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5 Sep 15 - Massive Show of Force at SDP Rally!


Alfrescian (Inf)


Even as a hardened old cynic, couldn't help but have a small lump in the throat when CSJ started reciting that old Kipling poem. This fella is the last link to a bygone era of folks like Francis Khoo et al. People of Holland-Bukit Timah, do your fucking moral duty and vote the man into Parliament.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SDP is really the dark horse in this GE - and for the better. The ball is now in the court of the 60% SGs. You really deserve something better than the FAP!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dr Chee's stage presence is awesome. No teleprompter, no script, no pieces of paper. He talks and quotes from memory.
So far, i would say he is the best speaker.

CSJ is one of the best speakers.
Now is the time to vote CSJ as an MP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yesterday 11:20 PMhttp://sgfuck.org/mybb/images/mobile/posted_0.gif Post: #31
forum456 http://sgfuck.org/mybb/images/buddy_offline.gif
Elite Member

Posts: 3,547
Reputation: 5
Yesterday 11:15 PMRichdad Wrote:Wahlau eh.... from zero to hero?

LKY gone liao, suddenly CSJ rises from the ashes.

Wonder what Vivi/Pinky are thinking & planning now.

IBs better do your work. I scare upset coming (not voting there, by the way).​
Dr Chee will be the founding father of Singapore's democracy.

CSJ is like a phoenix, who rose from the ashes.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (Inf)
3 video watched.. each time with goosebumps... damn.. he is good...
SG is sorely missing on a leader with a heart and vision. Combine such a leader and an efficient civil service that can execute the leader's vision, we can safely say that SG is back on track and in business again. And CSJ is such a leader, which may explain why Ah Gong labelled him as a 'dangerous man' and was so bent on destroying. But first, SGs must be decisive in hacking off the incompetent and ineffectual on Sep 11. It is now or NEVER. Donch expect the FAP to let off CSJ over the next 5 years if he is not voted into the Parliament. We have seen too much of such persecution in history. To the voters of Holland-BT GRC, you are presented with an opportunity to create history to turn this country around or for the worse. Victory for CSJ is as momentous if not more than WP's breakthrough in Aljunied GRC. Vote COURAGEOUSLY!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now all can see why the dead Old Fart wanted to kill off CSJ. He was the one real threat to him and his son because he knew that CSJ could well be the PM if he was allowed to go on. Compare CSJ's rally speeches with LHL National Day Rally. Our PM comes across as real pathetic.

The difference was not only in contents.
CSJ spoke from the heart.


SDP is really the dark horse in this GE - and for the better. The ball is now in the court of the 60% SGs. You really deserve something better than the FAP!

Vote for SDP
Dr Chee deserved to be in parliament.
Dr Chee would had enjoyed his luxury life if he did not against the horrible man.
SDP certainly will give voters value for money if they are elected.


  • SDP_logo_.png
    26.6 KB · Views: 797


Alfrescian (Inf)
SG is sorely missing on a leader with a heart and vision. Combine such a leader and an efficient civil service that can execute the leader's vision, we can safely say that SG is back on track and in business again. And CSJ is such a leader, which may explain why Ah Gong labelled him as a 'dangerous man' and was so bent on destroying. But first, SGs must be decisive in hacking off the incompetent and ineffectual on Sep 11. It is now or NEVER. Donch expect the FAP to let off CSJ over the next 5 years if he is not voted into the Parliament. We have seen too much of such persecution in history. To the voters of Holland-BT GRC, you are presented with an opportunity to create history to turn this country around or for the worse. Victory for CSJ is as momentous if not more than WP's breakthrough in Aljunied GRC. Vote COURAGEOUSLY!

I agree.

Accordingly, Good Day Residents of Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, I believe that Singaporeans and Singapore will be relying on you to vote for CSJ and his team, to make Singapore more progressive, prosperous, compassionate and inclusive than the previous 50 years.

To all those who believe that there is a God, or Gods, we should all pray and hope that Singapore's future will be brighter and a more desirable place to call home, if CSJ is voted into the Singapore Parliament.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singaporeans man your battle stations!
Singapore needs you now!

Put your support for Singapore on Facebook
Twitter to your friends
WhatsApp to your friends
Get a tsunami of support for Singapore Singaporeans


Cleanse PAP Stinkapore into Singaporeans Singapore.
Vote only opposition
Vote out all the fucking corrupt PAPs

This fight is not just your voting for opposition, any opposition against the PAP
Singaporeans must do much more than just relying on their single vote.
Give them the money to support them in the fight.
Give them your time and energy to support them in the fight
They fight for you Singaporeans
They fight our common enemy
They fight the PAP and cronies, corrupt and rotten to the core, who stole over 180 billions from Singaporeans, and intent on stealing even more from us.

Support Opposition, any Opposition, all Opposition
Regardless if they have primary school, or O levels or A levels or PhD
Regardless if they wear singlets, or tuxedos
Support Opposition, any Opposition, all Opposition
Regardless if they wear slippers, or wear sneakers or shoes
Support Opposition, any Opposition, all Opposition
Even if a rat crawl out of a sewer and stand as Opposition
Even if a cockroach with 6 legs and 2 long feelers at the head become Opposition
They will be much better for Singaporeans than the fucking corrupt perverted PAPs who only think of laughing all the way to their banks and back from the banks
Under the fucking PAP, Singaporeans are the 4th class citizens in their own land stolen from them by PAP
PAPs are the 2nd class citizens with the Lee family as the first class aristocrazies
Fts are taken in as the 3rd class citizens kicking singaporeans into the 4th class and sinkies good only to go head down down and arseholes up high high to be fucked and tiewed by PAPs laughing all the way to their banks.



Goodness gracious shit!

Is this enough to raise someone from the dead? :biggrin: