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Tony Tan



更新于 2019-06-23 09:04


Video|Sichuan Yibin Jixian Earthquake Earthquake Early Warning Network Again Successful Early Warning
Updated on 2019-06-23 09:04

At 22:29 on June 22, an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in Jixian County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province. The earthquake warning system is located in Yibin City, 40 kilometers away from the epicenter, and an early warning is issued 5 seconds ahead. From Chengdu, which is 257 kilometers from the epicenter, the warning time is 69 seconds.



2019年06月24日 07:20 新快报

据新华社电 6月22日22时29分,四川宜宾市珙县发生5.4级地震。地震预警系统为距震中40千米的宜宾市,提前5秒发出预警。距震中257千米的成都,预警时间69秒,因烈度未达触发条件,按要求不发出警报。


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原创 提前61秒!宜宾这场6.0级地震是如何预警的?

Cuba Libre
2019-06-18 11:20 收藏60 评论17 智能终端

























就在今天,App Store里,地震预警应用的下载量已经飙升至第二位。




“目前地震预警技术已很成熟,而地震预测的技术还未解决,还是世界难题。 无论是汶川地震,还是后来的芦山7级地震、九寨沟7级地震等,都没有被预测到。”王暾曾经说过。












本文由 Cuba Libre 授权 虎嗅网 发表,并经虎嗅网编辑。转载此文章须经作者同意,并请附上出处(虎嗅网)及本页链接。原文链接:https://www.huxiu.com/article/304516.html

未来面前,你我还都是孩子,还不去下载 虎嗅App 猛嗅创新!





Sichuan Yibin Jixian earthquake again successful warning

June 24, 2019 07:20 New Express

According to Xinhua News Agency, at 22:29 on June 22, an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in Jixian County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province. The earthquake warning system is located in Yibin City, 40 kilometers away from the epicenter, and an early warning is issued 5 seconds ahead. From Chengdu, which is 257 kilometers from the epicenter, the warning time is 69 seconds. Because the intensity is not up to the trigger condition, no alarm will be issued as required.



Original 61 seconds ahead! How is the earthquake of magnitude 6.0 in Yibin early warning?

Cuba Libre
2019-06-18 11:20 Collection 60 Comments 17 Smart Terminal

61 seconds ahead! How is the earthquake of magnitude 6.0 in Yibin early warning?

The picture is from Visual China

At 22:55 on June 17, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred at 28.34 degrees north of Changning County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, and 104.90 degrees east longitude, with a focal depth of 16 kilometers. The sudden earthquake that struck last night made the Wenchuan earthquake that struck the hearts of the people 11 years ago come to life again.

As of 8:30 am on June 18, the earthquake has killed 12 people and injured 125 people.

After the Changning earthquake, the aftershocks continued. As of 02:30 on June 18, 2019, a total of 32 aftershocks of M2.0 and above were recorded. Among them, the earthquake of magnitude 5.0~5.9 was once, the earthquake of magnitude 4.0~4.9 was used twice, the earthquake of magnitude 3.0~3.9 was 4 times, and the earthquake of magnitude 2.0~2.9 was 25 times. Subsequently, Changning recurred a magnitude 5.3 earthquake with a focal depth of 17 kilometers.

However, it is comforting to note that in the 61 seconds before the earthquake, Sichuan, Chengdu, Deyang, Ziyang and other places have received early warnings issued by radio and television institutions and various terminal equipment. After a few seconds of countdown, the sensation of the earthquake began to strengthen.

Earthquake warning: stealing time from the hands of death

Public research shows that if people can get an early warning 3 seconds ahead of the earthquake, the number of casualties can be reduced by 14%; 10 seconds ahead of time to get an alarm, the number of casualties can be reduced by 39%, 20 seconds ahead, the number of casualties can be reduced by 63%.

Undoubtedly, a mature earthquake warning system can gain some precious time for those who are racing with death.

In the Yibin earthquake, the ICL earthquake warning system developed by Dr. Wang Wei of the Chengdu Institute of High and New Disaster Reduction was the first time that this system came in handy.

On August 8, 2017, in the 7.0 earthquake that occurred in Jiuzhaigou, Aba County, Sichuan Province, the ICL earthquake warning system successfully issued an early warning message for Chengdu through mobile phones and dedicated terminals 71 seconds ahead of schedule, and issued an early warning for Gannan City in Gansu 19 seconds ahead of schedule. The Jiuzhaigou earthquake has already been the 38th successful warning of this system in China.

Founded in 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake, Chengdu High-tech Disaster Reduction Research Institute was founded by Dr. Wang Wei, a national “Thousand Talents Program” talent. Dr. Wang Wei also led the establishment of the Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Earthquake Early Warning awarded by the Sichuan Provincial Government. The early warning system developed by its team has made China the third country in the world with earthquake warning capabilities after Mexico and Japan.

According to the data, China has established an earthquake warning network covering 31 provinces and autonomous regions, covering 2.2 million square kilometers and covering 660 million people, mainly distributed in the north-south earthquake zone, the North China earthquake zone, the southeast coastal seismic zone, and the northwestern part of Xinjiang.

The principle of the ICL earthquake early warning system is to use the time difference between the shear wave and the longitudinal wave of the earthquake and the difference in the transmission speed of the electric signal.

When an earthquake occurs, the source radiates two different types of seismic waves: longitudinal waves and transverse waves. The longitudinal wave propagates in the earth's crust at a speed of 5.5-7 km/s. It first diffuses outward, causing the ground to vibrate up and down, but the destructiveness is weak. The transverse wave propagates in the earth's crust at a rate of 3.2-4 km/s. After the longitudinal wave, the second spread outward, which causes the ground to move forward and backward, left and right, and the destructiveness is relatively strong.

When the transverse wave and the longitudinal wave meet at the surface, they will generate a mixed wave called a surface wave, which has a large wavelength and a strong amplitude and can only propagate along the surface. Surface waves are the chief culprit in causing strong damage to the surface and buildings.

Faster than the longitudinal and transverse waves of an earthquake, it is a signal that travels at a speed close to the speed of light (300,000 km/s). Therefore, with the electric signal, the early warning system can issue a warning to the possible areas in time after receiving the longitudinal wave signal.

According to public information, the ICL earthquake early warning system is divided into four parts: seismic monitoring, early warning information analysis and processing, early warning information release, and early warning information reception and application. According to the order of system response, the earthquake monitoring network, the seismic parameter rapid judgment system, the alarm information rapid release system, and the early warning information receiving terminal may be included.

In the end, people get the warning information issued by the public number and various earthquake warning system terminals. For example, people can receive alarms issued by the earthquake early warning system through terminals and applications such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, and Weibo.

In an interview with the Economic Observer Network, Wang Wei said that in the earthquake disaster, the system has been to the TVs of 13 districts and counties in 13 cities and counties such as Yibin, Leshan and Chengdu, and about 101 communities in Chengdu and Yibin Leshan. More than 200 schools in other places issued warnings. In time, 10 seconds ahead of the warning to Yibin, 61 seconds ahead of the warning to Chengdu.

For the installation of earthquake warning sensors in areas where earthquakes may occur, Wang Wei said that such sensors are not expensive and can be fixed on load-bearing walls and spread seismic data through networks. These sensors are equivalent to the "sentinel" at the forefront of earthquake warning. The seismic wave is transmitted to the early warning center through the network, and the center analyzes the data in two to three seconds.

The next step is to spread early warning services as a basic public service to the whole country. However, Wang Wei said that it needs three efforts to reach this goal. First, the earthquake warning function should be built into more TVs and mobile phones. It has been applied to the APPs of many institutions in the province. The early warning system is built into the platform of WeChat, QQ, Alipay, Baidu, and today's headlines. Second, local governments are required to authorize the release of earthquake warning information. Natural disaster warnings can only be issued by government agencies. Third, earthquake warnings are conducted for the public. The comprehensive science of the system. At present, the Institute has made rapid progress in technology and science. The unresolved issue is to obtain authorization letters from emergency management departments at various levels to open earthquake warning services.

Just today, in the App Store, downloads of earthquake warning applications have soared to second place.

In addition to China, the United States and the earthquake power Japan have similar, relatively mature early warning systems. However, there are some misunderstandings about the earthquake warning system.

Early warning, not prediction, forecast

"At present, the earthquake early warning technology is very mature, and the technology of earthquake prediction has not been solved yet, and it is still a world problem. Whether it is the Wenchuan earthquake, or the later Lushan 7 earthquake, the Jiuzhaigou earthquake of magnitude 7, etc., has not been predicted." said before.

This is to spread a knowledge point: earthquake warning is not a "forecast."

As mentioned above, the earthquake early warning system is a seismic monitoring and early warning network based on the second-order response when an earthquake occurs. It uses the principle that the electric wave (longitudinal wave) is faster than the transverse wave, so that the earthquake-affected area is alerted more than ten seconds in advance. However, it does not predict in an earlier time how many levels of earthquakes will occur in a certain place in the future. The so-called forecast is to predict and broadcast earthquakes that have not yet occurred.

In an interview video on the Internet, Dr. Wang Wei, director of the Chengdu Institute of High and New Disaster Reduction, once again stressed that this system is not an earthquake “forecast” but an early warning. "Warning can only reduce the number of casualties, but it can not avoid death and injury." Wang Wei said.

That is to say, the earthquake warning system can be regarded as the first-hand earthquake news bulletin, but it cannot predict before the earthquake and gives the time for complete safe transfer.

It can be said that the prediction of earthquakes is still a worldwide problem to be solved. No matter whether it is China, the United States or Japan, there is no special and effective method for predicting earthquakes very accurately.

Now, such an early warning system has not yet reached the point of being foolproof.

Earthquake early warning systems often have blind spots. The data shows that people in the area with a radius of 21 kilometers from the center of the epicenter will still feel the shaking first, and then they will receive an alarm. The role of earthquake warning systems for devastating earthquakes is still limited.

At the same time, the early warning system is also facing a flaw. The shell article in 2014 wrote: The more the earthquake-stricken area with strong ground motion, the shorter the time to provide early warning; the weaker the area where the early warning system relies, the longer the warning time can be provided. An extreme example is that in the Wenchuan earthquake, Yingxiu, which is less than 20 kilometers away from the epicenter, is in the blind spot of the early warning system, and it is almost impossible to obtain early warning. However, in the distant Beijing about 1500 kilometers from the epicenter, it can get about 3 minutes. Early warning.

But no matter what, tens of seconds or even ten seconds is enough to give more life a chance to breathe -

By borrowing this time, people on lower floors can leave dangerous buildings. (High-key people) People on high floors need to find the shelter location and the appropriate bunker at this time instead of rushing out of the floor in a panic.

In the evolution of earthquake warning systems, people will gain more hope and confidence in life, which is the most important.

* The article is an author's independent point of view, does not represent the position of the tiger sniffing net
This article by Cuba

Tony Tan

Chinese schools advanced warned earthquake to students who fled in advance to opened fields! GVGT!
