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杀气 Czar Putin warned Dotard off! After Shotdown his Drone Lan-Lan called off Iran Bombing! Xijinping learning?



特朗普下令袭击伊朗最后时刻悬崖勒马 普京警告

2019年06月21日 18:33 新浪新闻综合





  6月20日,伊朗革命卫队高级指挥官侯赛因· 萨拉米表示,击落美国无人机,是向美国发出警告。“不希望与任何国家进行战争,但我们完全、彻底地为战争做准备。”



Trump ordered an attack on Iran at the last moment. Lema Putin warned
June 21, 2019 18:33 Sina News Synthesis

Original title: Trump ordered an attack on Iran, the last moment on the cliff, Putin issued a warning

Source: Governor of Chang'an Street

As a U.S. drone was shot down by Iran, the risk of a military conflict between the United States and Iraq rose sharply.

A number of US media broke the news on the 20th, President Trump has ordered an attack on Iran, but just a few hours before the start of the operation, Trump suddenly changed his mind and canceled the action.

The reason for Trump’s cancellation is not clear, and the White House has refused to comment on the matter.

Governor Chang'an Street noticed that on the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States not to use force against Iran when it was interviewed by the media, otherwise it would have disastrous consequences.


"Iran made a big mistake!" On the 20th, Trump angered Iran's actions of shooting down U.S. drones on Twitter and urgently convened national security officials to discuss countermeasures.

According to the New York Times, on the same day, Trump agreed to crack down on a number of Iranian targets, including radar stations and missile positions, scheduled to launch attacks before dawn on the 21st.

The military then began operations and entered the operational phase. According to sources, the warplanes have been launched, the warships have been put in place, and the missiles have not been launched yet. Until 19:00 on the 20th, both the military and diplomatic officials believed that an attack would occur.

However, just a few hours before the start of the operation, Trump changed his mind and stopped the strike against Iran. Military officials also got news shortly after that the air strikes have stopped, at least temporarily.

The report said that it is still unclear what makes Trump on the brink, and whether this means a change in the White House policy, and it is also unclear whether there will be a military strike in the future.

But on the evening of the 20th, Trump eased the Iranian issue when he met with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau: "Maybe Iran made a mistake. I can imagine a general or someone shooting down the enemy." I made a mistake when I was on the plane."

Some analysts say that Trump is so capricious, probably because he has not made up his mind about whether he is involved in the Middle East.

Risk remains

Trump’s order to cancel military operations at the last moment does not mean that the risk of the US-Iraq war is reduced.

Earlier, the United States had announced the deployment of an aircraft carrier strike group to the Middle East and an increase of about 2,500 troops, and prepared for "defending the interests of the US forces and the region."

Governor Chang'an Street noticed that from the US Congress to the Pentagon and then to the State Council, the United States called on the United States to take a harder stance on Iran.

The State Council’s Special Representative for Iran Affairs, Brian Hook, said on the 19th that any military conflict with Iran will be Washington’s self-defense.

Senior US Senator Graham described Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei as a “murderous thug” and called on the White House to include Iran’s oil refinery in the target list.

"For decades, they have always wanted to fight with Iran." Peter Kuznik, director of the Institute of Nuclear Research at the American University, said that officials such as Secretary of State Pompeo and US National Security Adviser Bolton are pushing for military confrontation. The United States and Iraq are confronted by the same people.

At the same time, the Iranian side is also ready to go to war.

On June 20th, the senior commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hussein Salami, said that shooting down the U.S. drone was a warning to the United States. "I don't want to fight with any country, but we are completely and thoroughly prepared for the war."

Salami has disclosed that Iran’s advanced ballistic missiles can strike enemy aircraft carriers very accurately in the first place.

Multi-party warning

In response to the US-Iranian conflict, the international community has called on both sides to exercise restraint.

On the 20th, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to the situation in the United States and Iraq in the annual live broadcast program, warning the United States not to use force against Iran.

"The United States says it does not rule out the possibility of using force... This will be a disaster for the region." Putin warned that "this will lead to a surge in violence and an increase in the number of refugees."

Putin also pointed out that he is ready to meet with Trump in the G20, but Keke said that he has not yet received an official invitation for such talks. "If the US shows interest... we are ready to talk."

UN Secretary-General Guterres has previously shouted, hoping that both sides will exercise maximum restraint.

There are also many voices against the war in the United States.

US House Speaker Pelosi said that the United States is not interested in launching the Iranian war. US Democratic presidential candidate Biden criticized Trump’s Iranian strategy as “a disaster caused by himself.”

Republican House leader McCarthy also called on the United States to make a "serious response" to the incident.

On June 28th, the meeting of the Joint Commission on the Comprehensive Agreement on the Iranian Nuclear Issue will be held in Vienna. Not only the European Union, but also the three major European countries and EU institutions, China, Russia and Iran itself will participate.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Hao once again stressed that the situation in the Gulf region is very complicated and very sensitive. Never try to open the Pandora's box. The Chinese side has consistently advocated that all parties concerned should properly resolve their contradictions and differences through dialogue and negotiations and other peaceful means on the basis of mutual respect and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.
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Xijinping must LEARN, peace is NEVER politics, only CARNAGE & DEATH TOLL is politics. For especially Superpower. MUST MUST MUST control the globe in blood and death toll and nothing else. Not business not money! It is all about Elimination, Carnage, Culling, Deprivation, Compel by PAIN & HURT & BLOOD. Resources are control and manipulated by FORCES, & PREVENT OTHERS to Live & Consume Resources, not selling nor offering them, strictly no pampering of people, especially when there are TOO MANY BILLIONS NOW (unprecedented record), with rapidly depleted resources and nearly entirely ruined environment.

Xijinping MUST Have Dotard's blood on hands, make him lick up the blood and wipe blood on his face. Show the world who is superpower.

Why everyone else knows, Iran; Kim Jong Nuke; Putin, but Xi? 文明大国 my ass understand? 杀戮大国 understand? From 5000 years ago the same way must NEVER CHANGE!


Hit the missile buttons! Must use USA's Martyrs as missile training targets, and don't stop! NEVER handshake! Never Talk! Never make deals! Business must always be death tolls and bloodshed and body counts. Continue all the way until there is no enemy in numbers - culled and reduced to ZERO. Teach the world a new way of civilization.

democracy my butt


Trump's Iran strikes U-turn underscores war and peace dilemma
Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

Updated 1512 GMT (2312 HKT) June 21, 2019


2020 candidates dish on their campaign comfort food
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump blinked.
By calling off US forces poised Thursday night to launch retaliatory strikes on Iran, Trump stepped back from the brink of a dangerous escalation in the standoff -- but raised a flurry of immediate questions about his performance as commander-in-chief.
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"We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not...proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry," Trump tweeted Friday morning.
On the face of it, the last-minute pivot provokes the question of why he did not inquire about the human toll of the proposed attacks, that US officials said were on missile batteries and radars, before signing off on the mission to avenge the downing of the unmanned US aircraft.
By calling off the strikes, Trump was being true to himself -- and his desire to avoid being pulled into a new Middle East conflagration -- a principle that is at the core of his political beliefs and is central to his plan to win reelection in November 2020.
But all the same, his decision seems to reveal a chaotic and broken policy process on a matter of grave national security -- at a time when the Pentagon is rudderless without a permanent secretary of defense.
RELATED: Trump says US was 'cocked and loaded' to strike Iran before he pulled back
More broadly, pulling back from an attack will not go unobserved by America's adversaries who may interpret it as a spur to push Trump further than they might have before. He has also handed a victory to a US enemy -- Iran -- by showing that it could shoot down a sophisticated $110 million military asset with impunity. The move may mean that Iran feels it has latitude to move again against US interests -- but may escape retaliation by staying short of Trump's new red line.
Few good options



Trump on Iran: 'We were cocked and loaded ' 01:56
Trump's decision highlights his limited options he has to respond to Iran's action that does not involve risking a massive escalation.
A less critical way of looking at Trump's reversal is that it was a prudent eleventh hour decision to interrupt a chain of events that could be pulling the United States quickly into another war with no end. Trump may have saved many Iranian and US lives. Perhaps the hardest thing for any President to do is to halt the momentum of a military strike when the political and defense establishment is lined up in favor of it.
There is no indication however that the climb-down will pave a way to a breakthrough in the crisis or that Trump has found an off ramp -- or that Iran will interpret it as a spur to open dialogue with the US.
Trump, who has made reversing everything his predecessor Barack Obama did a cornerstone of his own presidency will not like the comparison -- but there are parallels with the former president's decision to call off a planned military strike on Syria in 2013 to enforce his red line against chemical weapons attacks.
That move has since been criticized by Republicans who now strongly back Trump.
As Washington watches for the President's next steps, it could turn out that the media coverage of his decision to call off US attacks, which is likely to be critical, could shape his future decision making -- meaning the new few hours and days could be pivotal and turbulent.
There may have been a clue about how Trump would react to the latest Iran crisis in a tweet he sent as his predecessor was considering cruise missile strikes against Syria.
"The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A," Trump tweeted in September 2013.
As he wrestles with his toughest dilemma over Iran, the President is caught between Republicans demanding a hawkish response, Democrats warning he could "bumble" into war and Iranian policy hardliners on his own national security staff who welcome the confrontation. There is no obvious outcome that gives him the clear political win that is a frequent motivating force behind his foreign policy ventures.
It's often been remarked in Washington that Trump has been lucky not to face a sudden, serious national security emergency so far in his presidency. Well, his luck has now run out -- though he will get little sympathy from critics who long predicted his hard line Iran policy would precipitate exactly this scenario.
The worsening crisis will subject his chaos-riddled administration to an unprecedented test of cohesion. Trump may need to call on allies he has spent months insulting. His trashing of truth and an amateurish public relations effort to build a case against Iran may undermine his chances of selling potentially dangerous action to the American people.
Which way will Trump turn?

Trump and Bolton debate how to deal with Iran as Pompeo 'triangulates,' officials say

Usually, a good guide to Trump's future action on foreign policy is to identify the course that will most swiftly benefit him politically.
But the current crisis appears to draw two aspects of the President's personal interests into conflict.
Avoiding foreign entanglements is a core principle of Trumpism. The President doesn't even want US in peacetime deployments in allied nations, let alone at war in the Gulf.
But even a "proportional" US military response, like shooting down an Iranian drone or attacking the base that fired the missile that brought down the US aircraft, would likely force the Islamic Republic to up the stakes considerably again. Trump would inevitably be drawn deeper into the quicksand of the Middle East.
The President also has his own image and credibility to consider.
His failure to respond to Iran's escalation would add to a growing impression that Trump's "fire and fury" rhetoric and strongman persona rarely translates into action. He knows that foreign powers such as China, North Korea and Russia are watching carefully. He'd hate to to look weak heading into meetings at the upcoming G20 summit in Japan with Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.
A classic Presidential conundrum

Trump downplays Iran tensions after drone shot down

For perhaps the first time, Trump is being forced to agonize over a classic presidential problem -- one that has no good outcomes and ends up on the President's desk because everyone else has failed to solve it.
Trump often has a deeply idiosyncratic concept of the US national interest -- when he takes it into consideration at all on a thorny foreign policy question.
But this is different. American lives may well rest on his response. The nation could be sliding towards a major war with a power that is far more capable than Iraq -- which managed to bog down US troops for a decade. A prolonged conflict with Iran could unleash geopolitical and domestic forces that could destroy his presidency if it goes wrong.
Trump leads from the gut, disdains detail and often appears to handle crises by saying or doing whatever it takes to get to the end of the day. This building crisis requires study, strategic thinking three, four or five steps ahead and an evaluation of the cascade of consequences that could unfold from any course of action.
National security emergencies often stretch an administration to its limits and require a unity of purpose and inter-agency cohesion that Trump has gone out of his way to undermine.
One clear problem for Trump is that while he may wish to de-escalate tensions with Iran, there may be little incentive for Tehran to cooperate.
That's because US sanctions under Trump's maximum pressure campaign have strangled the Iranian economy and caused serious deprivation amid the population.
Recent incidents, including the downing of the drone, attacks on shipping in the Gulf of Oman, and the Islamic Republic's warning that it will break international limits on uranium enrichment, appear to be an attempt to impose consequent costs on the US.
So without an alleviation of sanctions -- that Washington is in no mood to offer or a significant offer from Trump to bring Iran to the table -- it may be locked into its current course.
Even then, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has said that Trump's decision to pull out of Obama's nuclear deal means Washington can never be trusted in a dialogue again.
Trump could 'bumble into war'

Iran shoots down US drone aircraft, raising tensions further in Strait of Hormuz

Washington buzzed with speculation on Thursday about Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump's national security adviser John Bolton who are seen as drivers of the tough US Iran policy.
Critics charge the pair, who replaced officials who opposed Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, with creating the crisis through their advice to Trump.
But Brian Hook, the US special envoy for Iran, this week insisted that despite Iranian provocations, the administration's policy was working and had weakened Iran.
He fueled an impression that parts of the administration welcome the showdown, after disputing the notion that the Iran deal had at least frozen the question of an Iranian bomb for a decade.
"Rather than wait for all of these things to come to pass in 10 years when Iran is stronger, we have pulled that forward," Hook told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Wednesday.
"I truly believe that everything we are seeing today is inevitable," he said.
This is one problem that will not be solved with a tweet and is asking questions of the President that he has never faced before.
This story has been updated.


democracy my butt



06/20/2019 11:38 pm ET Updated 48 minutes ago

Trump Orders Military To Attack Iran Before Strikes Suddenly Called Off
The president issued a warning earlier this week that Tehran had made a "very big mistake" when it shot down a U.S. spy drone.

By Nick Visser

President Donald Trump authorized U.S. military strikes against Iran on Thursday, but officials abruptly pulled back from carrying them out just hours later, The New York Times reported.
U.S. military assets, including planes and ships, were in position during the early stages of the strike, ready to target several Iranian assets, the Times, citing senior administration officials, said. But those plans were called off before any missiles were fired.
The newspaper noted that it’s unclear if the scaling back of the plans reflected a change in opinion by the president or if there was a shift in strategy that necessitated they be delayed. It’s also unclear if they will go forward in the future.
In a series of tweets on Friday, Trump confirmed that the military had been “cocked & loaded” for an attack on Iran, but claimed that he was concerned about potential civilian casualties.
....On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2019
HuffPost has reached out to the White House for comment.
Any initial approval of military action by Trump would reflect a significant uptick in tensions between Washington and Tehran. U.S. intelligence officials had reportedly been engaged in a heated debate over how to respond to a series of aggressive measures that have led to sky-high tensions between the two countries.
On Thursday, Iran shot down an unmanned American spy drone that was flying over the Strait of Hormuz. The Iranian government said the aircraft had flown into the country’s airspace, although President Donald Trump said the drone was “clearly” in international waters.
“We have it all documented,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “It’s documented scientifically, not just words.”
The president later said Iran had made “a very big mistake” in shooting down the drone.
Iran made a very big mistake!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 20, 2019
Any direct military action would dramatically heighten the conflict with Iran and its president, Hassan Rouhani. Last week, U.S. officials linked attacks on two oil tankers to Iran, saying the country was moving to consolidate control over a strategic shipping lane in the Persian Gulf (other nations have demanded more concrete evidence to support those claims). And earlier this week, Iran said it would soon have more stockpiles of low-enriched uranium than are allowed in a 2015 deal meant to curb the country’s nuclear program.
The pressure centers on Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal, a hard-fought pact celebrated by many world leaders, including American allies, last year. The president had long derided the deal, declaring it “defective at its core” and “insane.”
The U.S. has since imposed many crippling sanctions against Iran.
The Times report is sure to increase political tensions in Congress, where a bipartisan coalition is building to demand that the White House seek congressional approval before taking military action.
“This is a dangerous situation,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday, according to The New York Times. “We are dealing with a country that is a bad actor in the region. We have no illusions about Iran in terms of their ballistic missile transfers, about who they support in the region and the rest.”
This story has been updated with Trump’s tweets Friday morning.

democracy my butt


新浪军事 > 国际军情>正文

美媒称特朗普下令打击伊朗 战机已升空随后却撤回

2019年06月21日 11:31 环球网





美军一架无人机被伊朗击落 每日军情TOP5

Sina Military > International Military Affairs > Text
The US media said that Trump ordered the attack on Iran. The fighter plane was launched and then withdrawn.
June 21, 2019 11:31 Global Network

Just now, in the mainstream media in the United States, Trump said that "it is hard to believe that Iran was deliberately (down to the US military drone)". When the incident was cooled, the New York Times issued a violent news - Trump has ordered the military Combat Iran, but then withdrew the order.

The New York Times said that the reversal occurred on the evening of the 20th. As of 19:00 that night, US military and diplomatic officials were waiting for Trump to order a military strike. According to many sources familiar with the situation, Trump’s security advisers and congressional leaders around the day debated whether the military was fighting Iran in the White House. According to sources, Trump has agreed to strike on a number of Iranian targets, including radar stations and missile positions.

The New York Times said that the action immediately began and entered the operational phase, but was stopped at the initial stage. A US official who was a source said that the fighter plane had been launched and that the warship was in place, and the missile had not been launched yet.

The New York Times said that it is still unclear what makes Trump change his mind and whether this means a change in the White House policy. It is also unclear whether there will be a military strike in the future.

Earlier reports said that Trump met with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau on the 20th and responded to reporters about the US military drone being shot down by Iran. In an exchange with CNN reporters, Trump said: "Iran may have made a mistake. I can imagine that a general or someone made a mistake when shooting down (US) drones." He said: " I have a feeling... This is a mistake made by someone who should not do these things."

Also on the 20th, Trump issued a message on Twitter: "Iran made a big mistake!"
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A U.S. drone was shot down by Iran. Daily Military TOP5