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Maid in malaysia had teeth pulled out, objects shoved inside her


Alfrescian (Inf)
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23 Dec 2014 - 2:39pm

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The Indonesian maid went to Malaysia in search of a better life.
But she ended up being a human punching bag for her employer. Her boss, 47, also brutally pulled out her teeth and shoved objects into her private parts.
Police said the maid, 32, suffered at the hands of her employer for over eight months, until she finally summoned the courage to ask for help.
She reportedly scribbled “Tolong, boss dera saya” (Help, my boss is abusing me) on a piece of paper and pasted it outside the door of her employer’s apartment in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday (Dec 20), , newspaper The Star reported.
Neighbours who saw the note called the police, who arrived in the evening to rescue the woman.
The maid is now recuperating at Ampang Hospital.

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Missing teeth, horrific injuries
A source said the woman’s injuries were horrific, adding that her face was “completely swollen” after being allegedly kicked and punched repeatedly.
“She also had two or three teeth missing, claiming that the suspect had pulled them out.
“On top of that, the woman also claimed her employer sexually abused her by putting objects into her private parts,” said the source.
Ampang Jaya deputy OCPD Supt Mohd Nazri Zawawi confirmed that the maid’s employer is under remand until Saturday (Dec 27) to assist in investigations.
He said they had also arrested a friend of the suspect, a 39-year-old woman.
“We are investigating if she had also been involved in the alleged abuse. She is also remanded until Dec 27,” said Supt Mohd Nazri.
Source: The Star


Alfrescian (Inf)
no where in the article indicates her boss is male.

"He said they had also arrested a friend of the suspect, a 39-year-old woman." nowadays the standard of reporting is " no 3 no 4"?....what object was shoved up her private parts??


Employer's a woman:

'He [deputy OCPD Supt Mohd Nazri Zawawi] said they had also arrested a friend of the suspect, a 39-year-old woman.'

I read in the papers the employer is a 47 year old woman. The 39 year old woman is a friend of the employer.


so? sinkie had our own homegrown dentist in 2008

About this case

The accused are Nur Rizan Mohd Sazali, 18; her brother, Muhammad Iz'aan, 20; a family friend Elsa Elyana Said, 25; and the siblings' mother, Maselly Abdul Aziz, 38.

Nur Rizan admitted to pouring hot wax on Indonesian maid Badingah's head and forcibly extracting two of her front teeth. Three other charges were considered. She was jailed for 26 months.

Muhammad Iz'aan admitted to caning her. He was jailed for six weeks. A charge of binding the maid's wrists was considered.

Elsa, Ms Badingah's employer, will be sentenced on Oct 16 for punching the maid for not asking for permission to take a bath, and for aiding in the tooth extraction.

Maselly, who is jobless, had at first pleaded guilty to two charges of maid abuse and a summons for employing a foreign worker without a valid permit, but she disputed the statement of facts.

District Judge Jill Tan then told her that if she disagreed with the facts, she should not plead guilty. Maselly then cried, apologised and said she was pleading guilty after all, but the judge rejected her plea.

Nur Rizan and her brother could each have been jailed for up to 18 months and/or fined up to $1,500 for the caning and tooth extraction. Nur Rizan could also have been jailed up to 7 1/2 years and fined for pouring the hot wax.