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CDC chief warns U.S. headed for ‘impending doom’ as Covid cases rise again: ‘Right now I’m scared’


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You know perfectly well that your uncouth behavior does nothing to convince anyone that masks actually work.

I, on the other hand, just stick to presenting the data.
I just unignored RedFool313 after realising he is so wise!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
why dont you just shut the fuck up asshole so many people have taken your fake shit and shoved it up your ass retard
Hello Redfool313
Have any of your family member died from Covid in the states yet? Are you still cleaning swimming pool for a living?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The real killer ...INACTVITY

By Marthe de Ferrer • 30/03/2021
Inactivity kills millions, but movement is the ‘miracle pill’ that could save people and planet

More than 5 million people die prematurely each year because of inactivity. - Copyright Ignacio Brosa

If I asked you - pre-pandemic - to think about public health, your mind would likely go towards flu jab initiatives, healthy eating campaigns, and posters warning us of the dangers of smoking. You probably wouldn’t think about urban planning - but if we want to truly combat one of the worst health crises on our hands, it should be a public health concern.
Inactivity is currently the world’s fourth leading cause of death. It's a problem often confused and conflated with laziness and personal choice, but in reality the issue is geographic, systemic, and woven into the structure of modern living.
In short: if we want to fix our increasingly sedentary world, we have to redesign it.
Political correspondent and cycling enthusiast Peter Walker dedicates a chapter of his new book to this exact issue. The Miracle Pill: Why a sedentary world is getting it all wrong is an eye-opening read, addressing our global inactivity problem and suggesting solutions for readers.
The more I read, the itchier I became to leave my sofa and get moving. After a couple of chapters, I ended up downloading the audiobook version so I could pace around my neighbourhood while listening to the seemingly endless bleak figures about the scale of our inactivity problem.
Currently, 1.5 billion people around the world are so inactive they are risking their long-term physical health. Every year an estimated 5.3 million people die from causes related to inactive living - roughly the population of Norway. An extraordinary 80 per cent of British children move so little that they face a future with poorly developed cardiovascular systems, weak bones and chronic illness.
These are just three of many statistics Walker presents and explores in his book. But far from being a guilt-inducing read, making a reader feel ashamed of their desk job or reliance on their car, Walker manages to instil a relentless sense of hope throughout.
During the book it is repeatedly made clear that patterns can be reversed, health can be improved, and it’s never too late to start moving.

Most importantly, however, Walker never assigns blame for this public health crisis to individuals. We haven’t all become collectively lazy on a catastrophic, global scale: the problem is far bigger and more structural than any one person’s choice to swap exercise for Netflix.
Solving this sedentary crisis requires, in part, a rethink in how we design our towns and cities.
“We’ve designed the world such that in many, many places driving is more or less the only thing you can do,” Walker tells me.
But if we could all harness the power of activity, our lives could be dramatically altered.
The book’s name - The Miracle Pill - relates to a study in Denmark that tracked 30,000 randomly selected people over the course of 15 years. After adjusting for all other factors, the people who cycled to and from work (an average commute of just 15 minutes across the group) were 40 per cent less likely to have died during the research period.
“It’s this sort of statistic which helps you understand why some experts can go a bit misty-eyed when they talk about activity,” Walker writes in the book, “it’s also why so many of them compare everyday movement to the miracle-giving pill.”
He argues that were a team of scientists to discover a drug with the same life-enhancing effects, “a Nobel Prize would be more or less guaranteed.” Yet despite the obvious health benefits for people and planet, no such prescription for mass movement has been given.
Throughout the book, the experts Walker talks with repeatedly explain that the decline in global activity levels is because we have systematically removed the need for ‘incidental movement’ from our lives. Incidental movement is the activity that happens naturally throughout our day. Not purposeful exercise, but things like walking to the shops or cycling to work.
ANGELA WEISS/AFP or licensors
If we can redesign our towns and cities to support incidental movement and cycling, it will be better for planet and people.


Coronavirus: US facing ‘impending doom’, Joe Biden demands new mask mandates
US President Joe Biden has told states to reimpose their coronavirus restrictions after a grim warning from one of his top health experts.

Sam Clench

MARCH 30, 20219:48AM

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US President Joe Biden has told states to reimpose their coronavirus restrictions after a grim warning from one of his top health experts.

US President Joe Biden has called for states to reimpose mask mandates to slow the spread of the coronavirus amid an uptick in cases across the country.
The US is currently averaging about 63,000 new infections each day. While that’s well below the peak of almost 260,000 it hit back in early January, it represents an increase of more than 10 per cent from a fortnight ago.
One of the government’s top health officials, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky, issued a grim warning of “impending doom” today.
She blamed the increase in cases on the spread of new, more infectious COVID-19 variants, a rise in travel among Americans, and some states rescinding their restrictions too quickly.
“When I first started at the CDC about two months ago, I made a promise to you: I would tell you the truth, even if it was not the news we wanted to hear. Now is one of those times when I have to share the truth, and I have to hope and trust you will listen,” Dr Walensky said.
“I’m going to pause here, I’m going to lose the script, and I’m going to reflect on the feeling I have of impending doom. We have so much to look forward to, so much potential of where we are in, so much reason for hope, but right now I am scared.
“I know what it’s like, as a physician, to stand in that patient room, gowned, gloved, masked and shielded, and to be the last person to touch someone else’s loved one because their loved one couldn’t be there.
“I know what it’s like when you’re the physician, when you’re the health care provider, and you’re worried that you don’t have the resources to take care of the patients in front of you.
“So I’m speaking today not necessarily as your CDC Director, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter, to ask you to just please hold on a little while longer.

“I so badly want to be done, I know you all want so badly to be done. We are almost there, but not quite yet.”
This month, air travel across the US hit its highest point since the start of the pandemic. Much of it has been attributed to young people moving around for spring break.
Dr Walensky noted that the country had seen a surge in cases “after every single holiday”, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.
“Please limit travel to essential travel for the time being,” she said.
RELATED: Joe Biden lashes out over ‘big mistake’

This afternoon, Mr Biden held a public event announcing that 90 per cent of adults will be eligible to receive the COVID vaccines by April 19. That represents yet another acceleration in the rollout.
His tone, however, was stern.
“This is deadly serious,” said Mr Biden.
“The CDC Director expressed earlier today, this is not a time to lessen our efforts. That’s what she said. We could still see a setback in the vaccination program.
“And most importantly, if we let our guard down now we could see a virus getting worse, not better. People are letting up on precautions, which is a very bad thing.
“Now is not the time to let down. Now’s not the time to celebrate. It is time to do what we do best as a country: our duty, our jobs. Take care of one another.”
Joe Biden at today’s public event. Picture: Jim Watson/AFP

Joe Biden at today’s public event. Picture: Jim Watson/AFPSource:AFP
The President warned that, despite America’s progress in vaccinating millions of people, it still had many more to go.
“We are in a life and death race with a virus that is spreading quickly, with cases rising again. New variants are spreading, and sadly, some of the reckless behaviour we’ve seen on TV over the past few weeks means that more new cases are to come in the weeks ahead,” he said, referring to images of people flocking to holiday spots.
“I’m reiterating my call for every governor, mayor and local leader to maintain and reinstate the mask mandate. Please, this is not politics.
“Reinstate the mandate if you let it down. And businesses should require masks as well. The failure to take this virus seriously is precisely what got us in this mess in the first place, (it) risks more cases and more deaths.”
As Mr Biden left the event, a reporter asked whether he thought state governments should “pause their reopening efforts”.
“Yes,” he responded.


The data shows that it's the lockdowns and masks that are causing the problem.

And this is why you are a misanthrope. You hate mankind. Your inner core wants to see others suffer. You delight when you read the daily news of the Pandemic and it feeds your sickness, this desire to see more hurt and pain. The wreckage of the Pandemic will never satiate you. You will continually seek new ways to find never before experienced levels of agony, that you yourself feel in your daily life.

You brush it aside because to confront your own pain would cause your conscious mind to be overwhelmed. This is why you cling to false narratives. Your mind and its pain cannot fight science. Science will defeat you so eventually this vicious cycle will implode, leaving you broken mentally, physically, and financially. It will take you years to pick up the pieces.

The sooner you get help, the better for you. It is not too late.

kindly contact us for an assessment:


Institute of Mental Health
Buangkok Green Medical Park
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747


LOL! So funny! Why are the more transmissible variants of COVID such as b117 and P1 causing spikes when only 15% of the population of the United States vaccinated? Did you really just ask that, sore loser? LOL! :roflmao:

I'll put this down with your "CNN is Clinton News Network" (Clinton left office 20 years ago) with your "Trump is Orange because of the TV Filter" (your best yet) :roflmao::biggrin:

https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/states-ranked-by-percentage-of-population-vaccinated-march-15.html#:~:text=As of 6 a.m. EDT,percent of the country's population.

The CDC's data tracker compiles data from healthcare facilities and public health authorities. It updates daily to report the total number of people in each state that have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

As of 6 a.m. EDT March 29, a total of 52,614,231 Americans had been fully vaccinated, or 15.8 percent of the country's population.

Since January all the Docs have been saying the variants are more infectious and case numbers could rise. And now there is some evidence of that but the relaxation of controls does not help.

Vaccinations still not enough to contain the situation.


NWO.... easy to get rid of buffoon Trump, but not easy to get rid of fake degree ahnehs flooded the whole world...

Rent seeking economy is a big mistake the world has made and need to use bioweapon to get rid of ahnehs...

Since January all the Docs have been saying the variants are more infectious and case numbers could rise. And now there is some evidence of that but the relaxation of controls does not help.

Vaccinations still not enough to contain the situation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
redbull is very crass and rude but he does seem to be a citizen, if you look him up he posted many times about emigration in 2009 onwards. He gave up his Singapore Citizenship in 2008 according to him. :o-o:
will send nigger gangbangers his way.

syed putra

I think its time for just 9ne vountry to open up and the rest will follow.
Those who fear the virus can stay home with masks on.