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CPF!!! Good Or Bad???


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
No one is going around the circles like u, first bangkok then taiwan n now indonesia.... why dun you claimed to meet me at SG police cantonment complex better to cover up your cowardness....

Wanna ACT like a HERO but your mother simply didn't born you with ballz!!!! Trying to play with words n side-step what you have said it's a bad game that you've played which was tried by many in the past but got exposed badly by me.... and your master Ah Meng is laughing till his ass drop to have you such a retard n idiotic coward to lick his ballz!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha


Lancheow to you :oIo: Limpei throw you challenge, you siam. Simi Gangster :kma:

Better go home asked your mummy to let the Bengal dog have a threesome together with you. Go Wuhan? Why don't you say somewhere even more ulu. Tiu Lei Lo Mou.

Can both you morons take this feud off line. You're wasting space here. Nobody else is interested in your discussions about each others' mothers.

Book some space in a cul-de-sac somewhere and bring along your knuckledusters.



Lancheow to you :oIo: Limpei throw you challenge, you siam. Simi Gangster :kma:

Better go home asked your mummy to let the Bengal dog have a threesome together with you. Go Wuhan? Why don't you say somewhere even more ulu. Tiu Lei Lo Mou.

Oh, you're such a failure.... my pattern has not change since I was registered in this forum in July last year and your coward masters that throw challenge at me are being accepted by me but no ballz to fly down....

Indonesia???? If by allowing you to chose HK, Shenzhen, Taiwan, Guangzhou, Wuhan so many places you dun even have the GUTS to accept, you're asking me to waste my time to fly down to Indonesia??? I've to accept your challenge n yet listen to where you want to meet??? Did you mum give your brains when she brought you to this world??? :biggrin: :biggrin:

In future, when you wanna licked your master's ballz in this forum, understand some history of their cowardness first.... Why make a fool out of yourself in this forum!!!! If you claim to meet in Indonesia since you're so scare of me, maybe i can help you by meeting back in our home country Singapore!!! Dun tell me your ballz drop even to meet in your home country??? :biggrin: :biggrin:



Can both you morons take this feud off line. You're wasting space here. Nobody else is interested in your discussions about each others' mothers.

Book some space in a cul-de-sac somewhere and bring along your knuckledusters.

I just love to tackle cowards especially those who love to ACT like a HERO!!! He chose to be a busybody by licking up to Ah Meng's ballz.... Blame who


Good, you throw me a challenge and I accepted it.... I shall wait for you at Wuhan till the 11/06/2014 and after that in HK!!! What are you waiting for???? I've accepted your challenge!!!!

You mean you throw a challenge at others n yet wanting others to listen to you???? That's not challenge but an act of cowardness!!!

Why do you fear flying down to Wuhan since you throw a challenge at me???? You have the guts to throw a challenge at me then show everyone!!!! If you can't do it, simply crawl under your mother's smelly panty and suck a banana, understand!!! Coward chap!!!!

Why is it that I think you never even been to JB at all?

Have you?
Can you prove even that?



Your mother is a Peidumama from Wuhan is it :oIo: Cheebye to you. No balls meet is ok. You are just talking tough. Pattern is the same. Meet me in Singapore? You have the balls by all means. :oIo:

Again why are you advertising your street whore mother????

Wuhan isolated???? Even SIA have flights to Wuhan you mean is isolated???? Give excuses also come up with something better rather than covering your own cowardness.... You mean Shenzhen n Hong Kong are ulu as well????

Singapore??? No problem... I already SG Pai Kia are garbage to me no matter what number you belongs to !!!! Understand???? What a SON OF A WHORE!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:



Why is it that I think you never even been to JB at all?

Have you?
Can you prove even that?

JB???? You mean Johore Bahru???? Hello Kitty palace izit????

One thing that amused me is cowards like you always pretend n wanting others to prove to you and no other place but rather in a forum.... Have you prove yourself then???



Alfrescian (Inf)
Can both you morons take this feud off line. You're wasting space here. Nobody else is interested in your discussions about each others' mothers.

Book some space in a cul-de-sac somewhere and bring along your knuckledusters.

At the very least the question posed by the thread title is answered. CPF is bad, it causes online feuds. :p


Meet me in Singapore? You have the balls by all means. :oIo:

:biggrin: This is your #133 post which if you can't recognized what you've wrote, ask your mother to help you!!! :biggrin:

I'm giving you this chance to meet in Singapore.... Since you claimed that if I've the balls right??? So I'm taking you this Son Of A Street Whore back in our own country!!!

Anymore excuses to cover up your COWARDNESS???

A Son of A Street Whore trying to PRETEND to be a Prince Gangster!!!! ..... Ha Ha Ha Ha.... You know in HK what will they tell you???? 反屋企吃蕉 废柴!!!!

I SHALL TAKE YOU ON!!!! :wink:



Wuhan whore son

When you come back to Singapore you tell me OK. Limpei will whack you on your mother behalf. She sell her cheebye To bring you up but you are a fucking waste of money.

:cool: I've already said, First thing morning tomolo I'll change my flight plans just to accomodate on your COWARDNESS....

Since you like to "Limpei", I hope you can PRETEND OR ACT as a "LimPei" infront of me....

A gentle reminder, bring out whatever gangsters from youR number be it 08, 18 , 24 or 369.... Long time never encounter garbage SG PaiKia already!!!!



Wuhan whore son

Cannot wait. When? Faster OK.

:rolleyes: Cannot Wait???? You have 2 choices... Either you fly down n meet me tomolo or you can go n look for your mother now to give her a free shaft.... I dun think you mother have any customer tonight!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

I've already take on your coward request to face it out in SG and why are you so anxious now???? Thinking of further excuses????




Never mind. Shall watch that Bengal dog fuck your mother to pass time.

:cool: I've TAKEN YOU ON.... :cool:

:biggrin: Why are you still advertising your mother's is being shaft by DOGS which i simply dun understand.... :biggrin:

Or are you trying to get more customers to bring their DOGS to shaft your mother??? What an unfilial child you are!!! Your mum work as a street prostitute to earn money n raise you up and yet this is the way you repay you mother!!!




When you come back to Singapore you tell me OK.

FOOLISH KNNBNBCB!!! I've responded to your #133 post and your above #142 post....

:rolleyes: So your ballz shrink into your anus now or your spine sent shivers down all the way to your feet which you never expect that I dare to take up your challenge??? :cool:

You don't have to cover your cowardness here by trying to play with words.... It simply wouldn't work!!!

You wanted Taiwan, I accepted but your ballz shrink.... You wanted Singapore and I obliged and you wanted the date n time n I've given to you with the flight number. What more do you want???? Help your street whore mother to look for further customers???

You are the one who SHRINK YOU BALLZ to you anus by not DARING to fly down to China or HK, since i already given you the chance to prove your worthiness... Why are you still playing with words on who's going to hold the placard???

If you're flying down to HK, ShenZhen or Wuhan, definitely it would be my guys to hold the placard high up to welcome you but it's vice-versa now....

Why you wanna show to the whole you only know how to talk but no actions????

I already look down on SG gangster and you further disgrace them. Why don't you shout 3 times loudly at the Airport and say "I KNNB is A Son of A Street Whore".... Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

By calling you a Son Of A Street Whore, you indeed live up to this name!!! NO MORE EXCUSES PLEASE!!!


Cannot wait. When? Faster OK.

In your post #144, You're so anxious n eager for me to return to SG and yet you're acting like a suckling pig sucking your mother's nipple now!!! Why are you just replying to the thread that Leong has moved to the Garbage Heap n not here??? Becoz no one will go over to the Garbage Heap n read izit so you can save back some of your face value...I taught you wanna be a REAL TIME HERO n I'm giving you this chance.

:biggrin: Crawling back into your mother's panties again??? :biggrin:

Poor Pathetic KNNBNBCB, A Son Of A Street Whore!!!

:kma: So I've accepted your challenge now back in Singapore and you're afraid. YOU FEAR!!! You have exposed your FEAR by coming out with lousy excuses like holding a placard or shouting KNNB A Son Of A Street Whore is nothing but plain excuse. :kma:

I've already told you if you're flying down to HK or Wuhan, I'll definitely be asking my guys to hold a placard to welcome a son of a bitch like you but alas your ballz shrink into you anus.

I've taken you out of surprise coz you taught I wouldn't dare to reply to you yesterday morning so you can act like a HERO in this forum further but now that I've responded to your challenge, you're crawling back to hide under your whore mother panties n coming out with plenty of excuses...

:rolleyes: Wow, you whack ppl???? Or are you just one of those pathetic with low self-esteem coward who walk with heads down on the streets??? :biggrin: :biggrin:

I'm giving you the opportunity to WHACK ME first thing I step out of Changi Airport but Jesus, you've disgrace n shame your bitchy Mother!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.....

:biggrin: :biggrin:From your behavior n words, I can see a low self-esteem in you and you feel so inferior to others.... You're ashamed of yourself for having a STREET WHORE MOTHER and which is why you're trying to ACT like a HERO in this forum by licking n sucking up to the ballz of your various masters but again JESUS, they left you in the lurch when I responded to your challenge and you look nothing more than a fool. :biggrin: :kma:

You know what, everyone in Sammy Boyz forum is LAUGHING at you now for being A CLOWN.... You wanted the date, time and my flight schedule which I've given but yet you're still hiding under your STREET WHORE MOTHER panties...

:wink: :wink: Lastly, so sorry.... I'm not those Singapore useless PaiKia who sit behind a KopiTiam only know how to bullshit like you.... I TAKE UP CHALLENGES AND FACE IT UP WHICH YOU FEAR TO DO !!!! :biggrin:



The problem is persons who are outside of Singapore are discussing the CPF.
I think we should limit the persons who can discuss the CPF to be those who are in Singapore and affected by the CPF.
This is only logical.


knnb gangster and thug
when are you going to stop all your farts
they stink to heaven high
your head is on thin ice

da dick

i see
's names have become pinky!!!

have they becum gay?
is the homo agenda from roy so sexy...
that they have no choice but to lie upon one another and fuck like anwar??? :eek: