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End SG-Israel arms trade



Tiagong Israel is readying counter strike with special bomb that can fry all Iranian Power net and electronic device back to Stone Age de woh


The best chance the Arab League had to eliminate Israel was in ‘48 but they failed and the rest is history. The best chance Malaysia had to assimilate Singapore was in ‘63 but the Goondu Tunku fucked it up becoz he was so afraid LKY would become PM Malaysia. Fakestinians cannot turn back the history their ancestors fucked up, Moral of story, pick the winning side and send the losing side some humanitarian aid as consolation prize.


The best chance the Arab League had to eliminate Israel was in ‘48 but they failed and the rest is history. The best chance Malaysia had to assimilate Singapore was in ‘63 but the Goondu Tunku fucked it up becoz he was so afraid LKY would become PM Malaysia. Fakestinians cannot turn back the history their ancestors fucked up, Moral of story, pick the winning side and send the losing side some humanitarian aid as consolation prize.
Move ahead, more opportunities ahead to huat big big with constructive mindset

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)

Tiagong Israel is readying counter strike with special bomb that can fry all Iranian Power net and electronic device back to Stone Age de woh
Good la those Iranians can practise Islam in Stone Age better. Modern world too many distractions for them


be friends with jews better than be friends with crazy evil muslims
If your jewish friends are talmud followers, they will not befriend you as they will view you as an animal. They will also think they can get away from the law if they kill and murder a gentile like you.

They would also don’t mind to steal everything from you as they think they have the right to do so

I hope you have done your research about the jews before befriending them

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  • Haha
Reactions: pig

syed putra

How many Jews around?
At least dun see them imposing their religion on others
Saturday is sabbath. No entertainment and shops shut in conservative neighbourhood in israel on saturday. The mentality is just like PAS in kelantan except jews are better educated. Reason for them to mistreat arabs is due to religion. US evangelicals are spat at, cursed and asked to return when they visit holy sites in jerusalem.

syed putra

The best chance the Arab League had to eliminate Israel was in ‘48 but they failed and the rest is history. The best chance Malaysia had to assimilate Singapore was in ‘63 but the Goondu Tunku fucked it up becoz he was so afraid LKY would become PM Malaysia. Fakestinians cannot turn back the history their ancestors fucked up, Moral of story, pick the winning side and send the losing side some humanitarian aid as consolation prize.
The malays will get their island back and the palestinians will eventually get their seized properties back. If not in this life, then the next.