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Stocktaking my mediocre existence. Any views? Thanks in advance.


Old Fart
You are approaching what we call mid-life crisis. What will happen next is you will attempt to do something to give meaning to your life beyond the daily routine. Getting married and having kids is an option for some but not all. Think of what you will regret not having done in your life when you are 85. That is what you should be doing now.
To solve my mid life crisis, I went and got a few tattoos. Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger. I'm all good now.


Old Fart
That's what most people do. Whether that's enough for you is up to you.

If you don't feel it strongly, don't get married or have kids. It's a big commitment. Even people who want kids tend to be shocked at how much commitment and effort it takes. As you mentioned earlier, you like romance in the early stages, then get bored. Marriage is not romance, but a partnership with all the difficulties that entails.

Search within yourself. Is there anything that you desire? If there is, then go and do it. That's all.

An image that comes to mind is that you're locked in a comfort zone. Your job gives you some happiness. A few others like short term romance or exercise or masturbation are just little highlights to elevate the balance of the time you have left. Other than that you're just existing. So you've formed a life around that job and those few highlights already mentioned.

It seems that mainly your missing purpose in an occupation. Of the things you mentioned, your job seems to resonate the most with you. But I think it's insufficient from the tone of your post. You should find an occupation (not just a job!) that gives you meaning and purpose. Something that makes you want to wake up early and rush to it. Not just for a few weeks or months but one that will keep you engaged and excited for years. Unfortunately in the Singapore context this is largely ignored as an important part of growing up and something I spend a lot of time advising people on.

So go and think about it.
You, my friend, are a sage.


You should start working on it. It could be the start of a lucrative series of books and possibly even a regular comic strip. :wink:
I doubt. I am just another mediocre. Nothing special. No special talent whether in sports music or studies. The only thing possibly that can stand out a little compared with others, (just a little more of others) is probably my body and looks. But then again I will never make it to GQ or the modelling industry. I just do not have the X factor. I will never get rid of my Mediocre label, simply because my raw talent is not up to par. Anyway many thanks for your kind encouraging words.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I doubt. I am just another mediocre. Nothing special. No special talent whether in sports music or studies. The only thing possibly that can stand out a little compared with others, (just a little more of others) is probably my body and looks. But then again I will never make it to GQ or the modelling industry. I just do not have the X factor. I will never get rid of my Mediocre label, simply because my raw talent is not up to par ...
wat about ur big cok? ...


Old Fart
I doubt. I am just another mediocre. Nothing special. No special talent whether in sports music or studies. The only thing possibly that can stand out a little compared with others, (just a little more of others) is probably my body and looks. But then again I will never make it to GQ or the modelling industry. I just do not have the X factor. I will never get rid of my Mediocre label, simply because my raw talent is not up to par. Anyway many thanks for your kind encouraging words.
You will be alright. Just do your best in whatever you do, be a good and honest person.


The only thing possibly that can stand out a little compared with others, (just a little more of others) is probably my body and look
:eek: better make full use of it before you become a karchng bin. This one cannot run away is a matter of time to expiry for looks and body.


wat about ur big cok? ...
Having a big penis is a liability. I swear. When it erects involuntarily in office, mrt, swimming pool, it's a damn embarrassment. I must make sure I always carry a bag when I am outside..So if it happens to erect due to involuntary seduction, the bag can be a shield from embarrassment.

Also, while I have a bigger penis than other men, that doesn't mean I get to enjoy sex better than other men. Yes, the women I sleep with may enjoy it, but to me, it has negligible or no enhanced enjoyment impact.

I can't walk up to any girl I like in the street, MRT, market or anywhere and say: " Hi! I have a big cock, you want to be my girlfriend?"

So what's the use of a BIG PENIS? I do wonder sometimes....


I doubt. I am just another mediocre. Nothing special. No special talent whether in sports music or studies. The only thing possibly that can stand out a little compared with others, (just a little more of others) is probably my body and looks. But then again I will never make it to GQ or the modelling industry. I just do not have the X factor. I will never get rid of my Mediocre label, simply because my raw talent is not up to par. Anyway many thanks for your kind encouraging words.
if one has no talent, one can still be special by maintaining a different/unique perspective on life. you sound defeated, on the cusp of depression. looking for a quick and easy way towards riches and comfort.

what you need is a massive change of perspective. to literally wake the fuck up from the slumber you're in. you are sleepwalking though life.

hop onto the next VTL flight and get the fuck out of here before you go crazy.


if one has no talent, one can still be special by maintaining a different/unique perspective on life. you sound defeated, on the cusp of depression. looking for a quick and easy way towards riches and comfort.

what you need is a massive change of perspective. to literally wake the fuck up from the slumber you're in. you are sleepwalking though life.

hop onto the next VTL flight and get the fuck out of here before you go crazy.
Thank you for your harsh but realistic advice. So I assume your advice to me is don't just exist..Do something to wake the fuck out of my slumber and sleepwalking in life.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
To solve my mid life crisis, I went and got a few tattoos. Dragon, Phoenix, and Tiger. I'm all good now.

I put some studs on my dick and I can now fuck like a porn star!!!



Thank you for your harsh but realistic advice. So I assume your advice to me is don't just exist..Do something to wake the fuck out of my slumber and sleepwalking in life.
yes. we only have one shot at this. you can either maximize it or not.

it is a universal truth that the existence around us is already perfect. the imperfections lie in our own limited perspective of what is perfect.

in other words, there is nothing wrong with the world. everything that is wrong lays with us.


Many advices cannot be complied.
If you fail to plan,
you are planning to fail.

How much can you plan that will turn out realistically.
Did you plan against Covid?

Just live one day at a time.
Dont harm others.
Live within your means,
but spend a little more for some special occasions.

Dont waste time argueing.
Everyone wants to win.
Their ego is very big.





Having a big penis is a liability. I swear. When it erects involuntarily in office, mrt, swimming pool, it's a damn embarrassment. I must make sure I always carry a bag when I am outside..So if it happens to erect due to involuntary seduction, the bag can be a shield from embarrassment.

Also, while I have a bigger penis than other men, that doesn't mean I get to enjoy sex better than other men. Yes, the women I sleep with may enjoy it, but to me, it has negligible or no enhanced enjoyment impact.

I can't walk up to any girl I like in the street, MRT, market or anywhere and say: " Hi! I have a big cock, you want to be my girlfriend?"

So what's the use of a BIG PENIS? I do wonder sometimes....
this makes me question whether you truly have a big cock. I can easily tell you the benefit of having a big cock.