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Shane Yeo of Invictus Law Corporation is a paedophile.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You can allow yourself a million and one unwanted thoughts as long as you don't act on the bad ones.

Is that what your fake prophet mahomet taught you?

Too bad for you, your fake prophet mahomet acted on his bad thoughts like robbery, fucking a kid and allowing his jihadists to commit rape and murder and robbery.


Is that what your fake prophet mahomet taught you?

Too bad for you, your fake prophet mahomet acted on his bad thoughts like robbery, fucking a kid and allowing his jihadists to commit rape and murder and robbery.
Well I wouldn't want to re explain all those false allegations again with you.

Quran say about being dumb, deaf and blind. Probably referring to you.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Why is this law firm even famous?
Because if the so called ‘gangster’ lawyer?
What kind of gangster was he? Play what number which area? Got arrested by police? Go jail? All made up. He was just a mischievous kid la


That strategy didn't work for Michael Palmer or Tay Cheang Wan.

You must think everyone behaves like moslems and support each other's criminal behaviour on the basis of sharing the same islamic religion.
Clearly worked on the Lee clan hpb scandal.