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Escape artist replicates Houdini stunt


Ginchiyo Tachibana


Escape artist replicates Houdini stunt

ABC February 17, 2010, 10:32 am

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A Melbourne escape artist has mirrored a feat attempted by the legendary Harry Houdini 100 years ago. 'Cosentino' was handcuffed and shackled to a 60 kilogram concrete block inside a tank at Melbourne Aquarium this morning. He was trying to copy Houdini's trick, when he jumped off Queen's Bridge into the Yarra River, shackled from his neck to his waist, a century ago. The 27-year-old magician and escape artist was aiming to do the trick in a time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. But struggled to unlock one of the shackles and finished in 3 minutes and 39 seconds. "I was thinking why today? But it has happened before in my practice so I realised that I move on, don't waste any time," he said. "So I moved to the middle padlock and then went back to it, and I knew I was going to get it open," he said. He said after struggling with the first padlock, he lost track of time and knew he would not make the required time.
