCT blaming WKS is quite startling. I don't think these guys will change as the factions are quite strong and the reformists are too few. I however think that things will get better for the country as quality opposition candidates gain numbers and the electorate begin to understand the concept of participatory democracy and not give carte blanche to a few.

I did read about GY now talking about reforming within. It has to take the opposition's voice to get this man to start thinking in this manner when he has all the years in government not to know. LHL has to apologise but if he really wants to take the reformist enterprise, it is a tough wire act for him. Admitting mistakes is either not politically shrewd or a very smart act cos it is the process that will tell how it work out. It carries tremendous risks. Look at Gorbachev and how a regime accelerates its fall due to his gamble. LHL is taking this gamble now if he is serious. But I am all for him to undertake the process of change to make Singapore better.

All the best, bro!


Not familiar with this case. The closest I am aware is that Prof Maureen Tsakok started sending specimen diagnostic work to a company associated with her husband and was sacked. A minister did intervene but I don't think it was GY.

Wonder if you have any info on GY leaving MOH?

This is what I heard - GY favoured a relative who wanted to set-up a pharmacy in one of the hospitals. He was investigated by an appropriate agency. Benefit of doubt was given. He was then moved out of MOH.


Not familiar with this case. The closest I am aware is that Prof Maureen Tsakok started sending specimen diagnostic work to a company associated with her husband and was sacked. A minister did intervene but I don't think it was GY.


What is your take on this GE?

How many seats for Opposition and where?



Unfortunately no. I think it was with BBC. GY did not perform well and old man felt that GY did not sound committed and convincing. It has been downhill ever since. Have you seen Kishore give an interview on a sampan in front of the skyline. Despite chopping waters, the guy was steady as a rock. Until the wife's condition deteriorated, Old man and wife would attend dinners hosted by Kishore at his Dunbar walk home with one influential foreign identity as the guest. Small and quite affairs but GY was not into stuff like that. He was more family and his link was via modern technology such as blogs. The irony is that he is the minister to engage the young directly and it is the young that will do him in. The young in this case were aiming at the PAP and not him personally.

any link on this one bro?


Alfrescian (Inf)
There are 4 important "musts" to be a great politician: substance, experience, character and charisma. By substance, I mean the knowledge and skills you need to be a leader in a political or government enterprise, and with a deep understanding of issues and not just superficial. Look at Nicole's resume, she lacks these components. She has only a few years of working experience, and all she claims about leadership experience is her school experience. She does not even have corporate experience in management. I also have a chance to listen to her speech - they are mostly soundbites, and it lacks substance.

I did not say much about Tin Pei Lin, and saying nothing, is already my message. There is nothing worth to say :-) except that is a nice Kate Spade bag :-)

Politicians' speeches tell you much about a person's grasp of issues. The importance of soundbites cannot be denied but the truly great orator is able to fuse it with a narrative with utter compelling reasoning that will wow the crowd, and for those who know the issues in depth, they can sense the depth in a politician's mind. Such is the class which most local opposition politicians lack especially newbies speaking on a stage for the first time. In this class, I reckon only LTK and CST have this quality. CST in this election is a shadow of his past due to his poor health. In the heyday, CST is a class of his own. In the past, I reckon Francis Seow, JBJ and the fiery Tang Liang Hong got these qualities. Tang Liang Hong got to go, as I listened to him, he was such a power with his words yet conveying his shrewd awareness. He is a big threat. LTK does it in a moderate style but utterly effective. His ability to go on a topic with powerful logic, yet using consistent soundbites, got my admiration. It is easier to be fiery but to do it from a quiet style is far harder. LTK is in a class of his own without a doubt.

Nicole got 2 other important qualities: character and charisma. It is here I would say if she perseveres, she has a future. Both substance and experience can be acquired. The fact is shown that she has a heart to fight for the underprivileged and to stand up as an opposition candidate speak much of this great character. She handles herself very well in interviews - articulate and shows good character. She has done well as a newbie.

There a host of issues and views to be heard. It is not for media to be patient to sieve out your voice to be heard. A shrewd politician must know how to make use of the media, both old and new, and convey the message. Only the interesting and unusual is of interest to the media. NSP failed to understand it. By presenting Nicole, they should be aware this will be played out in the media, and in so doing, will crowd out the message. NSP falied to deliver a consistent message, if they have, I clearly am not aware. It is not for me to figure out your message, and it is for the party itself to make use of tools to strike this impression without me even trying. NSP has not done well at all in this respect. Even the name, National Solidarity Party, speaks the utter lack of understanding of simplicity in naming and has no focus at all. Just this name tells one much about the political acumen or rather, the lack of it. Need I even write further about the lack of understanding of the requirements and skills in politicking?

Never blame the media if you lack the skills and knowledge to grasp the basics of politicking. The politiican must be a good actor in this world stage. Now you will know why Ronald Reagan, an ex-actor, makes such a good president, if not great.

All said, despite my general agreeing with you on most points, she is 24 years old. One cannot be a great actor until one has the chance to go on stage in front of an audience to be judged. Right? So this point is moot, but I get the drift.

The 2nd is that if PAP can see fit to entertain ideas that TPL can be a great politician then so can Nicole. Mind you, we are suppose to have the top talents in Singapore running the country and they all agree that TPL is their equal. Don't you agree with our Ministers?

I know GSM but not NSP so I will refrain from making a comment. It is fair to say that they were not deliberately pushing Nicole to the forefront, it just happened. I doubt anyone could have foreseen the impact Nicole had had on the public. There could be hundreds like her in Singapore, as she is not exactly unique. In 2006 there was Gayle Goh, and she was only 17. Too bad she opted not to enter politics but since you mentioned what it takes to be a great politician she has the potential but then again the 2 of them are of the same age.



The writing is in the sign.