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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In the wake of Sunday’s riots, the government must now examine these issues and rectify them before they result in further resentment and anger.

The government must also have a serious relook at our long term manpower policies. Our current path is simply not sustainable. We are taking in too many foreign workers to satisfy our lust for economic growth, but without first ensuring that there is adequate infrastructure and resources to support these workers here. This has resulted in a situation in which foreign workers feel victimized and the population at large feels stressed out due to overcrowding and pollution.

The government’s immigration and manpower policies are stretching social infrastructure and the social fabric to the limit. The government must reverse course and overhaul its policies before the breaking point is reached.


time to reflect
time to reconsider
time to change
time for real action....


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They are not prepare and they can stop the Mob within 2 hours??? What is the time needed to stop a mob of 400??? a few minutes???

I used to be in the LSF(Light striking force.. Sorry hor, now old liao) We train for certain period of time, we are train how to handle this type of situation. Of course training and the real things are difference... If the police are not prepared, why there are SOC & Gurkha??? SOC and Gurkha are form for mob and riots?? Why you say they are not prepare??

Just read your earlier post.
If they were prepared for incidents like these and handled it appropriately from the start, would you have been talking about one frightened policeman arriving at the scene? Not to say police cars being overturned and on fire?
My point once again is that the people at the top were not prepared for an incident such as this. Neither did they handle it appropriately, especially at the beginning.

And those above them are even worse. They were only prepared for their "kah ch$ng", but similarly not prepared for a forseeable consequence of their policies. Of course they arrived much much much later to survey the scene and going on tv to talk more cock tonite.

Who suffers the negative impact, not only now but possibly in the future? Ordinary Singaporeans, including possibly frightened policemen.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
the more you read
the more you view the videos
the more frightened you are
even the one who videoed exclaimed " please do something..waupiang!!!"
this is damned serious
the turning point now...for singaporeans and for our government
damned fucking serious!!!
and you see three police cars turned over and petrol fired
and .." where are the policemen...."
even the fire engine reversed and hit the police car!!!!
O M G !!!!!!!!!! this is unbelieveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the first place why is it 1 policeman to 100 mob? That is another strong sign it is something wrong with the police force.

Have you ever go to little India??? You are ask to attend to a case of traffic accident in Little Indian, you bring the SOC and Gurkha with you???

Once you inside, they turn violence, 1 against 100 peoples there not possible??? Ok.. you are with a partners... so 2 against 200 mob possible???


Have you ever go to little India??? You are ask to attend to a case of traffic accident in Little Indian, you bring the SOC and Gurkha with you???

Once you inside, they turn violence, 1 against 100 peoples there not possible??? Ok.. you are with a partners... so 2 against 200 mob possible???

I just went to City square and Mustafa a few weeks ago and was surprised not that crowded on a Saturday afternoon, no wonder not crowded nobody will dare to go anymore....


Alfrescian (Inf)
I believe the security forces were shocked beyond belief when they arrived and saw the mammoth mob!!! They drove right into the mob and were quickly surrounded by angry rioters. There was no way they could fight the mob. Unless they drew their firearms and started shooting.This would lead to more casualties and more deaths!!!

They did the right thing. Withdrew and let the rioters had their fun. Fight another day. Look at the rampaging and angry mob - they were surrounding the buses and the vehicles in all directions. They were dead ducks. If they fought, they would be killed.

So to avoid an already bad situation turning tragic,our security men did the best thing at that moment: gracefully withdrew, excercing restraint and let the riot burn itself out.....

And we will follow up with OUR ACTION....peacefully, diplomatically but efficiently. Wake Up Singapore!!!

There were more bystanders than rioters. Some even tried to prevent their fellow countrymen from rioting and rampaging.

If our Home Team used firearms and shot any of the rioters. There are a few possibilities.

1. You turned the whole Bigger India against the security forces and this would be tragic, disastrous and catastrophic with more fatalities and injuries. Police brutality and use of arms against hapless rioters would be scandalised and this would go viral causing more damages.

2. The rioters would be shot and killed. The rampaging would stop. The bystanders turned away and returned to their buses and then back to their dormitories - where they could still cause another riot in the absence of the security forces.

3. The repercussion would be much more serious and the rioting could even be much much worse with grave political implications.

So, IMHO, our security forces did well with their restraint and did not use any firearms at all. Restraint and diplomacy won the day and prevented what could be a major catastrophe for Singapore. But we have to be prepared for future events and also to prevent such events from happening again in peaceful Singapore.

IMHO, the initial assessment was perhaps flawed and they did not expect such a mammoth mob that went rampaging mad. By the time things were taken seriously and activated, the whole riot went insane. It was impossible to control unless you really want to call in the military! So it was allowed to burn itself out.I hope we do learn from this....

That road junction is a very tight area. I used to enjoy the Apollo Fish Head curry there and there were many buses parked there.It is a dead end for any vehicle to go there. And the mob was massive and the scene was over-whelming...It is like driving into a trap with no escape routes!!! In such a situation, it is better not to use force on anyone or even think of using your firearms. It will just trigger off a worse scenario.

I think we should give credit to our security forces for their great restraint and the whole fiasco burnt itself out in double quick time with no loss of lives at all!!! Last night mob was not a small one. It was a mammoth riot . But our security forces did well with their cool, calm and collected restraint. Action will soon follow, I am pretty sure about this.

the more you read
the more you view the videos
the more frightened you are
even the one who videoed exclaimed " please do something..waupiang!!!"
this is damned serious
the turning point now...for singaporeans and for our government
damned fucking serious!!!
and you see three police cars turned over and petrol fired
and .." where are the policemen...."
even the fire engine reversed and hit the police car!!!!
O M G !!!!!!!!!! this is unbelieveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bluddy bi-polar schizo a prick and a cunt


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Guys relaxed. I just went to the ground today. RED BERET police with semi automatic rifles patrolling race course road! Cool...bery safe now...hahaha


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Ground zero looks perfectly normalm tourist buses let people down at the riot site today not knowing what happen last nite. Place all cleaned up.


In the first place why is it 1 policeman to 100 mob? That is another strong sign it is something wrong with the police force.

jie jie, single confirm bo pa kie, they need double confirm in order to activate the red car.

so tio hoot..:p


Alfrescian (Inf)
Policy. Because jailing them will only cost money. Unless its a very serious crime. My god you dont even know that?

Where we can find this policy??? You created??? Go visit Changi prison there are foreign there... Riots is not a serious crime???


Alfrescian (Inf)
I just went to City square and Mustafa a few weeks ago and was surprised not that crowded on a Saturday afternoon, no wonder not crowded nobody will dare to go anymore....

You do not understand little india... Those construction workers work 6 days... They only have 1 off day per week which is the Sunday... You go on Saturday sure not crowded...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You do not understand little india... Those construction workers work 6 days... They only have 1 off day per week which is the Sunday... You go on Saturday sure not crowded...


Many foreign workers are also victimized by unscrupulous middle men and employment agencies who charge them exorbitant fees just to come to work here, and saddle them with large debts that the workers take many months to pay off.

Many foreign workers are also housed in dormitories that many human rights activists have said appear unhygienic and cramped.

In our zeal to grow the economy and take on as many construction projects as possible, the government has neglected to ensure that adequate infrastructure such as proper housing facilities are available for foreign workers. The government has also failed to ensure that the law is stringent enough and that there is adequate enforcement action taken against errant companies who exploit foreign workers.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Don't be too quick to pass judgments. Don't speculate. Don't flame. Don't chastise others of their actions. It's all too easy to rant, rave and condemn everything behind the safety of your keyboards and smart phones.

..so very very true of those who have no balls but can only use their mouse yo fight!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Guys relaxed. I just went to the ground today. RED BERET police with semi automatic rifles patrolling race course road! Cool...bery safe now...hahaha

All resources deployed at Little India, another riot occurs at another part of the country, how?