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Elon Musk plans to buy Twitter for $44 billion and take it private.


New Member
On Monday, Elon Musk agreed to buy Twitter for approximately $44 billion, promising a more lenient approach to policing content on the social media platform where he — the world's richest person — promotes his interests, attacks critics, and opines on a wide range of issues to over 83 million followers.


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The news about Elon Musk's plans is certainly intriguing. However, I'm not entirely understand how it will impact ordinary users like me. For me, Twitter primarily a source of information. I mainly use it to watch videos, and it's only recently, thanks to a resource https://setapp.com/how-to/download-twitter-videos-to-your-mac I've learned how to download them to my computer. Beyond this, Twitter doesn't hold much value for me personally. I prefer Facebook.
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