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Marcus Chan Lup Ming not happy with Lawrence Wong



Scrooball (clone)

The dick moves which I will hold most strongly against the PAP are:

- allowing foreigners to flood the hell of the labor market, not withstanding the current restrictions. More needs to be done.

- revising the GST up so much. This is the only country which can get away with hiking taxes so much but not offering more in terms of social safety net.


The dick moves which I will hold most strongly against the PAP are:

- allowing foreigners to flood the hell of the labor market, not withstanding the current restrictions. More needs to be done.

- revising the GST up so much. This is the only country which can get away with hiking taxes so much but not offering more in terms of social safety net.
I tot u a hard-core pap supporter


My dream us same as millions of sinkies, to abolish the CECA agreement and repatriate the CECA Indians, return the PMET jobs to locals, will LW fulfill our simple dream?
unlikely because the PAP elites and cronies need to make money from this massive import of foreigners into Singapore