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PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prostitute


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=1]Lorry driver charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prostitute for sex[/h]
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<!-- /block --> September 6, 2013 - 11:40pm
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[h=2]By:[/h]Elizabeth Law


TNP PHOTO: Gavin Foo
Allegedly having paid sex with an underage girl is probably the least of this Chinese national’s problems.
Lorry driver Sun Xinjian (above) also allegedly killed one pedestrian and injured two others when beating a red light last year.
Yesterday, the 36-year-old was among five more men charged with paying a 17-year-old Chinese national for sex. Sun was also yesterday charged with one count each of reckless driving causing death, causing grievous hurt, causing hurt and driving with bald tyres.
Sun, who worked for a logistics company that delivers supplies to McDonald’s, is claiming trial to all the traffic charges. But he will not contest that he paid the underage Geylang streetwalker $60 for sex at Lai Ming Hotel.
Read the full report in The New Paper on Saturday (Sept 7).


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Only pathetic men pay for sex. No woman should be treated like a commodity.

Hope the law comes crashing down hard on him.


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

[h=1]Lorry driver charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prostitute for sex[/h]
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<!-- /block --> September 6, 2013 - 11:40pm
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[h=2]By:[/h]Elizabeth Law


TNP PHOTO: Gavin Foo
Allegedly having paid sex with an underage girl is probably the least of this Chinese national’s problems.
Lorry driver Sun Xinjian (above) also allegedly killed one pedestrian and injured two others when beating a red light last year.
Yesterday, the 36-year-old was among five more men charged with paying a 17-year-old Chinese national for sex. Sun was also yesterday charged with one count each of reckless driving causing death, causing grievous hurt, causing hurt and driving with bald tyres.
Sun, who worked for a logistics company that delivers supplies to McDonald’s, is claiming trial to all the traffic charges. But he will not contest that he paid the underage Geylang streetwalker $60 for sex at Lai Ming Hotel.
Read the full report in The New Paper on Saturday (Sept 7).

Alright, so who is responsible for letting 17 year old foreign whores walk the streets ( of geylang for gawdsake).
Singapore is loony.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Only pathetic men pay for sex. No woman should be treated like a commodity.

Hope the law comes crashing down hard on him.

very well said.... these pathetic men include stalwarts of our society....


Old Fart
Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Not only asshole PRC drivers, but also asshole PRC pedestrians. At a T junction turning left, I was the second car inline whilst giving way to pedestrians crossing with the green man on. With only one second left on the countdown, this PRC prick started to cross. He had a plastic bag in each hand. Must've done some grocery shopping. And he took his own sweet time. By the time he walked across, the traffic light had turn red. Had to wait for the next light change to turn left. When they are not causing us inconvenience and stress, they are killing us. WTF!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Willing seller n willing buyer n even marriage need to pay. It just paying upfront or paying later.

very well said.... these pathetic men include stalwarts of our society....

Only pathetic men pay for sex. No woman should be treated like a commodity.

Hope the law comes crashing down hard on him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Only pathetic men pay for sex. No woman should be treated like a commodity.

Hope the law comes crashing down hard on him.

I see so let's get this straight the women that use their body to get money for sex were forced to do it or did they do it willingly?


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Looks like the 'SUN' and Tiongz are selling like hotcakes nowadays. SG Huat ah!


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Women are not commodity.

But if a women offered to be commodity, then it should be treated as such.

If commodity is offered for sale and no one buys, it hurts the seller.

So acceptance to enjoy the benefits of the commodity, helps.

Win-Win situation.

Only pathetic men pay for sex. No woman should be treated like a commodity.

Hope the law comes crashing down hard on him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Women are not commodity.

But if a women offered to be commodity, then it should be treated as such.

If commodity is offered for sale and no one buys, it hurts the seller.

So acceptance to enjoy the benefits of the commodity, helps.

Win-Win situation.

Treat these women as cum-more-dity and you'll feel less guilty.


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Lau Goat "if got no reckless foreign drivers then i worry"


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Lorry driver is a FT? He is just a foreign worker. We need to get the term FT right once and for all.


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Raping is always the best. No money involved.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Probably in this context, FT = Foreign trash.. nothing wrong..

Lorry driver is a FT? He is just a foreign worker. We need to get the term FT right once and for all.


Re: PRC FTrash charged with reckless driving causing death and paying underage prosti

Kio kuay kia kena caught maybe just fine & a few months of community service!
Reckless driving causing death & all other related charges most probably will be given a deterrent sentence of SGD1,000 fine & 36 hours of community service lah!
Sibei jialat sentence for PAP pets already loh!
After that his masters will hold news conference & explain that he left behind mother, father, daughter, son & wife in doggyland and at the moment of impact he was missing them and we have to be understanding and have to move on!