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A Single Paragraph on Singapore - How accurate.


I don't think PAP has an idealogy that fits anything in the world. Lee was Fabianist in Cambridge armchair politics, then espoused socialism to put on a pretty face to win Communist allies. When being socialist as a party in govt started to get a dirty word called state welfarism, it corrupted to become democratic socialism. Over the years, the label has worn thin and now it's neither democratic nor socialist. I would say the idealogy is one of "whatever works, adopt it" aka "does not matter if cat is white or black".

So it is a party with a leader who will sell his grandmother and wife to get what he wants.

Fascism has strong anti-communist baggage after Hitler and stalin. I dont think LKY wants to offend China.

Authoritarian is never used to describe a political party. It may be used to describe a type of government but never a political party.

If you look at authoritarian governments they have either Marxist/Communist political parties at the helm or fascists political parties. There is no where to place the PAP but as a fascist political party. I am not including monarchies.

Once people understand the beliefs of the PAP as a political party, only then will they truly understand why the entire government machinery is the way it is in Singapore.

One type fascism is closely linked to nationalism but there is another type of fascism that is interested in corporatising the country. Of course there are other characteristics of fascism but these two are the main characteristics.

The way with which the media is controlled, the way in which the country's economy is largely controlled by the state, the way in which one head of the political party is held in an immortal-like manner, the way in which the less priviledged within society is left behind or even denied their existence, the way in which a small group of people and their interests are given lalmost free reign over economic and even judicial assistance, the way in which fear is always used to subjugate the population and the way in which propaganda is used without restriction to fool the populace are also characteristics of a fascist political party.

Their white on white uniforms and their use of the word 'comrade' as a standard form of salutation all point to a fascist political party.

Enslaving a large portion of the population to economic slavery via the HDB and taxes upon taxes and extra-normal charges for almost everything purchased is also part of a fascist political party's way in controlling the population. And yes, the PAPies are natioinalistic as can be seen in their NDP budgets. They have a distorted look on Nationalism which is subjugated by their political party's selffish aims but nonetheless they are nationalistic as it allows them to steer the populace with ease, especially when the entire education system is also part of their propaganda machinery.

I strongly believe that once the populace understand the schematics of the PAP as a political party with fascist leanings that these people will see things from a much clearer perspective.

Why are the poor, the sick and the elderly given such a poor response by the government? Why are HDB prices so high? Why does the government control so much of the economy? Why is the media so tightly controlled? Why is the RC, PA and other government instruments used by the government to promote party activities? Why is the police and judiciary used extensively to counter civil society and the opposition?

All these can be easily understood once the beast is known for what it is.


Agree with you except I suspect that that old man relishes the GE as he considers it similar to mandate for an emperor. He thrives on it and can't wait for the next one. Thats probably the only reason that he appears in Singapore is for the GE or else he will spend all his all his time teaching the world how to run their own countries.

I think if Old Man had his druthers, he would throw away the one-man-one--vote first past the post system inherited from the British. He tended to speak his mind uncaring of who was listening - as when he was frustrated with why the people still voted against him and for JB thus breaking the stranglehold when he thought they should not. Recall he even thought abt tweaking the system to give some more voting rights than others. On top of that, see how he always says Singapore doesnt have enough talents for a two party system?

Therefore, in its place, he would probably want to abolish the parl democratic elections, do away with political parties altogether and turn S'pore into an administrative state where only he could be the elected Executive president (like Russia) and for the rest, appoints his mandarins to head the civil service and direct and control State policies. He is already living this dream now except for the irritating fact that every 5 years, he faces a general election which can always trip him up.


Agree with you except I suspect that that old man relishes the GE as he considers it similar to mandate for an emperor. He thrives on it and can't wait for the next one. Thats probably the only reason that he appears in Singapore is for the GE or else he will spend all his all his time teaching the world how to run their own countries.

I see what you mean. An interesting angle.

Maybe he'll start his quick and dirty tricks if the next GE outcome makes him turn nasty.


Anybody here has read "LKy: the man, his mayoralty, and his Mafia" by Malcolm Caldwell?

Don't think the book is available locally.


No. Any good?

No too. Curious to find out what he has written that's new. The book title pops up quite often in biblio of books on Singapore's political development.

Acc to Wiki, the guy's a 'prolific Marxist writer' and Pol Pot apologist and was linked to the Dutch Labour Party. His name was mentioned in a speech by devan Nair once when DN (after Old man got his release) defended the PAP against attacks by MC (speech on behalf of PAP at a Bureau of Socialist International in 1976).
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Alfrescian (Inf)
No too. Curious to find out what he has written that's new. The book title pops up quite often in biblio of books on Singapore's political development.

Acc to Wiki, the guy's a 'prolific Marxist writer' and Pol Pot apologist and was linked to the Dutch Labour Party. His name was mentioned in a speech by devan Nair once when DN (after Old man got his release) defended the PAP against attacks by MC (speech on behalf of PAP at a Bureau of Socialist International in 1976).

THAT speech by Devan Nair to Socialist International !

In 1975, my late father bought 'Socialism That Works' - that contains this speech entitled ' An Epistle to the Synod of Socialist International something something'.

My ! His language & sarcasm opened a whole new vista to my interest in current affairs & politics.

35 yrs later, I can still remember how that speech ended..... indicating PAP dropping the In'tl Body rather than face expulsion, Nair concluded thus: God Bless - failing which, good luck !

A Classic to me !

On another note, I do not agree Old Man value 'Mandate' & look forward to GE as refreshing this mandate.

In his mind, his legitimacy is unquestioned - elections a mere formality to remain in Parliament, to make possible his lifetime membership in Cabinet.

In fact anyone who question his legitimacy & rejecting his PAP (esp when he is PM), something must be wrong with them & the system & 1-man-1-vote democracy.

Remember ?


In his mind, his legitimacy is unquestioned - elections a mere formality to remain in Parliament, to make possible his lifetime membership in Cabinet.

More like an exercise to sanctify the surrendering of rights to him.

Legitimacy is "manufactured" by limiting the spectrum of public opinion about him through litigation.


The speech was a result of a complaint by a Premier of Australian State who married his press secretary, who was previously a journalist that got affected by the banning of the Herald.

THAT speech by Devan Nair to Socialist International !

In 1975, my late father bought 'Socialism That Works' - that contains this speech entitled ' An Epistle to the Synod of Socialist International something something'.



Alfrescian (Inf)
The speech was a result of a complaint by a Premier of Australian State who married his press secretary, who was previously a journalist that got affected by the banning of the Herald.

Wah, totally insider, very cheem relationship man !

Actually, I found Devan pretty bombastic, he just loves to be saucy, sardonic & actually had the cheek to call Rajaratnam, LKY's 'prizefight'.

He himself was also once a adorer of LKY, even to the extent in 1974 to be the chairman of Old Man's 50th birthday celebration committee, writing a foreword & publishing a commemorative book (under NTUC) for the ocassion !

To his death, Devan must be cursing should never never never have accepted the flattery & accepted Lee's nomination to be President !


Devan command of the language is superb but he was considered a showman. That's why he never received a political appointment within government. After him, the next sec gen of NTUC was a cabinet position.

Devan was also not wise and had the habit of telling family and friends about the internals and in these sessions he would boast how indispensable he was to the old man.

It was he that was the prizefighter. Old man would differ to Raja as those from MFA will point out but never to Devan.

Wah, totally insider, very cheem relationship man !

Actually, I found Devan pretty bombastic, he just loves to be saucy, sardonic & actually had the cheek to call Rajaratnam, LKY's 'prizefight'.

He himself was also once a adorer of LKY, even to the extent in 1974 to be the chairman of Old Man's 50th birthday celebration committee, writing a foreword & publishing a commemorative book (under NTUC) for the ocassion !

To his death, Devan must be cursing should never never never have accepted the flattery & accepted Lee's nomination to be President !


Devan command of the language is superb but he was considered a showman. That's why he never received a political appointment within government. After him, the next sec gen of NTUC was a cabinet position.

Devan was also not wise and had the habit of telling family and friends about the internals and in these sessions he would boast how indispensable he was to the old man.

It was he that was the prizefighter. Old man would differ to Raja as those from MFA will point out but never to Devan.

There never was any chemistry between the two, not when they met, not during, not after. Each just lived with and used the other until either outlived his purpose and then they junk each other.


Well said. Richard Corrigan, the Special Branch No. 2 turned Nair at St John's Island and handed him over to the Old Man and taught him how to work the chap.

There never was any chemistry between the two, not when they met, not during, not after. Each just lived with and used the other until either outlived his purpose and then they junk each other.


The speech was a result of a complaint by a Premier of Australian State who married his press secretary, who was previously a journalist that got affected by the banning of the Herald.

Either you are just pulling all our legs with miles of yarn or your revelations are truly amazing! Scro, you are really something, an Oracle or sage. Not the Confucius type --that only Old man finds interesting when Kungfutze is already archaic.


Her name is Adele Koh and the Premier was Don Dunstan, then the leader of Labour Party in the State of S Australian. The Gerakan of Penang also had a hand in this episode.

As long as Toa Payoh Brothel exist, Singaporeans will know about the world but not their own country.

Either you are just pulling all our legs with miles of yarn or your revelations are truly amazing! Scro, you are really something, an Oracle or sage. Not the Confucius type --that only Old man finds interesting when Kungfutze is already archaic.


Her name is Adele Koh and the Premier was Don Dunstan, then the leader of Labour Party in the State of S Australian. The Gerakan of Penang also had a hand in this episode.

As long as Toa Payoh Brothel exist, Singaporeans will know about the world but not their own country.

Adele Koh..yup,now I recall.

Still, you must be a walking encyclo.


I say it's accuracy is only as high as 60% approx.

Where it is insufficiently accurate is in the extend how bad it had gone later after famiLEE made LEEgime. It is well accepted internationally that there is actually cronyism & nepotism happening in LEEgime under the hood of false meritocracy - plus lack of transparency and accountability - plus ridiculous curb on freedom of speech & free media - plus administration's political influence int judiciary, - plus customized alteration of Election System - plus abuse of defamation and bankruptcy against opposition.

The paragraph did not reflected these at all.

I must separately stress on another point to highlight prominently about LEEgalized Corruption = plunder and graft - via world's highest salaries, which is very uniquely notorious about famiLEE LEEgime. To me personally, there is nothing more unacceptable than this.

The paragraph did not reflected these at all, and these are the more serious aspects omitted. In my own assessment these omissions mounts to about 40%, but I would understand if others don't accept 40% as the right figure, I need no debate about the figure.

I however to hope that the omissions I highlighted will be noticed by more people who had read that paragraph.:wink::cool: