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Many people say Ah Loong thinks he owns Sinkapore !! Oppo parties must read !

Tiu Kwang Yew

People at coffeeshops, beer gardens, you name it, are cursing and swearing at Ah Loong like bats run out of cave !
We piece their stories together for all people especially oppo parties to read .

This is their story -----
Ah loong thinks he owns Sinkapore, do this do that at will , and then wayang his cronies to speak up while decisions oredi passed.
Parliament is a place for discussion, sad thing right !
You people must know that root of problems are side effects, if PAP addresses these problems, Policies will be affected-----this means man y people pay for HDB high price will suffer, etc.
Bad policies to suit the regime is like ancient leprosy without a cure , they rot with times, tragic right !
Many people say Ah Loong is cruel and a wicked primate, and furthermore, a bit retarded. This spells trouble when comes to humanity .
You people realize he talked to his “ ownself “ , and his 80 over friends so called office bearers have no opinions ?
When you look around, many sinkaporeans are speaking and laughing to themselves though they may look normal. Side effects of global city ! mental medicine don’t help no more right !
Our NS must be a joke when you think about the 6 –million- people “ownself” talking right!
NS boys are paid lower than any FT worker in Sinkapore, is this not tragic , why are not the Oppo parties talking about it ??
If So many PRs are naturalized without NS, why are not Oppo parties talking about it?
When you think about affordable HDB flats at Punggol, 200k to 300k affordable ? Of course, if we talk about resale flats, then that is for rich PRs to bid for right ! Tragic right !
You realize most PAP MPs do not want to be in the limelight becos they know in the end, Ah Loong who talks to himself will be the object of hatred, so why would do they want to be the hero right !
We know in the end, Ah Loong will be the most hatred primate in Sinkapore, you see, economy however 6 million or 8 million people you bring in will not be every day Sunday………………..one time Saturday, all collapse !
The list is endless to talk about at coffeshops, etc !

Based on some of these real talk, did oppo parties ever realize what have you people done for sinkapore and the sinkaporeans if you want to win votes.
We touch our heart and think ----do we want a loony Pm to rule sinkapore like that ?
A highest rung person who said sorry to the voters not only not resigned but still also calling shots, does this not caused a dread to a nation ?
Do you oppo parties want to take over a broken sinkapore in near future ?
In order to win votes, what should you people do ? Quarrel with PAP over personal issues and bankrupt ?

Sinkapore is really facing a big problem now, if PAP can solve the problem, they would have solve it.
They have created problems while they made policies to hold power!
As from now, they are just buying time to see local voters are overwhelmed by aliens .

Good oppo that would contest AMK GRC now plays an important role becos it is the uninformed AMK GRC voters who also help to pollute sinkapore and destroy quality life of sinkaporeans !
Just imagine, look at south korea, Bangkok, japan, etc, do sinkapore needs to go down the slippery road to see huge traffic jams, very overcrowding MRT and very small space to breathe, we know it is no good to lose quality life, why are sick people in charge envying all this craziness ?
Oredi, sinkapore is oredi overly crowded, you still want the fetish to go on with the sick man?
Oppo parties must engage the voters, we told you people million times that without pushing the responsibility to the voters, you cannot win votes.

There are many issues that will strike chords, you people need not fcuk ah loong to win votes, you point fingers at the voters that NS boys are not paid correctly becos young PRs are earning more and they need not serve NS. Furthermore, reservist trg will influence employers to offer jobs to FTs.
Our NS boys are sacrificing their weekends , their festive holidays with families, and you look at what the Loony is doing ?
Until you find the heart to dare to speak up the truth to the voters and find confidence within you,winning one or two GRCs will not do the magic !

Please, oppo parties, speak up something that catch the heart of the sleeping voters !
Not all naturalized voters support PAP, in fact, these people unlike the stupid voters dare to vote against bad policies.
The ball is in your hands, you either save sinkapore or save yourselves becos one small island is a small island, if we hallucinate sinkapore as a big china, we are in for hell. And we know Ah Loong is treading this path, the world of his own! He will not back down becos he has this mentality that no one can challenge his decisions. He will also not step down unless he is physically not fit . So you see all the wayang , the bucks still stop at the same place !
Look at the sex-for-favor saga, the whole soap makes all sinkaporeans look like fools-----public money for nothing !

What opinion do I have ?
I think about one roman emperor who burnt down his people’s town to expand his palace !
He gleefully played violin at the watch-tower when the fire was raging the town and burning his people !
In the end , of course he died tragically !

Do I curse Ah loong ? I dun know, but many say ---people do, heaven sees, I hope there is such divine to exact retribution on these wicked people !

Tragic, God help sinkapore !


Why do people curse our PM? Singapore is such a rich country. Everyone owns an iPhone. What's there to be so unhappy about? :confused:


Oppo parties must engage the voters, we told you people million times that without pushing the responsibility to the voters, you cannot win votes.

Totally agree.

And I have been telling anyone who bothers to listen, introduce healthy political competition that always, always benefits the consumers, will solve the root cause in no time. No point voice this voice that on specific issues because in the end the White Scums have all the numbers, tweaked to suit their purpose or they will simply ignore the question all together

For those daft Singaporeans who fear without the White Scums, Singapore will surely go down the drain, look no further than the past 10 yrs

While our neighbors have been busy positioning themselves to their strengths, building seaport if they have geographical advantage, building manufacturing hub if they have cheap land and cheap labor, building universities if they have some spare budget, what have the White Scums been doing? Casinos. 2 of them

While our neighbors have been busy attracting investment or building their own brandnames to create jobs for their own people, what have the White Scums been doing? Flooding this island with cheaperest foreigners to compete with true pink Singaporeans on the dwindling high value added/promising job opportunities

We are already on a downward spiral. So there is nothing worse to fear. Right?