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[Video] - Netanyahu Shocked As IDF Announces Ceasefire In Rafah Without His Approval


Israel is now a pariah state. Some IDF generals don't want to fight anymore. Even the US is trying to topple Netanyahu and put a more moderate guy in power.

syed putra

Israel is now a pariah state. Some IDF generals don't want to fight anymore. Even the US is trying to topple Netanyahu and put a more moderate guy in power.
Except for a handful, There is no such thing as a moderate in Israel. Nearly 80% back the destruction of Gaza. All the cabinet ministers have same thinking. In fact they think Netanyahu did not go far enough.
If IDF backed off, it's probably due to US threatening to stop arms shipment.


IDF is staffed by reservists. Probably wised up to the fact that it is politicians pitting two peoples against each other. Question is, can Hamas rank and file wise up?


IDF is staffed by reservists. Probably wised up to the fact that it is politicians pitting two peoples against each other. Question is, can Hamas rank and file wise up?

Wise up to not defend their homeland against the land thieves and genociders?


Israel has left Gaza..that why it got attacked from Gaza
Israel has not left Gaza, because it has not granted the Palestinians a separate independent state (Gaza + West Bank +/- Jerusalem). Instead, it has sealed off Gaza on all fronts, confining the Palestinians to the world's largest ghetto and open air prison, with limited movement of food and supplies, trade and workers in and out of the region. The Gazans live in abject poverty and crumbling infrastructure with high rates of joblessness and starvation. Two generations of Palestinians have grown up in the bleak hopelessness of never having their own land, of never breaking free from the grinding poverty, of forever living under embargo. You either lie down and die, or join the freedom fighters (whom the West calls 'terrorists').

Any wonder Israel was attacked?

(I don't condone violence or terrorism, but some forms of terrorism are more understandable even if unjustified. And I certainly do not condone genocide of a downtrodden population by a superior power - like what the Nazis did to the Jews, or what the Zionists are doing to the Gazans. Genocide has to be most evil form of crime, ever.)
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Satanyahu's war cabinet has been disbanded due to two critical members leaving because they admit they're losing the fight.


The IDF is split right down the middle. Half the generals don't want to fight anymore.
IDF reputation in tatters. Losing to a bunch in flip flops that has no external assistance or weapons supply.
All these while their reputation was build on deception, lies, smoke and mirrors. Esp their air force.


IDF reputation in tatters. Losing to a bunch in flip flops that has no external assistance or weapons supply.
All these while their reputation was build on deception, lies, smoke and mirrors. Esp their air force.
The IDF is only as good as the weapons and billions coming from the Americans. Once the US pulls the supply lines, the IDF is just a paper tiger.


The IDF is only as good as the weapons and billions coming from the Americans. Once the US pulls the supply lines, the IDF is just a paper tiger.
Even with the billions of continuous supply by Yankees, hamas still manages to hold them and now advancing on IDF positions, without external help and supplies.
Fully equipped, hamas will run rings round IDF.