If out of service buses can be chartered, why out the out of service trains?
Still a business transaction.
Chartered buses do not need to occupy bus stop and inconvenience other public uses. Chartered buses can use other roads and not cause congestion to roads of existing bus services.
However, trains can only pick up passengers from stations. Existing train services will be affected at the affected station. Trains must run on the same track. If the number of chartered train is significant, it may also affect the timing of existing services. Unless our service is so infrequent that we can add on more trains during the free intervals of the existing service for the public.
However, we are talking of thousands of people for the chartered train boarding from same station. There will be effect. If AC'S pay higher than normal fare, then it may be considered a business transaction. Even then, it is against the grain of the original intention of providing train service as the mode of transport for general public.
Why go through the trouble of congregating at specific designation to take a chartered train -especially the parents and old boys? I can only think of one answer, "vanity", as there is no saving nor convenience gained for these adults.