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Womans in your city for night


Malaysian MISTRESS and prostitutes many many indeed. My Nusa Duta Cantonese MISTRESS neighbour from hell is one with Singapore car plate Mercedes man dao tao so proud!
Free house free renovation free overseas education for her two daughters and free maid. Good deal SUCCESSFUL MISTRESS indeed!


Free house free renovation free overseas education for her two daughters and free maid. Good deal SUCCESSFUL MISTRESS indeed!
Not as successful as famous Malaysian MISTRESS OF THE CENTURY Mandy liew though pop pop pop pop four kids with married man got hundreds of millions.


Free house free renovation free overseas education for her two daughters and free maid. Good deal SUCCESSFUL MISTRESS indeed!
Malaysian Cantonese SUCCESSFUL MISTRESS AND SUCCESSFUL THIEF ROBBER too damaged my house to steal and rob buy it cheap. Pui!


Free house free renovation free overseas education for her two daughters and free maid. Good deal SUCCESSFUL MISTRESS indeed!
How nice to have a free house to your name and no need to pay money or show up for house renovation. Easy good life indeed 不用出钱不用出力like hair transplant just move in to a house in your name after house renovated by the Singapore car plate Mercedes dao tao who pay money and show up for house renovations.


How nice to have a free house to your name and no need to pay money or show up for house renovation. Easy good life indeed 不用出钱不用出力like hair transplant just move in to a house in your name after house renovated by the Singapore car plate Mercedes dao tao who pay money and show up for house renovations.
Exactly the same as the gigolo son in law indeed another hair transplant that showed up and moved in after house renovated.


Exactly the same as the gigolo son in law indeed another hair transplant that showed up and moved in after house renovated.
And started doing evil to me. An evil dog of the Cantonese MISTRESS bitch and her evil lazy idle bitch daughter. Pui!


Buy house in jb and get smeared by ccb Malaysians as prostitute and get harassed non stop for over a decade with no end in sight. And that’s a FACT.


And @meaninglesslife also self admitted his DIRTY SLUT mother no money can go party buy cigarettes drink alcohol meaning sugar baby DIRTY PROSTITUTE.
basically Malaysian woman can be CHEAP DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE while they attacked me Singaporean virgin with annulled as dirty slut prostitute using various clones @meaninglesslife aka @NanoSpeed aka @jurongkechil using my particulars to create nicks and used it to insinuate insult your cb puck puck puck sound, and your nipple black, hard and big. So proud Malaysian bullies you confront them is called you admit and you don’t confront them is also called you admit while they dare not swear if I am a virgin they die a violent death.


basically Malaysian woman can be CHEAP DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE while they attacked me Singaporean virgin with annulled as dirty slut prostitute using various clones @meaninglesslife aka @NanoSpeed aka @jurongkechil using my particulars to create nicks and used it to insinuate insult your cb puck puck puck sound, and your nipple black, hard and big. So proud Malaysian bullies you confront them is called you admit and you don’t confront them is also called you admit while they dare not swear if I am a virgin they die a violent death.
Hey Malaysian doggies @meaninglesslife @NanoSpeed @jurongkechil everything about me is natural and virgin. Your CHEAP women and you are the fake virgin fake holy fake righteous. You are the dogs with dirty evil soul and your women are then dirty and need healing to be faking virgin. Not me. Pui!


Hey Malaysian doggies @meaninglesslife @NanoSpeed @jurongkechil everything about me is natural and virgin. Your CHEAP women and you are the fake virgin fake holy fake righteous. You are the dogs with dirty evil soul and your women are then dirty and need healing to be faking virgin. Not me. Pui!
Look at how proud Malaysian Cantonese dog son of chicken @NanoSpeed aka @nightsafari is to use old phone to insult me. Knnbccb hey doggie you are so shameless like your fellow Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS in Nusa Duta 没出钱出力就出一张嘴做坏事拿好处 got the cheek to demand your victim of crimes to 出钱出力prove to you criminals Knnbccb 真够贱!


Hey Malaysian doggies @meaninglesslife @NanoSpeed @jurongkechil everything about me is natural and virgin. Your CHEAP women and you are the fake virgin fake holy fake righteous. You are the dogs with dirty evil soul and your women are then dirty and need healing to be faking virgin. Not me. Pui!
Victim of crimes need justice for healing and not faking to be virgin for healing Knnbccb see how evil shameless Malaysian criminal bully dogs sons of chickens @meaninglesslife are. 真够贱!


Look at how proud Malaysian Cantonese dog son of chicken @NanoSpeed aka @nightsafari is to use old phone to insult me. Knnbccb hey doggie you are so shameless like your fellow Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS in Nusa Duta 没出钱出力就出一张嘴做坏事拿好处 got the cheek to demand your victim of crimes to 出钱出力prove to you criminals Knnbccb 真够贱!View attachment 201230
What a proud Malaysian criminal dog logic they defame you slut prostitute you got to prove to them 真够贱!


Favorite Malaysian Cantonese dirty tricks is to 无中生有NEVER chicken persecute you as chicken, nothing wrong with your body persecute for nipple big black hard that’s @jurongkechil @Balls2U @meanineslife @NanoSpeed 真够贱! Pui!
You must prove to Malaysian criminal dogs @jurongkechil @meaninglesslife @NanoSpeed you are not what they said you are. Must open leg do virginity test, must take photo show them your nipple show them your cb if not these Cantonese dogs feel entitled to hide in rat hole to spew all kind of evil filthy lies everything normal of your body and your life become evil filthy chicken shit. That’s the Malaysians I met. Yikes!