It was the initial 10% down payment that was reduced to 5% the second is the full 10%.
I do not have the SPA with me but I have my document for my "no financing discount" and it says the rest of the discount schedule is spelled out in the SPA.
I believe the next discount is near the end of the payment schedule if I remember correctly.
Ok went home to figure this out with my pile of paperwork. I am a day 2 buyer (first in line 4:50AM) with a 12% discount (plus the 10MYR a sqft discount for no DIBS). Payments are outlines in my SPA "Third Schedule Clause 4", Example, our current payment is titled 2(a) for below ground work. All payments in the SPA are indicated in full.
I have another doc titled "Rebate Agreement" (typed not hand written
It states my discounts will be applied at payment 2c of the schedule, where 30% of my discount will be applied, this is walls windows and doors in place.
My next discount again 30% of it will be applied at 2(e) internal and external finishes.
The last 40% of my discount is applied at point 4 and 5 after vacant possession.
That is all well and good, but somehow I got lumped into the first buyer's club on my down payment and was only billed for 5% not the 10%, so I wonder where and when and how will the other 50% be applied now that I am not following what is outlined in the rebate agreement...