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Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT NOW?!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

Yup mao sure kill alot of chinese, chinese like to fight among themselves.

Unlike white who kill and invade other lands, no wonder india till today cannot shake off it servant mentality to the brit.

Unlike religious nuts who kill and rape other race for the sake of killing in the name of their religion.

Unlike whiteman who lies to go to war just to kill some other races they don't like.

So who is the biggest liar, where is the WMD....Weaselbeak

All races fight amongst themselves anyhow. The problem with these ppl is that they cherry pick or dishonestly try to pin some type of negative trait and try to imply that it only solely exists among chinese people. It's also this fucking situation in singapore whereby if you even stand up for chinese somehow that's racist. It's like you have to sit there and accept the abuse and that's not even the worst thing. The worst thing is that there are chinese ppl that have stooped so low to become a bunch of dogs and actually regale in bashing themselves and kissing others asses.


Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

No big deal. The Cultural Revolution has already did its damage towards innovation and education.

However, I sense a new sense of hope among the hungrier young Chinese. They have the will and hunger to learn, esp in US and OZ.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Leongsam; said:
Everyone knows how fucked up the Chinese are nowadays. The Chinese themselves know that they are losers. That's why they have such a huge inferiority complex and need to show of their wealth in order to gain some measure of self esteem.
Not many Chinese need to show off their wealth. In fact, the rich Chinese towkays in South East Asia are likely to be found in shorts, slippers and singlet than in a 3-piece suit.

The first generation entrepreneurs live a modest lifestyle. Li Ka Shing, for example, regularly takes only Teo Chew porridge with just salted eggs and sweet potatoes for breakfast. It is the later generations after learning the western ways that live a lavish lifestyle, drive fast cars and live in multi-million mansions. A good example is Liem Sioe Liong who lives in a house smaller than his children. His children are not too lavish either. I know Anthony is quite a modest person.

If the Chinese has an interiority complex (which could true from decades, even centuries, of persecution and bullying by western powers and that lean and hungry race in the eastern ocean), the westerners have a superiority complex that cannot take hard knocks. The westerners are so used to throwing their weight around that to face to the reality that their global domination could finally be coming to an end is something too difficult to stomach so much so that they must belittle the new rising powers wherever they have the opportunity and stir up issues to put hurdles in the way of their ascension.

The non-Chinese Asians are beginning to re-align their global relationships to face up to this fact. Even the wiser Europeans who have seen through several changes in global domination in past history are making strategic shifting of their stand.

Leongsam; said:
However, I must give credit where it's due. The Chinese have the innate skill of lying through their teeth with a straight face. "This is our original design..." yeah right.

This is clearly an unblinking white lie that only LeongSam can deliver.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
the white men especially the Russian induced the bitter conflicts that led to the chinese civil wars.

In fact, the USA, in the name of Cold War, was the one that pushed China firmly into the arms of Communist Russia when the Chinese and the Soviets were traditional enemies with border clashes, split up the Korean Peninsula into two because they wanted to have a forward RV close to the Chinese border and attempted to perpetuate European power in Vietnam but failed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

In fact, the USA, in the name of Cold War, was the one that pushed China firmly into the arms of Communist Russia when the Chinese and the Soviets were traditional enemies with border clashes, split up the Korean Peninsula into two because they wanted to have a forward RV close to the Chinese border and attempted to perpetuate European power in Vietnam but failed.


"we pushed the Chinese Nationalist over the cliff and not make it look like we had done it." -US Senator Hickenlooper of Iowa (1951).


Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N


"we pushed the Chinese Nationalist over the cliff and not make it look like we had done it." -US Senator Hickenlooper of Iowa (1951).

And the irony is that Taiwan still por US lampar when it is the US who betrayed them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

Guys, don't worry lah. Chinese or Ah Tiongs has been killing each other since time known and still killing each other. Look, still so many around. Kill each other for another few millennium and will still be around. BTW, me true blue Sinkee Hokkien Chinese. :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

And the irony is that Taiwan still por US lampar when it is the US who betrayed them.

the Republic of China true American friend General Albert Wedemeyer was sorry for the role he played in the fall of China to the Communist 1949 in his memoir. actually, it was not his fault but he was really frustrated at being made use of by the State of Department people in the "Wedemeyer mission to China 1947." he called it the biggest mistake of his life.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

Not many Chinese need to show off their wealth. In fact, the rich Chinese towkays in South East Asia are likely to be found in shorts, slippers and singlet than in a 3-piece suit.

The first generation entrepreneurs live a modest lifestyle. Li Ka Shing, for example, regularly takes only Teo Chew porridge with just salted eggs and sweet potatoes for breakfast. It is the later generations after learning the western ways that live a lavish lifestyle, drive fast cars and live in multi-million mansions. A good example is Liem Sioe Liong who lives in a house smaller than his children. His children are not too lavish either. I know Anthony is quite a modest person.

If the Chinese has an interiority complex (which could true from decades, even centuries, of persecution and bullying by western powers and that lean and hungry race in the eastern ocean), the westerners have a superiority complex that cannot take hard knocks. The westerners are so used to throwing their weight around that to face to the reality that their global domination could finally be coming to an end is something too difficult to stomach so much so that they must belittle the new rising powers wherever they have the opportunity and stir up issues to put hurdles in the way of their ascension.

The non-Chinese Asians are beginning to re-align their global relationships to face up to this fact. Even the wiser Europeans who have seen through several changes in global domination in past history are making strategic shifting of their stand.

Want to bet how sam changes it around from those examples you have given to somehow chinese having low self esteem and explains why it's ok for ang mohs to have a superiority complex.


Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

the Republic of China true American friend General Albert Wedemeyer was sorry for the role he played in the fall of China to the Communist 1949 in his memoir. actually, it was not his fault but he was really frustrated at being made use of by the State of Department people in the "Wedemeyer mission to China 1947." he called it the biggest mistake of his life.

If I am not wrong, General MacArthur wanted to contain the communist threat and in his farewell speech, he had hoped to protect the whole of Asia, from Seoul to Singapore from the communist threat. Nevertheless, he was done in by Marshall and Eisenhower, both either communist sympathizers or bo chap towards the communists.


Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

Want to bet how sam changes it around from those examples you have given to somehow chinese having low self esteem and explains why it's ok for ang mohs to have a superiority complex.

Sam has never liked the Chinese. :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

Sam has never liked the Chinese. :p

That is correct cos he claimed he was racially abused by them before while in singapore. He claimed a group of chinese his ex colleagues probably were glaring at him while he got sacked or something and you know it is racist to glare at someone cos it really hurts your feelings much more than physical violence. It's funny though he never admits it but tries to make up some cock excuse.


Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

That is correct cos he claimed he was racially abused by them before while in singapore. He claimed a group of chinese his ex colleagues probably were glaring at him while he got sacked or something and you know it is racist to glare at someone cos it really hurts your feelings much more than physical violence. It's funny though he never admits it but tries to make up some cock excuse.

I can tell from the way he speaks, seems like either he has been bullied by the Chinese during childhood or had bad working experiences with them. Even the migrants in the migration folder don't harbour such a huge grudge against the Chinese.



If I am not wrong, General MacArthur wanted to contain the communist threat and in his farewell speech, he had hoped to protect the whole of Asia, from Seoul to Singapore from the communist threat. Nevertheless, he was done in by Marshall and Eisenhower, both either communist sympathizers or bo chap towards the communists.

Someone mentioned that Gen McArthur was a lousy general. He did not do a good job in The Philippines and lost the whole stretch of islands to the bloody Japs. The general who fought the Japs in the south of China with his famed Flying Tigers lost the honour of liberating China officially. I think McArthur had the honour of receiving the Japs' surrender instead, poor Chennault !

The Communist Chinese Army attacked McArthur's tank units when in he and the UN forces were in hot pursuit for the fleeing N Korean troops right into the Chinese border. Same tactic used against KMT troops lay. 300,000 against a smaller UN force ? 人海战争 again.


Red Army

Guys, don't worry lah. Chinese or Ah Tiongs has been killing each other since time known and still killing each other. Look, still so many around. Kill each other for another few millennium and will still be around. BTW, me true blue Sinkee Hokkien Chinese. :smile:

Do you mean by KMT versus the Red Army ? Can't stand Mao. :mad:


Stupid Old Folks !

No one claimed that China or Chinese are perfect but you and that Leong fellow and a few others deride us and our culture despite the fact that we are and will continue to be a major force in world affairs. You intentionally choose not to see what is clear and evident. It will be to your immense loss that you forgo what China has to offer.

Luckily, I'm more westernised than those old farts in Sinkiesland. Old farts here can be worse. They were right about this - 死不认错。You have seen many of these old farts fighting with young Sinkies here; and they are RUDE (ie never say sorry).


Re: 人海战争

Someone mentioned that Gen McArthur was a lousy general. He did not do a good job in The Philippines and lost the whole stretch of islands to the bloody Japs. The general who fought the Japs in the south of China with his famed Flying Tigers lost the honour of liberating China officially. I think McArthur had the honour of receiving the Japs' surrender instead, poor Chennault !

The Communist Chinese Army attacked McArthur's tank units when in he and the UN forces were in hot pursuit for the fleeing N Korean troops right into the Chinese border. Same tactic used against KMT troops lay. 300,000 against a smaller UN force ? 人海战争 again.

MacArthur would have contained the CCP and might have given more needed support to the KMT troops. However, as Marshall was the one in charge, hence the KMT got its funds and support cut from the US and told "You are on your own now."


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

I can tell from the way he speaks, seems like either he has been bullied by the Chinese during childhood or had bad working experiences with them. Even the migrants in the migration folder don't harbour such a huge grudge against the Chinese.

When he says chinese he means all chinese including or especially sinkie chinese.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Chinese (Asian) used to have most creativity and inventions in the world... BUT N

I mean China used to be the country with most inventions and creativity in world but ever since communist took over Chinese people have degraded to stealing and copying everything from the west to the East for several decades, this makes me feel ashamed to be Chinese.

Warning: This video can shame your sense of Chinese identity. Fake Rolls Royce Chinese in Shanghai!!!

Other Asian nations like Japan and Taiwan, despite being only 1/10 or 1/200 of China population have made so much progress and innovations. Japan own advance superior products and surpassed the west in mobile phones, video games, cars, televisions, trains ect Taiwan won inventions contest in Ukraine and UK. http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?ID=201209300021&Type=aEDU

" Taipei, Sept. 30 (CNA) The Taiwanese delegation has swept 50 gold, 33 silver and seven bronze medals in the 2012 International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies in Sevastopol, Ukraine. A total of 33 countries took part in this year's competition, with 552 entries. Taiwan entered 97 items for the contest. "

who say ?

PRCs inventing all kinds of ingenious ways to fake things like fake eggs................you think so easy to fake an egg meh ?