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why is it when people get older they tend to be more stubborn?


or because after living for so many years, old people are tired and worn out, so anyway they are nearer the end of life so no need to give a fuck?


like i see many old farts once they learn how to use facebook, they stick to it no matter what new apps or new platform comes about?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Often, it is experience. Older people have spent more time figuring out their preferred way of doing things, their preferences, a dependable daily routine etc.
In the case of social media platforms, I personally prefer the features of YouTube and Facebook over Instagram and Tik Tok.


They think that they are very wise.
You can think that way when you are really smart. Unfortunately most of them are dumb old farts thinking they are experienced and wise.

True Believer

Often, it is experience. Older people have spent more time figuring out their preferred way of doing things, their preferences, a dependable daily routine etc.
In the case of social media platforms, I personally prefer the features of YouTube and Facebook over Instagram and Tik Tok.
Seniors have learned from "the school of hard knocks" which is life experiences over far more decades than youngsters who think they know it all, but lack the wisdom of those who have lived so many more years on earth.


Have you seen or heard how young punks talk these days? Just the other day I overheard an angmoh pai young bloke (could be a lawyer from the way he speaks) giving some advice to a chiobu on her problematic relationship with her bf. I was laughing inside. Totally crap advice from someone with very little relationship experience. And I can also tell that he has an interest in the chiobu and is itching to hump her. How to expect old cocks like us to tahan when these young punks try to impose their superficial views on us?


Old Fart
In my twilight years now, I adopt a "it is what it is" attitude. Let anyone do as they please, give them enough rope to hang themselves. I seek peace and harmony.


Alfrescian (Inf)
like i see many old farts once they learn how to use facebook, they stick to it no matter what new apps or new platform comes about?

u mean ...

u ask dem 2 change 4 a new wife n dey stubbornly refuse, despite u show dem got many new chiobu syt? ...


is it because the saying u cannot teach an old dog new tricks is quite true?
Depends on what you mean by stubborn and in what context.

At work – Older people are stubborn in the sense they are resistant to changing their ways of working, accepting the opinion of their younger colleagues and embracing new technology. This is often attributed to brain too old cannot learn new things i.e. “Cannot teach an old dog new tricks”.

This I do not agree. From what I can see they seem to have no problems embracing technology and changing their methods when it comes to things like skiving, entertainment, getting porn etc. The main reason for resistance at work is at the end of the day conflict of interest.

Changing their ways of working means they are negating most of their advantage that comes from familiarity in operations. Embracing new technology, new opinion means acknowledging what they know is slowly depreciating in value which means their own worth in the job / company will go down.

They are not against change per se, they are against making themselves redundant, lowering their promotion & increment prospects, reducing the number of people reporting to them etc.

At personal life – I actually find many old people quite open to changes in both hardware and software. However if you want me to narrow down, I would say older people are more “stubborn” in holding on to their world view.

I mean worldview on deeply personal things like cultural affinity, moral values, politics, religion, relationships with different people etc. I find the older we get, the stickier we tend to hang on to our preconceived notions in these areas.

I suppose it is also how many of us keep our sanity and sense of self-recognition when the world constantly changes around us.

The Crow

Depends on what you mean by stubborn and in what context.

At work – Older people are stubborn in the sense they are resistant to changing their ways of working, accepting the opinion of their younger colleagues and embracing new technology. This is often attributed to brain too old cannot learn new things i.e. “Cannot teach an old dog new tricks”.

This I do not agree. From what I can see they seem to have no problems embracing technology and changing their methods when it comes to things like skiving, entertainment, getting porn etc. The main reason for resistance at work is at the end of the day conflict of interest.

Changing their ways of working means they are negating most of their advantage that comes from familiarity in operations. Embracing new technology, new opinion means acknowledging what they know is slowly depreciating in value which means their own worth in the job / company will go down.

They are not against change per se, they are against making themselves redundant, lowering their promotion & increment prospects, reducing the number of people reporting to them etc.

At personal life – I actually find many old people quite open to changes in both hardware and software. However if you want me to narrow down, I would say older people are more “stubborn” in holding on to their world view.

I mean worldview on deeply personal things like cultural affinity, moral values, politics, religion, relationships with different people etc. I find the older we get, the stickier we tend to hang on to our preconceived notions in these areas.

I suppose it is also how many of us keep our sanity and sense of self-recognition when the world constantly changes around us.
At sex life - Hope their kkj also very stubborn (硬硬固执) ... :o-o:


Alfrescian (Inf)
is it because the saying u cannot teach an old dog new tricks is quite true?
They prefer to be tricked by PAP and Chio Bu scammers. Otherwise, how do you explain PPAP winning every election and there were obvious increase of elderly folks being scammed?