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Open Letter to PM Lee - No Response

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Dear Prime Minister Lee,

Please refer to my personal open invitation sent to you on 24 September 2012.<br />
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Once again, I am writing this letter with utmost disappointment and regret that you have chosen to give no response or ignore of my open invitation. I am brought up in a humble family and though my parents aren't highly educated, but they have taught me that it is discourteous not to reply to other people's invitation. I have tried to follow their teaching as far as possible, though I might have missed one or two replies in my life so far, but those are definitely not done on purpose. I hope you didn't ignore my open invitation on purpose. It would not look good to the world that we have a Prime Minister who will ignore kind open invitations. <br />
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Well, maybe the mass media in Singapore have done you a great disservice because they have not published my open invitation to you and that might have caused you to miss out the importance of this importance. I guess the mass media has further enhanced Singaporeans' skepticism about your administration having a tight control over the mass media in Singapore. It is within many people's expectation that the mass media will not report about it because they would think that the mass media won't even dare to put forward such a "challenge" to you and your administration. I guess we can't blame Singaporeans' perception, rightfully or wrongfully, that the media in Singapore has come under total control of your administration, or even regard them as the "mouth piece" of your party. Such perception had further been enhanced by their deafening silence on this open invitation. <br />
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Some people may think that I am throwing a "challenge" to you by inviting you openly. Even some of my close associates have told me that I have "put you on the defensive". I would like to apologize to you if I have made such unintended feeling upon you. My sincerity in inviting you must not be misunderstood. It is a genuine effort to provide a rare opportunity for you to experience first hand what a commoner life is all about. <br />
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Some people have told me that you must have "known" of the crowded MRT but I guess, "knowing" is very different from "experiencing" it. We could see photographs of the devastation done by the earthquake in Sichuan but that would stay at a superficial level of "knowing". Empathy is hard to be derived until we visit the devastated sites personally. We would be awed by such personal experience. Thus similarly, I guess it is important for you to experience first hand how crowded the Singapore public transport is. <br />
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We cannot blame you for such lack of empathy because we cannot blame you for being born into a family with a silver spoon, that would not be able to provide you that precious opportunity to experience the commoner life. You do not need to feel guilty or shameful about not having such experiences or empathy. It is not your fault at all, that is, before anyone invites you to experience it personally. The least we could do, is to help you, in the interest of the Nation, to experience first hand of commoner lifestyle. Unfortunately, you have chosen to ignore such goodwill. <br />
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There has been an uproar about your National Conversation effort recently, with many people "exposing" that some of the attendants on TV were actually PAP members or somehow related to various government linked establishment. Personally I feel that if these people have declared their affiliations before hand, it would not be a big problem at all. However, the sincerity of the whole National Conversation exercise has been put into doubt when their affiliations have been "exposed" by skeptic Singaporeans. In my view, rightfully or wrongfully, your National Conversation has suffered the loss of credibility right from the beginning. <br />
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It would be fine for me if you would reply me to give a simple answer "No". I would take respect your decision and hope that maybe someone else who is more acceptable to you, would do the same and invite you over to their place for a Short Stay. However, your complete ignore and silence, perpetuated by the Mass Media, on my open invitation has further enhanced my personal doubt over the credibility or the sincerity of your National Conversation exercise. I am not sure whether others will feel the same as I do but I feel that a conversation is a two-way process. And it should be based on the aim for both sides, the ruling and the ruled, to understand each other perspectives. I would think that experiencing the commoner life would be a very very important part of this National Conversation exercise as well. Unless, your aim and definition of your National Conversation exercise is just another soft approach of talking down or telling Singaporeans how wrong we are and how right your polices are. <br />
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It is with much regret that I will have to sign this letter off with the thought that my sincere invitation to you, an effort to help you in enhancing your National Conversation exercise has been totally ignored. But nevertheless, all the best to your effort in National Conversation, regardless of how little it would achieve. <br />
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Best Regards,<br />
<br />

Goh Meng Seng

P.S. I would not be sending this open letter to your private email, nor send it to the mass media (like what I have done previously) because I guess, you would just ignore it anyway. If you have second thought, I guess your people would probably inform you about the existence of this letter somehow.
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It would not look good to the world that we have a Prime Minister who will ignore kind open invitations.

Well, maybe the mass media in Singapore have done you a great disservice because they have not published my open invitation to you and that might have caused you to miss out the importance of this importance.

Some people may think that I am throwing a "challenge" to you by inviting you openly.

Some people have told me that you must have "known" of the crowded MRT but I guess, "knowing" is very different from "experiencing" it.

We cannot blame you for such lack of empathy because we cannot blame you for being born into a family with a silver spoon

There has been an uproar about your National Conversation effort recently, with many people "exposing" that some of the attendants on TV were actually PAP members or somehow related to various government linked establishment.

In my view, rightfully or wrongfully, your National Conversation has suffered the loss of credibility right from the beginning.

He cannot be too bothered with your 'sincere' invitation. You cannot expect him to listen to you when you are still a nobody. He cannot be bothered with our sufferings or inconvenience because of his selfish plans. He cannot be bothered with what you or anyone is going to say to him whether it be good or bad. He just cannot bothered by a small group of unhappy people whom he feels are useless to him. He and his dad want more monies for themselves and the power to dictate. We are all losers in his eyes. He cannot be too bothered with your whining and shouting. They are up there and you are down there. Someone mentioned this.......know your places.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mr Goh Meng Seng - do consider lodging a police report for record purposes if still no reply from LHL. It is free.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Your mind is sick or what? My mind isn't sick yet.... lodge police report because the PM didn't reply? Being discourteous isn't a crime you know!

Goh Meng Seng

Mr Goh Meng Seng - do consider lodging a police report for record purposes if still no reply from LHL. It is free.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear Prime Minister Lee,

Please refer to my personal open invitation sent to you on 24 September 2012.<br />
<br />
Once again, I am writing this letter with utmost disappointment and regret that you have chosen to give no response or ignore of my open invitation. I am brought up in a humble family and though my parents aren't highly educated, but they have taught me that it is discourteous not to reply to other people's invitation. I have tried to follow their teaching as far as possible, though I might have missed one or two replies in my life so far, but those are definitely not done on purpose. I hope you didn't ignore my open invitation on purpose. It would not look good to the world that we have a Prime Minister who will ignore kind open invitations. <br />
<br />

As an opposition political activist, I also hope he doesn't reply

At least the "opposition political activist" side of you has got your wish granted. Maybe they saw your post and the non-reply was a gift to you to make you happy.


U all still don't get it is it ? He's sleeping.He will wake up and say sorry only during the crucial 9 days before polling day.After the polls,back to sleep for another 5 years.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's all? Cheh..... If only you put your persistence effort on the right issue........

Conclusion for this episode;

Thunder Very Loud! Raindrop Very Small!


So no chance to see him lining up in the morning to pangsai or smelling armpits in a jam-packed mrt?
What a pity...............................................

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
So no chance to see him lining up in the morning to pangsai or smelling armpits in a jam-packed mrt?
What a pity...............................................

Cross your fingers. He might do it on a Sunday.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Your mind is sick or what? My mind isn't sick yet.... lodge police report because the PM didn't reply? Being discourteous isn't a crime you know!

Goh Meng Seng

Not asking you to lodge police report because being discourteous is a crime. Asking you to lodge for record purpose that you did extend an invitation to him. Anyway it was just a joke!


Mr Goh, you are so long-winded.

PM Lee has to run a country or to delegate people to run it, where does he find time to entertain your imagination?

BTW do you still see UFOs?


GMS if I may address you this way.

Your first open invitation and this second reminder both are considered honourable things to do. Our opposition members in parliament or out of parliament has much to learn from you as far as courage and ideas are concern. Though honourable if I may be allowed to add this may not work with this regime. When you are faced with gentlemen as your opponent your ways may work. However when facing thugs I am afraid only thuggish ways may work. This regime has never been a gentleman regime, how could one be gentleman if one plunders the very resources of the nation the very blood and sweat of the people?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Better give up lah. I heard these higher mortal "elite" when they shit, very smelly one. Don't let them stink your house even if you open all windows, it will take days to clear the smell. Thereafter, you need to use white sage to smudge the evil they left behind, no auspicius. YOu count yourselves lucky he ignore your request.
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