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Serious Vesak Day is Today 10 May 2017


Super Moderator
Staff member
Vesak Day. Celebration for Buddhists.

Speaking of the HY, Malay/Indian PE race/ethnicity/religion thing.....

In Singapore most Buddhists are Chinese. Yet Buddha is Indian. So how? Vesak Day is for Chinese or Indian? This whole race thing is absurd lah.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Vesak Day. Celebration for Buddhists.

Speaking of the HY, Malay/Indian PE race/ethnicity/religion thing.....

In Singapore most Buddhists are Chinese. Yet Buddha is Indian. So how? Vesak Day is for Chinese or Indian? This whole race thing is absurd lah.

my past lives were neanderthal caveman, sans bushman, dravidian fisherman, ainu forager, commanche brave, mongolian pillager, caribbean pirate, german pilot, jap suicider, malay kamponger. so how?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
my past lives were neanderthal caveman, sans bushman, dravidian fisherman, ainu forager, commanche brave, mongolian pillager, caribbean pirate, german pilot, jap suicider, malay kamponger. so how?

Fish n chips & Nasi Lemak.......................... :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
Vesak Day. Celebration for Buddhists.

Speaking of the HY, Malay/Indian PE race/ethnicity/religion thing.....

In Singapore most Buddhists are Chinese. Yet Buddha is Indian. So how? Vesak Day is for Chinese or Indian? This whole race thing is absurd lah.

Most of them think they are Buddhists, but they are not, they are Taoists & they worship multiple gods. Buddhism is a way of life, not a religion.


Vesak Day. Celebration for Buddhists.

Speaking of the HY, Malay/Indian PE race/ethnicity/religion thing.....

In Singapore most Buddhists are Chinese. Yet Buddha is Indian. So how? Vesak Day is for Chinese or Indian? This whole race thing is absurd lah.

33.90% (2016) is quite alot.


  • Screenshot_2017-05-10-08-01-00_1.jpg
    26 KB · Views: 489


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are you aware of the amount of bacteria you've killed in your lifetime as you drink water from the tap?

that's why you need to rebuild your (good) bacteria count with probiotics. 69 billion flora or live cultures per serving is best.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
What's for breakfast?

Something veg and non meat as recommended by friends. A veg type of breakfast. Then go to visit 88 Bright Hill road.

Teehee... do you know the sangha in Buddha's time ate everything offered to them as alms?

The spiritual development of monks and sangha in ancient times is much purer and higher level than the current modern sangha and monks.

The ancient buddhist spiritual practitioners are able to see food as emptiness and as a function of an item to give the body the energy and it was given by others and not of his own choice.

Today's loser fake practitioners are easily sway by the food they eat such as meat as it is a form of addiction and when look at sexy women or men, their hearts become manginas and sluts.

when look at money, greed developed. ( remember renci)

What i dislike most is those fake lowlife buddhists who only eat veggie on 1st and 15th of the month and other days are blood thirsty meat eaters. so PLS give me a fucking cock break.

Whether you are a true and real practitioner, only you will know, including those monks..
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